here's another one for you, coach... all you dog lovers out there, too.
Give it up for our very own Jackie Beat.
Ok so was I dead when this circulated? I mean...I just can''s too good...just put your coffee down first. Oh and if you get bored hang on, at 3:38 into it is the piece de resistance.
had me gasping for breath with this one.
it's just too much of a good thing!!
all day long i was getting text messages
like "4:18!!!!" "5:23!!!!"
times in this retarded video that she particularly appreciated.
i love her.
It's so tragic when you look at Marilyn now and you see what a mess she is...
Like she wasn't a complete car crash then!
I'm just happy that she got fat.
I know I'm petty but my ankles are STILL thin and gorgeous!
Fashion victim on Intervention.....
Jeez I so hate Johnny Depps choice in women. It's so dissapointin... if any yall have met him, he's bright, funny, charismatic really curious and open. Yet he choosed these awful women time an time again... i guess its the waif drug connection. Here's his missus on French TV recently.... her performance makes Brittany on VMA look like Busby Berkley. And those tombstone teeth! Lawrd. She always shagged her way to jobs that one too... she used to shag Lenny Kravitz before Johnny and before that some dude at Chanel... this clip is a hoot though...
Did u watch the gene simmons sex tape urg! LOL thank god he kept his shirt on...she was all dressed but had these clunky house slippers on and refused to kiss him. Classic shaggin.
Sorry to do this to y'all but it's almost as fascinating at this
Um, not sure what to make of this. I think it's great she's reaching out to the latino community but it kinda seems just a wee bit sorta...minstrel-y? Thoughts?
It's exactly like the political ads that you see in Mexico.
I guess at this point Latino means Mexican.
But forget about all that!
Anna Nicole (who supposedly has a job where supposedly she "works") sent me this...
Prepare to pee your pants
French and Saunders do Britney and Amy (couldnt embed above)
Dinka Cow Stimulation
iii La Pequeña Hillary Clinton !!! iii Ay Chihuahua !!!
In her toilet!quote:Originally posted by bobby:
Where does she find these things?
Toilet Love!!!
Chi Chi and I as teens......
The new Dolly video. See anyone you know?
you're such a starfucker!!
Basil Twist in a Dolly video. I am so jealous.
It's not my favorite song but still, it's Dolly.
Why are Christian Rock songs usually so bad?
They are so heartfelt and strong but the melody, lyrics etc. just goes right out the window.
White Christian Rock is the lamest music ever written.
But hey, Dolly can do no wrong.
Oh and I love Dolly and Basil too.
I'm shocked I tells ya!
Just in time for Gay Pride, the Duelling Bankheads gave us this video for the Jackie Factory YouTube channel "Why Am I Gay? filmed at Cabaret Magique @ Chez Es Saada.
Cazwell's new one "I Seen Beyonce at Burger King" has me peeing my panties.
My favorite part is the crunching at the end.
Thanks for that Nance.