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i just lost my mother 6/6/05,joy ann adaski,arguellas...she would work 80 hours a week to keep us feed and in drag,GOD bless her where ever she is.she always said about me, is " he's a good kid,just dresses funny!" i've never done a funeral,then i found out,i could not afford one,so the state paid for my mother to be cremated,and you may think ,i'm gross,but one of my friends is a jewler, and he is takeing a part of her skull that was left and is making my brothers and i white buffalos,that we will wear, to remember her.we are lakota souix indians, and i think my mother would like bother jay-jay wants to turn the rest of her ashes into a diamond.i asked him if their was enogh of her to make a tiera...much love everyone


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i am working on making my mother and grandmother sitting on clouds having coffee and looking down at me.i think it will be cute when its done.i have been thinking alot on death as of late,greer, my mother,me...i have been thinking about making a will,because i see what has gone on since greer died,i have talked to zazzoo and satori about this,i would also love to keep all my artwork together.the only person i worry about in my family is jay-jay, but we have differant tastes, he would never go camping because there is dirt there.i dont mind.i dont think jay-jay would even want any of my artwork,i would love my more erotic art to go to the sex meusem in new york,and if the fashion instatute wanted any of my costumes?i also having clothing of greers that was trown away that is alot of fun, i have a dress that she would go out in , that is see-threw that is made of curtins,its hot!i loved when she would do cartwheels in it....we will talk more will later

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