Our First Major Upgrade since 2011 - Please Pardon Any Interruptions..
As an active alternative community since 2001, The Motherboards have been through countless changes to the online landscape and the software that help keep us afloat. Like many of you, we've made good use of many of the recent tweaks, but the lack of a mobile interface has stopped us from utilizing the boards from ALL our devices.
So we announce with delight a complete overhaul to the latest version of our Hoop.la software from the great folks at Social Strata. This will make the Motherboards easy to use from any device, along with some other great new features. (A little preview from our beta site attached)
We'll be changing over the week of Monday November 30. In order to make any necessary adjustments to this new and improved Mboards experience, we'll be taking the site offline briefly. We will also be leaving it closed for posting for a bit longer (a day or two?) till the kinks are out.
If you are a regular poster of events or a longtime member active within the past year, we will be emailing you more of a timetable as it unfolds. As always, we thank you for your unprecedented 14+ year support of these boards, and look forward to this latest chapter with glee..
Chi Chi Valenti
and the Motherboards Moderators