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sons and daughters of Bacchus, New orleans is still very much in need, especially the animals. they are every where in that filth, sewers, ledges, toxic houses. Eating and drinking what they can find. three months after the disaster the pet rescue angels saw the volunteers go from 50 to 5 and there are many more that MUST be rescued!!!!!!!! please take a moment with your pets, look into their eyes and imagine.....those going to mardi-gras i implore you take 20 lb. bag of food, as carry-on you have quite the unique clutch and it matches your heart!Smile Who will put together the fund raiser ?? craig's list has a comprehensive volunteer list , and wishlist for supplies. What you are doing w/ mardi gras is of huge significance to the people, how 'bout a day for the pets......goddess bless us all! luvluvluvluvluvluvluvluv
"spirit is the life, mind is the builder,and the physical is the result."
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Welcome to the Motherboards - I feel that we have met before during some happier time in NO. Especially if you were friends with Varla Jean.

Thank you for posting about the plight of animals there - we were there in December and you do still see alot of strays. But more than anything you see that EVERY person who is back has one or more animals, and this was so encouraging.

As we will be carrying at least fifty pounds of costumes, throws and other Krewe York accoutrements with us, not sure the 20 lb. bag of food is an option for us. But you are right, the need is still great.

I DO urge everyone to continue supporting all of the agencies and people who are currently there doing feeding/watering/rescue - nothing like a small paypal donation to LASPCA, Pasados, or any of the other wonderful groups still there to make one feel wonderful.
i didn't even think about the weight of all that fierce drag, perhaps a can of kibble.....i'm so glad you've been back. it seems disaster is the siren song for many expatriates, i feel the lure my self......i am considering buying a place,and going into business. "mama's boys housekeeping, clean like your mama wants!" but i've never lived in sf or nyc....i'm waiting for a cosmic green light at a three way turn. thankfully action comes natural with the spring. I met miss varla only briefly during mardi gras no less, I did pull her a side for a little girl talk, in the powder room... but she was wearing her high beams before i got a hold of her! She might remember my fingernails....I held court mostly at oz, until 99, and prided myself on meeting every one who came through those doors! I also worked papa joes from 93 to 95. It is very likely we Bumped into one another. I've never been more alive then in that city, so organic, the ferns from the walls, and the gulf air like mothers milk you have property there, how much time do you spend between the 2 cities? i've strayed far off topic, do we continue to converse here or is another forum more appropriate?

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