Huh??? WTF!!!! I hope I can say that here, but eeekkk...Geez my poor head..Thanks Pretty, you nailed it in your reply here....I can only say a few things on this...& probably shouldn't touch it, as I could go on and on but let me say this....
I know for a fact that feedback of all types is something all of us as performers enjoy as it allows us to fine tune our acts, and to try and bring you the audience some of the best stuff we can...We all work really hard for months leading up to each and every show to make it a Wild Hearted experince for all...
What I don't understand, knowing that the producers take all forms of feedback seriously, and try very hard to accommodate, and make adjustments when and where it is feasible, is that I am bewildered as to why it took a year to post this, and on the day of NOTS 18 no less...Im sure this may have been valuable had it been posted, Oh a year ago....
& I have to add NOTS17 THEME was Edge of Seventeen & it is Always the song played last at the end of the Night for the Battle, so I would have excepted to hear it several times and would hope it would not be churned out the same old way over and over...
As a performer I gotta tell ya as much as I Love those older Fleetwood tunes, I often wonder as I sing Dreams for the 500th time, what goes through Stevies head, as can you imagine how many times she has performed that song among othersI know they are her babies blah blah I get that but still...
It kinda goes like this for me...
Thunder only helps us when its raining (Damn did I remember to lock the front door) Players only love you when there playing....(hmmm gotta vacuum when I get home) Say woman they will come and they will go (& crap gotta remember to pick up the dry cleaning) When the rain washes you clean (you wont be asked to churn this damn song out another 100 times a year)...
Point being, it gets dull and repetitive...Not that I don't love that song, cuz I sure do, but Geeezzzz...Maybe the Tribute band shows are more up your alley and the rest of yall there in Williamsburg...Been there done that and and as such know in that setting you will get very hard worked on serious impersonations that you may very well enjoy...
Personally, I Love the remixes and am damn thankful for them..I do hope if you made it to NOTS18 Nightbirds that you had a Fantastic time, as that my dear is what it Is all about*~...
and yet still I say WTF

Brightest Blessings*~...
Enchanted Gypsy*~

Originally posted by Young Guns:
I love this event and of course love stevie. But I'm a little worried about the music: last year it was not good.
I'm young, hip, live in williasmburg and my friends are all huge fleetwood stevie fans. But you know what? A lot of them aren't coming this year because of last year's music.
Terrible stevie remixes ad nauseum. Though it has its place there NEEDS to be more variety of jams, and definitely some more of fleetwood. And not all remixes. I'm not there to listen to everyone's bad remix of one stevie song. It kinda killed the dance floor at many times last year. Last was just...tooooo many versions/repeats of edge of seventeen. We want to hear more of the classic, straight-up stevie fleetwood jams. They stand on their own! And altho I'm sure everyone will disagree with me on this one TOO MANY performances. There was a better balance at knitting factory.
Like i said i love this event, and I just want it to be as good as it can be. Thanks for listening