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As you know in every underground there are always nicknames... I was Stanley for so long, based on my infamous habitation at St. Anne's church in Madrid, NM [St. Ann - Stan - Satan]

"How Shecky got her name" ... one day at the Shack after hooting it up, Marti, Jackie and I started making up old Jewish-guy names for ourselves, to go with the revered Head-of-Shack STANLEY... Marti became Mordecai (which never stuck - she will always be The Horse) and Jackie became SHECKY which stuck so well some of the girls never even knew her name was Jackie!

Eva was briefly 'Hymie' which later resolved itself into "The Big Easy." You might see that gigantic gem of the feminine this Saturday. She resurfaced lately and has a beautiful 5-year-old.

Madame Stan
Thank you for that Whip Shack memory S'tan.
I should have known.
Your cozy little torture chamber has been at the center of so much greatness.
People have no idea.

NOTE: The name "JACKIE 60" indirectly came out of a retarded day of "Hooting it up" at the Whip Shack.

And Marti as "Mordecai"...
I love it!

I want an old Jewish lady name!
I know, I can be "Esther"!
No wait, that one's taken.
I guess I'll be "Yaakove" for Shecky's memorial.
Last edited by Chi Chi
Highlights of her Memorial? I'm sorry I could not be there.

I was trying to think of a name for you Daddy - I wanted to name you after
that infamous bagel place on Houston, over which Brigitte used to live... where the hookers used the flour sacks in the basement for tricks. Yonah Schimmel?
After B. told me about that I never ate there again.

Shecky was a lapsed Catholic from Queens, still she was such a hardcore New Yorker I somehow referenced her as Jewish more than once...

Did Diva go to the Memorial? She used to think Shecky looked like Shelly Duvall! But I was enjoying "Carmen Jones" the other night, and I have to say Dorothy Dandridge had a very fetching Jackie look about her, something in the slim quickness, the perky angles of the face and the big glowy eyes.

Well, we see our beloved lost ones everywhere, at times.

I didn't see Muffy but almost every Daughter of Domination was there.
It was the fiercest showing of the House Of Domination ever.
Mother Kitty boots and The Empress were ruling over the nest like hens. You were sadly missed.
There were really only a few of the girls who weren't there because they live far away.
It was stunning.
Last night I got the dish from the Shoe Dancer...
(she reminded me her Jew-man name was "Manny") She told me it was all beautiful, the video "Life of..." especially! And that one might be able to actually buy this video. Yes and I missed the 'class reunion' it seems...

Well it's very melancholy. I just want her back.
Last edited by S'tan

Pretty nice article... but somehow it gives me the willies.

"Gen's royal "we" has taken on an added resonance after Jaye's death, since in a way he's speaking for both of them: The pandrogeny project is still ongoing, but in a different form. Now Gen feels it's his duty to represent both himself and Jaye on this physical plane; as a result, he's planning additional surgeries to more closely resemble her. "I need to balance out my energy," he says. He's been wearing Jaye's clothes almost exclusively"”they were the same size, except around the shoulders"”and using her cell phone, keeping her outgoing greeting, despite the protests of some of their friends."
Last edited by S'tan

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