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Now you all know I've never been a Paris Hilton fan. In fact, I've always loathed everything about her.
To be fair, I've never REALLY talked to her.
(I don't count meeting someone in a club for 2 seconds talking)
Even after people I like and trust (Rob Roth) tell me that she's really OK I find it hard to stomach her...

Until now.

I saw on the news today that Paris has answered that stupid John McCain ad comparing Barack Obama to Paris and Britney.
She made her own campaign video and I have to say, I spit coffee.
It was really funny.
She's parodying herself and does this "Legally Blonde" type act talking about "the old pink wrinkled guy" and...
well, you just have to see it.
I think she has finally done something worth while.

I looked for it on Youtube but couldn't find it.
It's out there somewhere.
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Whoa Lex you just really freaked me out with that blast from the past. I lived for that movie. It always gave me the willies.

I think the video is hilarious but it is hard not to hate PH if you think of her as the newest starting point for making a real little go a long way, obviously she wasn't the first, hon . But her version (whatever point whatever) seemed to market being a dum dum as "cool". That's what bugs me.
There is definitely a lot to hate about her.
She pretty much sums up everything that is wrong with the world.

The girl in "Legally Blonde" was really a good person deep down. Even though she was all "Los Angeles" and stupid she was really all about helping other people and very likable. (I have to say I love that movie)

Paris is definitely trying to work that sympathetic character (because she is not those things and not really likable).
It's a smart move for her. She must have paid a lot of money to some celebrity image consultant to come up with it.

It worked on me!
As I said, I almost like her now.
Never underestimate a good celebrity image consultant

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