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And don't those right wing rantings sound so much like another loveable and (intentionally) hysterically funny housewife?

"What I'm trying to say here is that in spite of everything...
I am an AMERICAN. I am ME. I believe in ME. I believe in MY FUTURE and I believe in the United States of America.

If only the mail would come on time."

-Mary Hartman in the midst of her nervous breakdown, season 1 finale
Last edited by briandamage
It will in part be like what is now going on with the legislation to stop credit card companies from their usurious practices. Once they've been muzzled they vow to raise the interest rates and other costs on EVERYONE, since now they won't be able to prey on people they issue cards to who have no assets to cover purchases or pay off balances.

Way random but somehow rising in my mind is a line from a poem by Miguel Algarin I was just reading.... "there is something capitalistic about a mosquito."
Originally posted by seven:
It will in part be like what is now going on with the legislation to stop credit card companies from their usurious practices. Once they've been muzzled they vow to raise the interest rates and other costs on EVERYONE, since now they won't be able to prey on people they issue cards to who have no assets to cover purchases or pay off balances.

Way random but somehow rising in my mind is a line from a poem by Miguel Algarin I was just reading.... "there is something capitalistic about a mosquito."

Don't tell me you keep a balance on a credit card? Honey, you ASKED for it, silly goose. Cooked, btw.
"I would hope, that a wise Polish/Irish schlemiel with the richness of his/her experiences as a physically and mentally abused child, confused transgendered male lesbian big wave surfer commercial pilot hard core mean-ass hockey "D" playing hard drinking IT professional softball playing Yankees (New York and Staten Island) season ticket holder skateboard hating mountain bike riding small government low taxation libertarian glider flying pilot would more often than not reach a better conclusion than anyone of the rest of you over-protected infantile liberal schmucks. Get a job and pay some taxes. You think they're so great, why don't you pitch in? Geez.”
Last edited by Darla Diamond
OK. Look. I don't really want to seem like I'm too un-empathetic with the aims of the current spate of free market interventions by the U.S. Government. Here is a way that even under the current stifling gov regulation, a true free American Citizen can still build a Motor Vehicle!!!

Y'all need to bookmark IOWAHAWK just for your own sanity, n'est pas

Look Ma - No Bailout
Last edited by Darla Diamond
Vehicle specs:

* Recycled materials used: 100%
* Domestic manufacturing content: 100%
* Parts sourced from all of the US Big Four manufacturers (Ford, GM, Chrysler, and Studebaker)
* Solid lifter 327 hybrid drive - will burn gasoline and rubber!
* Meets all 1932 federal mileage, emissions and safety standards
That's what it's all about bitches, wake up and unlock your toolboxes!!!

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