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Hun, I'm really so glad that you are working on something!!! I will be the first one to buy it when you publish it!!! I hope you know by now that I am your #1 fan Smile
by the way: you should also consider modeling!
If you ever need an online portfolio, just let me know...I'm a digital photographer and I'd be MORe than happy to take pics of you!
U gave me the greatest idea for a new topic: "fetishes". I don't think there is one on the boards that concentrates just on that one issue. Though, the boards have quieted down a bit for the past few days...i have to go create a new topic!!!
I hope you have fun this weekend and meet a lot of "PRINCEs" Wink And i hope to see you in my new topic Smile
btw: my birthday is July 31st (bad LEO!!!)
I was reading my "homoscope" today and it said that I need to calm that means.
Well Bridgette what a gallant young whippersnapper you are! New York needs more hardcore chicks like you, hon. Rock on.

btw I checked out your website today .... gorge! The pictures walk that delicate line between pop star and porn star, between genetic bad girl and tranny hooker, between Tinker Bell and tawdry. Surely they found you somewhere in the Valley of the Dolls!
And thanks for your generous offer re: pictures.
When a website of my own comes to fruition, I'll keep you in the loop. By all means let me know about any parties you're involved in as well.

p.s. Leos are great, I've always bonded with them.
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Sexy Lexy! Stop being so charming and wonderful, or else I might fall in love with you!!!
Hope you're having your delicious "Harry" lunch!
about parties: hun, the only party that I am involved with for now is my web design school Frown I don't really go out much cause I have 3 more months of "horror" and then I'm graduating. After that I'm gonna get some side job, a descent place and then you'll see me at every party in NYC!!! I so want to get into club promotion, but it's impossible to do as long as I live under my parent's roof, u know...but someday I will!
btw: I might come to your "every last friday" of the month event. So i might see you there.
OMG, hun! Read what your horoscope says for Jan 19th!!!

daily extended horoscope for libra
January 19, 2003

Just when you were about to give up, you see a tiny ray of sunshine peeking through the clouds. Somebody makes your day by offering an unsolicited (and life-changing) opinion. You are suddenly curious about everything and everyone. Outsiders have authority in areas where established leaders dare not go. Consider taking up the profession of reporter or journalist. This could be the scoop of your life -- don't let a single thought escape your pen, tape recorder, or camera.

I strictly follow astrology!!!
I hope you feel inspired, sweety, in whatever it is you're doing at the moment!
<3 BB
Amusing ...


The Sun Newspaper Online - UK
Monday, February 17, 2003

The royal tearaway, 18 "” whose rowdy antics got him barred from his local "” has been given the apt role in Much Ado About Nothing.

Pals who have seen him during rehearsals at Eton College are already describing his performance as "awesome".

In one scene, which the Queen and dad Charles will see next month, former underage drinker Harry staggers around slurring his words as he plays posh drunken dope Conrade.

One fellow sixth-former at the £20,000-a-year Berkshire school grinned yesterday: "Harry is obviously drawing on past experience.

"He plays a drunk extremely well. It's what Hollywood would call method acting." The pupil added optimistically: "The Queen and Prince Charles will be in fits when they watch Harry perform."

The play "” a romantic romp "” is being staged by the school's Manor House, where Harry is a boarder.

A spokesman for the Royal Shakespeare Company said of Harry being given the role: "It does seem rather ironic."

At last my princes have heard my mating calls from across the Atlantic! Or maybe Wills just wants to get away from Madonna. Anyway, he wants to move to NYC. Of course I'd rather it was his younger brother Harry that heard my ardent pleas of love first but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before my Royal Redhead wants some Luxury in his life. In the meantime perhaps I can interest William in subletting my uptown bachelor pad .... for a reasonable price, natch Smile


May 4 2003
By Colin Wills And Susie Boniface

PRINCE William has told courtiers planning for his future that he would prefer to spend a few years living in the States after he finishes his degree.

He says he would enjoy a "free and easier" lifestyle there away from the Royal spotlight in Britain.

Such a move was described as unprecedented by constitutional experts last night.

A courtier said: "William is determined to maintain a degree of anonymity and feels America offers him the best chance of that. At the moment it is under discussion, with New York as the option he prefers. It would be to work in a gallery, auction house or even to take a post-graduate degree. Various options are being discussed. It would be for a year or perhaps two.
Despite some security concerns, it is likely the move really will happen because William usually gets what he wants.

"He has loved the peace and freedom that St Andrews University has brought him away from the London spotlight. Like his mother, he wants his independence - and is convinced the States will offer that to him."

Traditionally, the royal princes join the armed forces immediately after leaving school or university. Prince Harry has already said he wants to join the Army.

But William is determined to put the knowledge he has picked studying History of Art and Geography at St Andrews to use in the civilian world for a couple of years before considering that option.

During discussions with Prince Charles and aides at St James's Palace, William is said to have been "forthright" in his determination to go to America. He is likely to either take a post-graduate degree at an American college or a job with an auction house.

Princess Diana loved the States so much at one time she even talked of moving there - and her constant praise of the country while William was growing up had a profound influence.

William, who is 21 next month and will finish his St Andrews course in the summer of 2005, is also said to have been influenced by chats with one of his cousins, Lady Gabriella Windsor. Gabriella, daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, is already studying in America, at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island - and is said to love the lifestyle there.

But William's main reason for wanting to go to America is that he feels he stands more of a chance of preserving his anonymity there.

Only yesterday he faced fresh intrusion when one of his flatmates, fellow St Andrews student Kate Middleton, 20, was reported to be his current girlfriend. The claim was quickly denied by her parents. "I spoke to Kate just a few days ago and can categorically confirm they are no more than just good friends," said her father, company director Michael Middleton, at the family's £500,000 mansion near Newbury, Berks.

"People do not seem to realise that there are two girls and two boys sharing the flat at the university. They are together all the time because they're the best of pals - and yes, cameramen are going to get photos of them together. But there is nothing more to it than that. We are very amused at the thought of being in-laws to Prince William, but I don't think it is going to happen."

Like Wills, Kate is in her second year at St Andrews, and can often be found drinking with him at the Ma Bells pub in the town. They enjoy plenty of time together sharing a £400-a-week Georgian flat with two fellow students - a girl and boy.

The most recent rumour of a relationship between Kate and William was fuelled by friends after they were seen "looking cosy" together at a rugby tournament at St Andrews. Mr Middleton, 54, who runs a mail order business selling children's party toys, said: "They are just good friends who enjoy each other's company. People are always going to try to make more of an issue out of it. We are very amused by it all. I spoke with Kate just a few days ago and if there was anything going on, she would have told us."

According to royal biographer Ingrid Seward in her new book William And Harry, William is self-mocking about the power his position supposedly gives him over women.

His favourite chat-up line is "Hi, I'm the future king, wanna pull?". This is often said in a flat tone, loaded with irony.

He has had several casual girlfriends, some of whom have been invited to spend weekends at the Balmoral royal estate in Scotland.

He is also getting on better with his younger brother, especially after Harry gained a reputation as a bit of a drinker and party-goer. William was secretly delighted at this streak of rebellion.

He does like possessions, the favourite of which is a handmade shotgun given to him by Charles and costing £20,000. Other presents given to him by his father include a VW Golf car and a black silk top hat costing £1,200. Temperamentally he is a cross between his laid-back dad and his fiery grandfather, Prince Philip. He is generally courteous to servants - a trait drummed into him by Diana - but can easily fly off the handle and has a fluent command of four-letter words. Anyone who crosses him needs a good set of earplugs.

His obsession with privacy has now grown to the extent that it dominates every aspect of his life. At St Andrews, where he begins each day with 11 minutes of vigorous physical exercise in his room, he leads a Spartan existence, keeping himself very much to himself.

And, according to Ms Seward, he shows all the signs of being tired with his royal role already. She says one of his most vivid childhood memories is of Diana voting 250 times in a TV phone-in poll for the abolition of the monarchy. And when the show asked whether William should take the throne instead of Charles, it was William's turn to pick up the phone - he dialled the "No" number again and again.

When he reaches 21 in six weeks time, he will be able to draw on a £2million trust fund set up for him by the Queen Mother. Through astute investment, this has now turned into £3million. Then at 25 William will get another £22 million trust.

He has been dreading the explosion of publicity and celebration that is bound to happen on June 21, the date of his coming-of-age.

Originally there were plans for a huge open-air rock concert at Windsor Castle, mirroring the Queen's Jubilee Concert last year which starred Atomic Kitten and Ozzy Osbourne.

Instead, the big day will be marked with the very minimum of fuss. There will be a formal celebration at Windsor Castle - a stuffy affair with the great and good and foreign royalty. The only time William is likely to let his hair down is at a private bash for his mates at Highgrove, where he hopes to get one of his favourite bands along. He has reluctantly agreed to do a few interviews on his life at St Andrews because he feels it is expected of him. He will also carry out a few public engagements around the time of his birthday. Last night constitutional experts said the idea of a future king moving to live or study abroad was startling.

Royal biographer Professor Ben Pimlott said: "It is usually the traditional fate of all male heirs to go straight into the armed forces and spend some time there.

"All the Queen's sons did that, not very successfully in Prince Edward's case. Until recently royals didn't even go to university and William would certainly be the first to study as a post-graduate. To go abroad in his position would be unprecedented."

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1. "free and easier" lifestyle... (mmm hmmm)
2. It would be to work in a gallery, auction house (mmm hmm)
3. the knowledge he has picked studying History of Art and Geography (more mmm hmm)
4. Kate Middleton, 20, was reported to be his current girlfriend. The claim was quickly denied by her parents. "I spoke to Kate just a few days ago and can categorically confirm they are no more than just good friends," (If he's not doing one of the girls...)
5. Ma Bells pub in the town (if this isn't a queer bar...)
6. "Hi, I'm the future king, wanna pull?" (I suggest you respond... "I'm a current Queen. Sure!")
7. he begins each day with 11 minutes of vigorous physical exercise in his room (when to show up to give a helping hand)


LONDON, May 12 "” Prince William, second in line to the British throne, is to appear on a special set of stamps to mark his 21st birthday, the Royal Mail said on Sunday. Four portraits of William, eldest son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, will be released four days before his birthday on June 21.

THE ROYAL MAIL has printed 20 million of the stamps and expects to attract interest from around the world. "All the royal stamps sell very well," a Royal Mail spokesman said. "There is quite a big market for them."

Three of the photographs used for the stamps were taken in September 2001 on the day William began a course in art history at St Andrews University in Scotland. The fourth was taken at Highgrove, Prince Charles' country home in western England, when William was 18. Queen Elizabeth approved the stamps, which have face values of between 28 pence and 68 pence.

William first appeared on a British stamp in 2000 to mark the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother. That year, the Crown Agents Stamp Bureau in Sutton, Surrey, co-ordinated the concept and production of special "Happy Birthday Prince William" omnibus issues for seven countries to mark William's 18th birthday.

This year the Royal Mint is issuing a five-pound coin to mark William's birthday.
© 2003 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.


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My royal redhead is growing up so fast. Now he's headed off to a military academy ... hot!
In the meantime, perhaps I should contact him with summer vacation suggestions.


By Emma Owen, This is London/Evening Standard
12 June 2003

Prince Harry punched the air with delight as he left Eton for the last time today. He smiled and waved for photographers before being driven away in a Land Rover packed full with his luggage.

Harry, who has just turned 18, will apply for a place at Sandhurst military academy. He will be assessed by the Army before going before the Regular Commissions Board.

The Pre-RCB assessment will take place during his gap year and, if successful, Harry is expected to join the Army late next year. His gap year will begin this autumn and is likely to involve travel abroad. Details of his plans will be announced in September.

Harry is likely to be a strong candidate to enrol at Sandhurst after distinguishing himself at Eton in the school's Combined Cadet Corps.

Third in line to the throne, he has not chosen a regiment yet but speculation has centred on the Welsh Guards.

As Parade Commander, with the highest rank of Officer Cadet, he led a detachment of 48 cadets in last month's Eton tattoo. His proud father watched as Harry confidently barked orders for the guard of honour, which was reviewed by an Army chief.

In an exceptional year for the Eton Cadet Corps, he was runner-up for the top accolade of Sword of Honour. St James's Palace also disclosed that Harry took two A-levels during his final year at school - art and geography, having dropped history of art.


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It was only a matter of time I suppose before some Cinderella snagged William. Also intriguing is William's love of Africa .... perhaps he has a taste for dark meat. Alas, I'm not too bummed. Harry is still my favorite anyway.


The Associated Press

LONDON (June 14) - Three British newspapers reported Sunday that Prince William has maintained a long-distance romance with a young woman in Kenya for two years.

The Mail on Sunday, News of The World and the Sunday Express all reported that 21-year-old Jessica Craig was to be a guest at the prince's 21st birthday party - with its ``Out of Africa'' theme - next week.

The Mail on Sunday said William was smitten with Craig after he met her in May 2001 when he visited Kenya during his one-year break between school and college. He reportedly stayed with the Craig family at their ranch.

The News of The World said the prince spent most of his four months in Africa with the Craigs.

The Mail on Sunday said the prince had returned three times and Craig had been to Britain several times.

It reported she is staying at Highgrove - country home of his father, Prince Charles - before the birthday party at Windsor Castle, where she is to meet William's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince William is halfway through his studies at St. Andrews University in Scotland. During an interview published last month, he said he was trying to teach himself Swahili because he loves Africa.

06/14/03 19:43 EDT

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press.
Royal icebox Queen Elizabeth is furious over security breaches at William's birthday party that allowed some crackpot comedian dressed as Osama bin Laden to enter. If only she knew of my unsavory ambitions .....


Royal Correspondent
Monday, June 23, 2003

THE intruder at Prince William's 21st party could have wiped out the Monarchy, Palace aides admitted last night.

Senior officials were horrified that crackpot comedian Aaron Barschak might have been a mad suicide bomber hellbent on carnage.

Virtually the entire Royal Family were put at risk by the breach of security at Windsor Castle.

Yesterday the Queen was said to be absolutely "livid" with police for allowing Barschak, who was dressed as terror chief Osama Bin Laden, to sneak into the party.

And Prince William told pals he was "furious" the gatecrashing incident had spoiled his big bash.

Barschak, a nutty stand-up comic desperate for publicity, conned his way into Windsor Castle at the height of the Saturday night party.

Security around the Royal Family is meant to be at its tightest as they are considered a prime terror target for al-Qa'ida fanatics.

Yet they woke up yesterday morning to the realisation they all could have been killed had the intruder been carrying a bomb.

A Royal source said: "This is being taken very, very seriously. If it had been a suicide bomber who got on stage he could have wiped out the Royals.

"It would have been the end of the Monarchy and we would have been picking up the pieces today.

"It is disgraceful that this man was able even to so much as get into the grounds of Windsor Castle.

"If he'd had a bomb, a gun or even a couple of knives he could have killed the Queen and the heirs to the throne."

Yesterday tourists in Windsor, where the Queen lives at weekends, said she had a "face like thunder" as she was driven to church.

A Palace insider said: "The Queen is furious, as you would expect.
"What makes it worse is that this was William's big night and it took the gloss off the occasion. Heads will roll for this."


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