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Dear Motherboard Readers,
Here is my most recent report from PPtown. The tourists have all gone home and it is cool, breezy and sunny. The streets are inhabited mostly by locals and townies and a small smattering of day trippers.
this is the time of year to be here. No crowds, no screaming babies and families with strollers in your way at every turn. No circute party fags filling your ear with their constant drivel.Even the divine drag queens have pulled up their wig stands and headed home.

Just the sweet scent of the sea breezes and the howl of the coyotes at night. I could live here forever, except I'll be needing my NYC fix pretty soon. I'll just get in the car and drive for seven hours and be there in no time at all.

Spiritus Pizza is still open until 2am and I can go and visit at night and watch the dwindleling dance or just stay in where it's cozy and warm and watch the whole scene from the spiritus cam.

Finally saw the elusive Kippy Love after waiting all summer for her to emerge from her little house on Commercial Street. She has to be an interesting chapter or two.

Well, I am off to dinner at Front Street with our staff party tonight. I look everywhere for Jizzbucket but I hear tell he's off in New York with that crazy drunk woman Messy Bonnie Raitt.
The post office still has a photo of her up. I guess she's wanted in more than one state.

Until next time.

Problemstown love to you all. razz
For any Provincetown or Boston-based Motherlovers, or any fellow vacationers don't miss this rare bit of New York..

Sunday, June 8 at 11 PM
Commercial Street, Ptown.

Readings and performances by John Kelly, Bobby Miller, Chi Chi Valenti, Andy Horowitz, Matthew Benedict and Kim Rogers.

Suggested donation $5.

And Jackie Legend Billy Rene is bartending. Whoo-whoo!

Should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there..
We haven't tried this yet (we are sending Matt Benedict first) but...
there is a $10.00 (YES $10.00!!!) bus that goes from NY Chinatown to Boston Chinatown. $10.00! It's a real bus, in fact there are lots of them. Then from Boston you can take the Ferry which is a hoot. We'll let you know if Matthew makes it.
Those Chinatown busses are great. I did the Philadelphia one which is $10 rount trip. I think they save because they don't do major advertising. It's pretty much like any other bus.

How long is the ferry ride? Is it far from Chinatown?

It's a long bus ride to Boston. If there was a direct P-Town bus, even if it cost more, I might prefer for the convenience. Do you know of one?
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It leaves from Maria's Bakery on Lafayette! I love that place. It's one of those Chinese bakeries with those insanely cheap pastries. I like the lunchy ones that come with tuna inside or a hot dog baked into it. My very favorite are the coconut cream buns that look like a big pussy. Maria's is really big and it looks like the sort of old fashioned place you'd expect to see in Brooklyn or Queens. I wonder if it used to be Italian and they just kept the name. Everything in there is between 50¢ and a dollar.
1) Matt B. took the Chinatown bus and yes, it's a real bus. And yes, it's really $10.00 to Boston. And yes, it lets you out really close to the Ferry.
He missed the ferry and took another "real" bus to Hyannis where he missed his connection to P-Town and had to take a cab. Not a real money saver after all. He said the bus was great except they are in no hurry what so ever. He would take it again but leave LOTS of time.

2) P-Town is very dog friendly. We took Whitney Houston. (No... our border collie Whitney Houston not the other one) Lots of places take dogs. Just ask or go to their website.

3) I know Varla is doing shows this summer. She's great. Also check out this bitter fat queen named Chris Francis. He is hysterical! Just don't sit too close to him because the acid from his tounge will kill. We went one night (David Ilku & boyfriend Andy, David LaChappel, the Empress and I) WE WERE PEEING HE IS SO FUNNY. Really nasty, bitter, hideous. (I wish he was on the Motherboards) Don't miss him.
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Helen and I finally made it to Ptown (for Fantasia Fair - which was a trip). What a kick-ass town! We stayed at Fairbanks, had a gorgeous room and a blast.

I really do wish more Motherboarders could have seen the Fair Follies (talent contest) - straight people are too funny. Wink

'in matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity is the vital thing.'
-oscar wilde
Just so you know, it's warmer here than in NYC, but it's magical here like that.

Saw the eccentric and talented Sharon Neisp at the A&P yesterday. She's living here year round too. In a barn in Wellfleet and writing and working on Gospel Spirituals.

And life goes on and I am writing and cooking in my big kitchen and missing all of you in Manhattan. Will be in town Jan 26-30 and hope to see many of you during my visit. Sending lot's of love and warm wishes to everyone.
Well it's been awhile but this is as good a time as any to give you the latest from PPtown. Well the place was packed with gay brides and grooms and more press people than you'd find at a Michael Jackson court date.
There are living for it here. 124 couples filed for marriage licenses here on Monday followed by 124 weddings throughout the week. All kinds of queers are here to participate and celebrate this piece of history. It really has a true feeling of solidarity and community more than I have ever seen before. Everybody seems to be jumping on the gay wagon Mary...They all want to take your wedding photos or do your hair or arrange the flowers or video your ceremony or cater the wedding feast...Like busy gay bees working for the Queen to make it all go just perfectly. And it appears to be just that. Perfect!

And the locals are gagging and the tourists are dropping their jaws at all the action going on right now. Exciting, very exciting.

If only I were a justice of the
Report from P,town:

It is sunny and warm and very clear and beautiful here. The shy is blue and at night there are a million stars shining brightly. The regulars have returned for the season and the day trippers remain the same.

Today I met the grand daughter of Cookie Mueller. A beautiful 3 yr old with a clever
manner and an inticing smile. She looks exactly what you would think Cookie must have looked like at that age.

I said hello and she closed her eyes tight as if doing so would make me dissapear. The she opened just her left eye to see if I was still there and quickly closed them again. As she was being wheeled away by her mother and god mother, Sharon Neisp, I could have sworn she looked back at me and winked. Cookie in a nut shell.

Visitors this week: Merlinater and bf, and Miss Lisa Jackson in a return engagement at The Vixen.

We all send our best Mother Love to you all.
Full tilt summer here right now. Carnival begins next week and the drag will be flying. Bea Arthor in town to perform as well as Ellen Green from Little Shop Of Horrors. Also Margeret Cho at The Vixen. So many tourists the town could flip over at any moment. Missing all of you in Manhattan and hoping to come visit after Labor Day. I hear Bonnie is on her way up the coast, I hope she leaves her nasty attitude at home. This town has posted her picture in the Post Office and asked that the locals keep their eyes peeled for trouble.

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