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Bobby, I think if you just do one of those old fashioned bent-tree-with-a-noose snare traps and place a snifter with one phlegm-diluted gulp of Jack Daniels left in it as bait, you will have a dangling Bonnie out of the way of everybody in an instant, as well as some enjoyable entertainment. 'Pin the Tail on the Messy One' anyone?
Just a sad note on the passing of my good friend and former boyfriend, Indian larry. He was killed doing his famous motorcycle stunt at a bike show in the south on Monday. Great obits in both the New York Times and the Daily News. Larry was a rebel and a one of a kind man. He left many friends and fans around the world and will be missed by everyone who ever knew him. I send my love and prayers to his wife Bambi.
Long live Indian Larry.
Bobby, something made me think fondly of P'Town last night. Perhaps it was the sudden cold snap and the snow we got here. There is an incredible raw beauty about December on the Cape that I love-- snow blowing down the empty stretch of Commercial Street, the fireplace at the A House, the bulk of one's day spent indoors with only a brief and brave venture out to the post office to keep cabin fever at bay.
I am not a huge fan of winter, but I think if I were to spend it again anywhere in New England, it would be in Provincetown. Maybe the season is more dramatic there due to the proximity of the ocean, which becomes a very different thing entirely from the gentle and hypnotic summertime sea that gently rocks the rooms at Captain Jack's. There is also tragedy in the Cape winter-- boats down off Nauset, fishermen lost-at-sea, bodies found frozen out by duneshacks. (The shacks are probably not even there anymore. When I lived there, only one or two remained.) But the very changing sea makes it much more bearable and even romantic, unlike the endlessly heavy and crippling winters of other parts of New England. When I lived there, the Bay even froze totally across for a bit, and you could see men ice-fishing each day as the sun came up.
I also remember trying to boil water for coffee on a toaster, because someone in the night had stolen the propane tank right off the back of my house in the woods near Beach Point!
So, I am wishing you and the rest of your townsfolk, a very happy Yule season, Bobby. And many, many fond memories, as I watch the light dusting of snow we got in New York melting in the morning sun.
Hatches my Darling, You speak so beautifully of our beloved Provincetown...Yes it is winter here but strangely the weather is different almost every day. Yesterday 10 degrees, today 45 degrees and the weatherman says thursday will be in the upper 50's..Go figure. The shacks are still there and several have been rebuildt and people actually live there. I saw the bay freeze over last year and then when the tide came in the entire thing cracked and turned into icebergs about two feet apart. Amazing sight.. It looked so Artic. The only thing missing were the penguins. Thanks for the warm wishes..I hope to see you all during our Feb visit between Feb 19-25. I may be doing a special show at The Slipper Room with special guests like Lisa Jackson. I will post here when I know for sure. Love to all.Happy Holidaze.
Bobby! Crazy warming, you think?? Pretty soon Manhattan will be a tropical island! Can you imagine. But I'm writing to tell you that as I was weeding through stuff I found a postcard invite for a show you had many eons ago. It was the postcard invite for a show of photographs taken in Sudio 54. The invite photo had Olivia Newton John and Elton John. I then proceeded to tack it onto my fridge. Just wanted to let you know that. Missing you and Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas from lovely snow covered Provincetown. I took a walk in the cemetary today to say Merry Christmas to Gens, went shopping at Conwell lumber for tissue paper and saw Max Mueller ( Baby Noodles in Female Trouble), stopped at the A&P for cake icing, came home and made 100 mini angelfood cupcakes for friends and family and the local nursing home, opened a few presents with my adoring husband ( got a FABULOUS giant wall clock with see through inner gears that move while the clock is running) and burned some CD's for gifts to the neighbour boy. Who says life isn't full and rewarding outside of NYC. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Say hi to Gens and tell him we'll be up this summer with the new puppy. He's got alot of Gennaro in him. When Chi Chi put down his first puppy pee pad instead of peeing on it he picked it up and paraded it back and forth through the living room. (Did I mention that he sleeps under a picture of his Uncle Gennaro?)

Say Hi to Max.
How is "Baby Noodles'" baby?

And please give Big Daddy a big one for me too.
Hi Daddy, "Baby Noodles" is having wife trouble.
She likes to go out and party and now I believe she has taken the baby " Grand daughter of Cookie ", to her mothers house and I think it is going nowhere. Poor Max.

It is 14 " of snow here with 10 foot drifts and we have been without electricity since noon today. It has just come back on and we are warm and cozy here at 28 Tremont. Hope you are all well and happy. Love to Mommy and the new "baby".
Report from Ptown:
It's snowing like there's no tommorrow. we still have electricity and phone lines but it's only 11pm sat night so we'll see what happens tommorrow. It looks like a ghost town and anyone with any sense has left for higher ground. Hope everyone in NYC is fine and staying warm too. I send lots of love and kisses.
I just woke up and can't see out of the windows or doors. The drifts are about 6 to 8 feet and it looks like there's about 20 inchs so far and it's still snowing. The wind here is like a hurricaine and the high tide is arriving now. I am a big block from the ocean so I hope we don't float away. If so I'll be sure to post from "Elsewhere".

Joe/ Glad to hear that the project is still on. Good luck.
Oh, by the by...
Casanova Beausoleil def wants to have his coming out party at "Captain Jacks" this summer. I hope you can put a nice recption committee together Bobby.
Just off the top of my head I was thinking....

1) Bobby Weatherby
2) Jingles and Tee Tee
3) That big fat nasty queen that insults people at his show (I forget his name).
4) Billy Rene
5) John Waters
6) Lynn & Lacey
7) All the boys & girls at Spiritus
8) You & Big Daddy of course
9) John Dowd
10) Varla Jean Merman
11) Gus Gutterman... Oh hell, EVERY drunk at The Gov. Bradford
and last but certainly not least...
12) Sharon McKnight

Oh, and if you can swing it, that fat cop that dances in the intersection directing traffic.

Did I leave any VIPs out Hattie?

Casanova Beausoleil

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