214 Sullivan St
New York, NY
Xris SMack!, Vampire Freaks, Audiolust & Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] - Get your Monthly Fix! get your Advanced Reduced Admission Tickets here: http://STIMULATE-ME.com/ Saturday, May 14th 11pm-4am, 18+ The SINISTER WHISPERZ Tour rolls into NYC! Stimulate Your Senses: ==== SOUND ==== The Sinister Whisperz Tour MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT playing your favorite material from their WAX TRAX! years! http://MyLifeWithTheThrillKillKult.com/ http://VampireFreaks.com/TKK 16 VOLT Supporting their new "Beating Dead Horses" album on Metropolis Records http://www.metropolis-mailorder.com/product.php?prodnum=MET+706 listen to the new album here: http://16volt.com/news/16volt-beating-dead-horses-pre-sales-available/ http://facebook.com/16volt http://VampireFreaks.com/16volt Twitch The Ripper http://facebook.com/TwitchTheRipper http://VampireFreaks.com/TwitchTheRipper plus Music by DJs: * DJ Jet (Vampire Freaks, Cybertron) * DJ Xris SMack! (STIMULATE, SMack!) * DJ Audiophile (Audiolust, Cybertron) and Special Birthday DJ sets from * DJ Chris #2 (Wasted) * DJ Jeffo! (Zenwarp, Red Party) ==== SIGHT ==== Video STIMULATION by the SMack! Video Lab & Guest VJ's http://SMack-Fetish.com/ and our CYBERnetic Go-Go Action: Anastazia, Natalia Natasha, Trish Von Dish, Dori-Bot, Agent Orange + Alien Baby Sound & Lights by AUDIOLUST http://Audiolust.com/ http://facebook.com/group.php?gid=246147475356 (and Congratulations to both Slava & Herman on their recent weddings ![]() ==== TOUCH ==== Record Release Party for the new KMFDM album "WTF?!" http://KMFDM.net/ http://KMFDMstore.com/ http://VampireFreaks.com/KMFDM Giveaways to: 6/4: SMack! XV Anniversary http://SMack-Fetish.com/ "Feel The Whip": Dungeon Play Space w/resident host Mistress Jordan Jones plus guests Dominatrixes Dungeon play Equipment provided by * fIXE Fetish http://FixeMagazine.com/ ==== TASTE ==== Resident Chefs Chris #2 and guests give you Oral Stimulation Suggested DRESS CODE: Cyberpunk/CyberSlut, Steampunk, Electrohead/Rivithead/Industrial, Gothic, Fashionista, * FETISH: PVC/vinyl, Leather, Latex, corsetry, armor, etc... make an Effort! Obey our Doorgirl: Mandana LOCATION: Sullivan Rooom 214 Sullivan Street (between 3rd & Bleekers Streets) New York City 11pm-4am, $17 in Advance, $25 Day Of Event 18+ for more info & Advance Tickets: http://STIMULATE-ME.com/ This Month's Birthdays: STIMULATE's Resident Chef Chris #2, plus DJ Jeffo!, Christina (Wasted), Toni, Paw Lee, Cyndie Myst +DJ Darryl Hell (SMack!), DJ Mindsolvent, Viola Viola +more June 1st-5th: NY FETISH MARATHON IX including the SMack! XV Anniversary June 4th!! get your monthly Fix! 2011: 1/15, 2/19, 3/20, 4/16, 4/22*, 5/14, 6/18, 7/16, 8/20, 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17 Sponsored by: * http://VampireFreaks.com/ * http://GothicRenaissance.com/ * Stockroom: http://SMack-Fetish.Stockroom.com/ use promo code "SMack" for our discount on your purchase! STIMULATE is broadcast every month by WFKU Radio [ http://WFKU.org/ ] JOIN STIMULATE: * http://STIMULATE-ME.com/elist * http://facebook.com/group.php?gid=96320064100 * http://groups.MySpace.com/STIMULATE * http://Twitter.com/STIMULATEnyc * http://VampireFreaks.com/STIMULATE * http://ReverbNation.com/venue/STIMULATE * http://LiveJournal.com/Xris_SMack * http://FetLife.com/groups/16361 * http://Xris-SMack.com/ - RSS Feed also join VAMPIRE FREAKS: http://VampireFreaks.com/ http://facebook.com/VampireFreaks http://facebook.com/group.php?gid=21004813328 Please RSVP and help Spread the Word! Also Check out: Wednesday, May 4th: Combichrist + Angelspit + Ivardensphere + Starkiller (All Ages) http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142040732532942 Friday, May 6th CYBERTRON w/Aesthetic Perfection +Faderhead +Everything Goes Cold http://facebook.com/event.php?eid=181300798581134 Saturday, May 7th: Celldweller +Beta Plus Embryo (All Ages) http://facebook.com/event.php?eid=205767862779313 |