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i know...sell out, period. she doesn't need the money, but i guess she wants to push her single just a bit more.

she does have a smart marketing sensibility though to her credit. mashing up holiday and her new "hit" hollywood is pretty cutting edge for a mainstream gap ad and definitely is something she culled from going out to dance clubs of late, and pulling missy elliot in for the hip hop groove was smart for broader appeal.

Sadly, I have to agree with all on this. While my love of her music is unflagging, this is all just so tacky. I really can't believe that the Gap will see a $10 million turn around in sales thanks to these spots. And though there was a line around the block at the Gap's midtown flagship store of people wanting to buy these stupid new jeans on the morning after the commercial debuted...I think the spike in sales will be as fleeting as all of the summer movie "blockbusters" have been.
If she made out with "Messy" I would really be impressed!
That girl will do ANYTHING to get attention.

And speaking of the devil...
as I was typing this my wife just came in and handed me a note from M's old boyfriend. (the REAL love of her life -from Jellybean through Sean Penn) I guess he's out of jail now and wants to get together...

And what do you mean "Old Tart" Anna Nicole?
What does that make ME?

[This message was edited by daddy on 08-29-03 at 02:52 PM.]
Last edited {1}
Yikes, talk about being totally Swept Away!!
I watched the MTV Awards last night and I must admit that Madonna, the old bitch, and her two young whores, Britney and Christina, absolutely stole the show. I am talking about the opening number when Britney and Christina come out dressed as hot & horny "virgin" brides (they are singing "Like A Virgin") and then the old fetish bitch Madonna comes out all in tight black and looking very FETISH like she is the top and both her young whores are the BOTTOMS. Talk about being and getting HOT. Yikes, I swear both Britney and Christina were absolutely fawning over Madonna. They looked HOPELESSLY DEVOTED to her - like they were willing to DIE for their Bitch Goddess.

I am willing to bet the shaky, wavering way Madonna was singing was probably because she had just gotten done sexually pleasuring both of them backstage before coming out. Hey, it was HOT!!!!
Yawnnnn is SO right...
The only thing i can give Madge props on is that ole rumor that she used to troll around Alphabet city in a limo pickin up boyz... now THAT I would applaud.... (and that fab story that David Blane told on radio that she used to go to his house and give her a bloweey and then he would ask her to leave! i know he's a wanker just I would LOVE to blow blane)....

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