Here's the latest from our dear friend Miss Vera-
> Candida Royalle and Veronica Vera Invite You....
> Dear Friends,
> "The Cockettes" is not just a movie, it is an experience and the best antidote to September 11th. We invite you to join us for the opening of this film on Friday, June 28th at the Quad Cinema, NYC.
> Some background from
> "As the psychedelic San Francisco of the '60's began evolving into the gay San Francisco of the '70's, The Cockettes, a flamboyant ensemble of hippies (women, gay men, and babies) decked themselves out in gender-bending drag and tons of glitter for a series of legendary midnight musicals at the Palace Theater in North Beach. With titles like "Tinsel Tarts in a Hot Coma" and "Pearls over Shanghai", these all singing, all dancing extravaganzas featured elaborate costumes, rebellious sexuality, and exuberant chaos."
> This documentary is especially meaningful for the two of us. Candida performed with many of the original Cockettes in several groups including the "Angels of Light" between '72 - '74" and says of that time: "It was my blossoming period that rippled and continues to resonate throughout my creative life." To me, the Cockettes embodied the fun, freedom and world changing attitude that drag and Miss Vera's Academy celebrate. We went to see the film last week when it showed for one night at the Gay & Lesbian (Bi and Transgender) Film Festival and were so moved, we wanted our friends to share this joy. The movie chronicles the Cockettes in SF ('68-'71) including their performance in NY in 1971.
> If you would like to remember a time when people shared food and not fear. If you would like to remember a time before AIDS. If you would like skip the Friday night traffic and add a lot more sparkle to your life, please join us.
> Love,
> Candida Royalle Veronica Vera
> Femme Productions Miss Vera's Finishing School
> For Boys Who Want to be Girls
> >From Susie Bright:
> "god, I just saw this in Santa Cruz, and not only did it inspire me, I just cried my eyes out at the end... when that one queen said, "give me a tab of acid, a torn dress and I'm ready to start the
> revolution... or whatever it was, I just felt like OH MY GOD, what's
> happened to the world! I'm not being freaky enuf for my daughter!"
> What: The Cockettes, Documentary Feature by David Weissman and Bill Weber
> When: Friday, June 28th, 8pm (approx. pls check with theater or with us on the day of the show for exact time).
> Where: Quad Cinema, 13th St. (Between 5th & 6th Avenues).
> Dress: Add some glitter
> Tickets: $10 at box office, First come/first served. Please rsvp to either of us via e-mail and we will give the theater notice to reserve a block of seats.
> Visit for details and reviews.

[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 07-22-02 at 12:03 AM.]