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Tagged With "phantom of the opera"


Re: Todd Tomarrow

Chi Chi ·
In our Nightworld, there are two kinds of artists - those who labor over their own creations, and then those who add their talents to the creation of something larger than themselves. Todd was as brilliant as they come, but his art was in service to the collective, to the creation of club/art/style movements. That is why so many of you won't know his name, but you know his work. I'd like to point out his enormous contributions to the following over two decades - BoyBar (three of his Miss...





Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Yikes! I didn't mean to imply that I PREFERRED Miami to New York, simply that I enjoyed its club scene, and it WAS a lot of fun. There is an element of sleaze and hedonism in the city's nightlife that reminded me of how things used to be here. Even Iggy Pop agrees on that. Of course, I was there during the Winter Music Conference when all the best and brightest DJs and clubgoers from around the world converge on the city, so undoubtedly I experienced the creme de la creme. Under ordinary...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Last night went to Freeman, my favorite gay club here. They have an ever changing show 7 nights a week and every number is a group number. There's always a crowd. There's nothing like it at home. ******FREEMAN WEBSITE****** They do a lot of black girl numbers. Last night there was a "Shirley Bassey) and a "Diana Ross". They also do some numbers is severe fashion looks. One girl wcame out in black lipstick and and a sexy/gothy exaggerated black ruffly collar and did an Amanda Lear song. The...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
A message to all the New Yorkers working hard to resurrect live perfromance, Vaudeville, and Burlesque: it is alive and thriving here in the Viet Nam! I went to a club the other night. It was like some of the ones in Bangkok, it looks like a disco but people sit at cocktail tables and watch a show. We entered as a sexy girl pop singer was finishing her set. The next act was a slapstick comedy team that looked like they just stepped out of 1935. One guy was like a hobo W.C. Field. Every time...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

seven ·
The milk crate ticket is not such a new tactic in the 'quality of life' repertoir of uncivil behavior as defined by the previous ultra-fascist mayor ( and how did he become a reconstituted national hero - the guy who was once roundly boo'ed upon taking his seat at the Met opera house? ). I myself am the very proud earner of two wonderfully Khafka meets Joseph Heller summonses. One, for 'non-compliance with bicycle regulations' -translation: I got a ticket for riding my bike in the park. Now...

Re: Nina Simone

Joel ·
LOL.. no, you don't need more coffee, you need another drink!!! I've never seen Blind Lemon Jefferson in buffalo (I doubt that if i did he would have seen me anyway). Besides, the only thing they got here in buffalo are rancid tasting chicken wings. As far as Screamin Jay Hawkins goes, I knew him in Paris when I was a little kid and my mother was dancing there. Screamin' Jay used to wear a cape and jump outa a coffin as part of his act. He could have been a great opera singer, but he liked...


dreambot ·
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Glamnerd ·
This question really says it all , right Chi? I kept hearing it in my head all night after that party....yeesh.....but oh what fun it is to ride with Mr. "Queer Eye" Carson! Good to know he's an Opera fan!

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

daddy ·
or... Here are the next celebrity names. Chi Chi, Glammy, Kitty Boots & Carson (from Queer-Eye) and I went to The Marc Jacobs show & after party last night. The show was fun as always. Rob and I looking at the celebrities. (Rob telling me who everyone was) For some reason we ALWAYS sit directly across from Sally Jessie Rafael. I swear every show! She has had some VERY funky surge and her mouth is all funny now. Rob says she looks like she's constantly looking for a mint. After the...

Re: Puritan Watch

Michael Madison ·
Par for the course... And I think we owe them a very deviant reception. Whaddaya say to resurrecting the BROWN PARTY??? And I wonder, who pays for these Broadway show tickets anyway? June 8, 2004 Broadway's Best Shows Too Risque for Republicans By REUTERS Filed at 9:43 a.m. ET NEW YORK - Gay puppets, transvestites, assassins and a pedophile child killer piled up Tony honors on Sunday but those shows will be shunned by Republican delegates at the political party's convention in New York this...

Re: Metropolitan Opera

Luxury Lex ·
I first fell in love with the Met Opera years ago when I was fortunate enough to get orchestra tenth row seats to a french opera "Palias & Melisande" starring Frederica von Stade. I was devastated by its beauty and make it a point to go to the opera several times a season every since. The Met production of Aida is glorious indeed, and especially when Delores Vijick plays the Egyptian princess supporting role. This week I checked out an obscure opera called Rhodalinda that has not been...

Re: Metropolitan Opera

Michael Madison ·
Well, I've never been to the opera in New York, but have been meaning to go. What's the word on the street re: hot productions for early '05? Is La Bo-Heem even still going? If nothing else, it's an excuse to put on some finery.

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

seven ·
I agree with S'tan mostly. If the bride asked for the person's participation I don't see anything amiss. I think if some straight person has a problem with it then that is really their problem and I personally wouldn't get too caught up in that drama since that is what anyone having a problem would want, to suck the trans person in to some soap opera over the whole thing. It is way past time straight people got used to these situations. For me the whole point is that trans people should no...

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

Luxury Lex ·
At the urging of my boyfriend, Chi Chi and numerous others, I've finally started reading Ms. Rice's magnum opus, THE WITCHING HOUR. I've never read any of her witch-related books, only the vampire ones. In my own (unfinished) novel, I stand behind my recent decision to leave out a large backstory section on my principle character. All that backstory was self-indulgent, it slowed the action and my manuscript is now much better as a result of cutting the fat. Besides, it's the mark of superior...

Re: Grey Gardens

Drama Queen ·
This from ( ) Playwrights Horizons Will Stage Musical Grey Gardens, With Two Broadway Divas Among the Ruins By Kenneth Jones 02 Jun 2005 Tony winner Christine Ebersole will star in Grey Gardens photo by Aubrey Reuben Grey Gardens: A New Musical, by librettist Doug Wright, composer Scott Frankel and lyricist Michael Korie, will be one of four world premieres in the 2005-06 season of Playwrights Horizons, the Off-Broadway company...

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

hatches ·
I dunno how I missed this post, except that on March 17th I was pushing my way through hordes of drunken people wearing green, making my way to rehearsal for this on 45th Street! My part is pretty small, but I am part of the chorus and do get to sing a bit in the finale-- which is what the "Opera" on the title is all about. I also have a rather hammy bit as one of Mr. Peachum's (played by the incredible Jim Dale) beggars which should please those familiar with my antics on the Jackie stage.

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

seven ·
I sold three 20's, a stolen bike, and a broken CD player. I almost have the $113.00 needed to see Three Penny Opera!!!

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

Anna Nicole ·
The Sunday NY Post did a piece on Alan C and the opera. I was giddy as he said he dates women and blokes - fantastic! I will be stage door tonight! I have this uncanny and unnatural crush on him.. and he's so unlike my normal speed but theres smth about him that i feel would show ya a good time... Hattie?

Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006

Chi Chi ·
The Latest - PLEASE NOTE THIS YEAR'S BILL IS CLOSED! Thank you, we cant take any more performers at this point. And, to answer the next question - please check back with us right after New Year's 2007 for information about applying for next year's edition, or check our webpage at that time.. Thanks! NOTS 16 IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY Greetings from New York City to our beloved Gypsies and fellow Stevie Nicks worshippers, as excitement mounts with this year's NOTS less than a month away. Our...

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

Ziggy869 ·
Hey! Just wanted to mention that I played Mac the Knife (or Macheath in the original "Beggar's Opera") back in college. Not that it's a big deal. Just thought some of you might be interested. Heh-heh.

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

hatches ·
He must be Bonnie-- that was in 1728! But what is the music like? I have never seen it, and it was a parody of Italian Opera, among other things.

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

Ziggy869 ·
Heh-heh. I suppose the answer would be yes on both accounts, Miss Bonnie. Anyway, Hatches . . . the score of the "Beggar's Opera" was kinda . . . well, cheesy. But on purpose, mind you because as you've already stated, it was indeed a parody. For example, the opening number begins with our beggar shmoozing the playwrite and producer, belowing, "I have written a play, a magnificent play. It's a lovely display of rot and decay!" Or something to that effect. Act II, if my memory serves me...

Re: Air Travel is shite these days.....

Ziggy869 ·
Ah yes! The stewardesses of yore! So young . . . so supple . . . so attractive! It really was a requirement back then for a stewardess to be somewhat pretty. And the various uniforms, you're right, were so amazingly adorable! Nowadays, you're lucky if the toothless old croans have both legs underneath their baggy "fat pants". Kents . . . let's see . . . grandmother used to smoke those until the doctor told her she would die. Bel Airs . . . high school ex-girlfriend's bleached blonde mother...

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

andreabicsotti ·
OK , I've tried to find a copy of the Donmar Warehouse recording of Threepenny Opera, but I can't find it in any store up here, and the only place I can get it it Amazon. Problem is, I don't have a credit card! I must ask for it as a holiday gift or go down to NYC to find it there! It's so annoying. I saw it at Borders a few months ago an I didn't get it and the next time I went, I intended to get it and they didn't have

Re: Houston

goblin73 ·
that's my hometown!! the wortham center - home of houston grand opera - is a gorgeous theatre!! as for houston... the gay bars are provincial but the restaurants are FANTASTIC!! let me know where you're staying and what you're wanting to do and i'll try to make some suggestions.

Re: Houston

bobby ·
Well..I just got to NYC. Basil's new puppet opera was MAGNIFICENT!!! Hated Houston. Cut my weekend short and flew into the rotten apple to catch Sherry Vine in Carrie at PS122 and then went right upsatairs to see Rob Roth and Theo's Screen Test. Both of those shows were gorgy. Only in town till tommorrow (sunday) then right back to Ptown.Where is everyone? Saw Candis Cayne and her husband on 8th Avenue though. That was an added bonus. But where's Mommy & Daddy?

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

hatches ·
Merry Xmas from Playbill: "...many listmakers included the worst shows of the year along with their top choices. Among those (dis)honored more than once are The Times They Are A-Changin', Lestat and The Threepenny Opera revival." Playbill's Top 2006 List

Re: Bibliophile Part 2

andreabicsotti ·
Mostly scripts to plays: The History Boys--Alan Bennett (would like to see the film) Torch Song Trilogy--Harvey Fierstein The Fantastiks/Celebration---Schimdt/Jones Jacques Brel--Eric Blau (lyrics, and a bit of how the show came about) Opera 101--Fred Plotkin Just Say No--Larry Kramer (funny topical, in a 80s way, exposes the Reagan/bush 1 era) Speed-the-plow--David Mamet (good and I can see way Madonna hated playing the role see played--It's not Madonna, it's someone else) Stripped:The...

Re: The Golden Girls

andreabicsotti ·
Love The Golden Girls...It was Sex in the City for (ahem) mature women...Bea Arthur was co funny and Rue McClanahan was great to (I mean, Who wouldn't Blanche sleep with right?) And I love Sophia too, Estelle Getty was great too. "Picture it..Sicily...1927.." and Betty White as Rose, with her dreaded St. Olaf stories. Hatches, I love Bea Arthur--She was in 3Penny Opera Off-Broadway in the 50s and proceeded to Yente in the original cast of Fiddler (another favorite of mine) and of course Mame...

Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2

andreabicsotti ·
BEAT: Coffee and opera and the beats and Bono and Depeche Mode money may be gone and both love for life and love for country are dwindling Kerouac was a Roman Catholic Republican mama's boy jerk-off I prefer Ginsberg or maybe Burroughs but I would not fuck underage youths or shoot my wife or shoot up junk. Andrea Biscotti

Re: Bibliophile Part 2

daddy ·
I'm reading "The City Of Falling Angels" by John Berendt. If you liked "Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil" you will like this! AND IT TAKES PLACE IN VENICE!!! This wikipedia review doesn't make it sound very interesting but it's a real page turner like his other one.

Re: Quotes!

andreabicsotti ·
"Poverty makes you sad as well as wise" --Bertolt Brecht, The Threepenny Opera "The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind some people dying all the time or maybe only half starving some of the time which isn't half so bad if it isn't you" --Lawerence Ferlinghetti "The family is American fascism"--Paul Goodman "To have great poets there must be great audiences too"--Walt Whitman "The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness" --Christopher Morley

Re: SJ's European Tour 2007

daddy ·
And by the way... You should have asked me about ZZZZZZZurich. I would have told you to skip her. (Even Antwerp is more fun!) But Vienna is a different story! REALLY fun. Love the old people! They are the crabbiest, nastiest crusty old things that I have ever met in my life. They ask you things like, "You are Jew?" Hot. You will no doubt come across a gaggle of Drag Queens that run the town. Give Mario a big kiss for me. AND GO TO THE PALACES, THE OPERA AND THE MUSEUMS!!!!!!

Re: SJ's European Tour 2007

Pickles2 ·
After the show in Amsterdam, which went really well though playing in a very large venue had everyone a bit nervous- they tend to be less interesting crowds. We all pile onto the bus for a rough 9 hour ride to.... PARIS: I have been feeling quite homesick but our pulling into Paris immediately wipes that away. I know this sounds extremely posh and pompous but having lived here as a student, it somehow feels like a home to me and I have no problem getting lost in its streets. First things...

LOVIN' OUT LOUD! A Benefit Concert for Queer Rising

mr.joe ·
LOVIN’ OUT LOUD! A Benefit Concert For Queer Rising New York, NY – Queer Rising will host LOVIN’ OUT LOUD! A Benefit Concert For Queer Rising on Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 7:00pm at Santo’s Party House nightclub (96 LaFayette St., between Walker and White Sts; 4,6,J,N,Q,Z train to Canal Station). $10 advance (via Facebook RSVP or online donation)/$20 at the door. NOTE: ONLY "I'M ATTENDING" WILL GUARANTEE REDUCED ADMISSION! A true variety show-style event, tonight’s all-star cast includes:...

And God Created Great Whales

Culture Project ·
Created, Composed, Written by Rinde Eckert Directed by David Schweizer Performed by Rinde Eckert and Nora Cole Performances begin February 7 Opens February 12 45 Bleecker Street (near the NE corner of Lafayette Street) New York, NY 10012 Evening performances at 8pm. Sunday matinee performances at 3:00pm. Tickets available for purchase online , by calling 866-811-4111, or at the box office (opens one hour before show time) $55 for regular performances, $35 for previews, $20 student rush...

Metropolitan Opera

ankou ·
I went to "Carmen" and "Aida" at the Met within a three week period and I think it's affected my brain. Suddenly, I love Opera...I had never been before, but seeing those sets, hearing those voices and looking at all those costumes,(including the...

Klaus Nomi

Chi Chi ·
I'm surprised that he wasn't a topic here already, but am glad to start one with this exciting announcement: THE NOMI SONG opens February 4 at the Cinema Village Winner of the Teddy Award for Best Documentary at the 2004 Berlin Film Festival, THE NOMI...

Oh! You Pretty Things : The Phantom of the Rock Opera - Wednesday October 31st Halloween Night

twig the wonderkid ·
 Dear Phantoms, We regret to inform you that "Phantom of the Rock Opera" must be postponed until further notice due to the continued power-outage in Manhattan, we hope it will coincide with the rescheduled Halloween Parade and will keep you...

Quay Brothers

Zazoo and Satori ·
Our good friend Jeanne found this for us. We're definitely going to check it out sometime. The Quay Brothers were a huge inspiration for some of Satori's art.---------------------Dormitorium: An Exhibition of Film Decors by the Quay BrothersWednesday,...

The HOWL! Arts Project 2009 Benefit Performances In September

hatches ·
HELP (HOWL! EMERGENCY LIFE PROJECT) OF THE ACTORS FUNDis a wonderful new community resource created to support artists who have made or continue to make their careers in NYC's East Village and Lower East Side and are in need of emergency...

Hattie Hathaway At The Gershwin Hotel, Tuesday 11/10

hatches ·
Hattie HathawaySongs In the Key Of Darkness November 10th, 8 PMThe Gershwin Hotel7 East 27th Street$10.Hattie Hathaway (Pyramid, Jackie 60, Broadway's The Threepenny Opera) performs an evening of songs by Brecht, Weill, Seeger and Slick. With special...

MetOpera HD 2010-11 Season

Winesteven ·
Next season will be my fourth attending MetOpera HD, but I'm still so inexperienced with different operas. For the coming season of 11 different operas to be shown in HD, which ones are a "must-see", and if I'm going to miss three, which ones should...

Threepenny Opera featuring...

Miss Understood ·
Tell us all about it! Why is nothing on here about it?

Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

S'tan ·
... in the old Studio 54 space!!!I had to start this... I mean Hattie will be perfection!"The classic musical by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill returns to Broadway with an all-star...

Dances of Vice "Glam Rococo" Event 11/22 - Prince Poppycock + Mr Uncertain from LA

Shien Lee ·
Named after the T.Rex song, Dances of Vice "SCENES OF DYNASTY" holds in store an evening of opulence and pleasure in the Louis XIV sense, combined with the glamour and rebellion of the glittering glam rock era. For one night only, this is a private...


bobby ·
Going to the opening of Basil Twist's new puppet opera " Hansel and Gretal" at the Houston Opera House Friday Dec 1 in Houston. Will be there for the weekend. Any suggestions?