Tagged With "a night without alice cooper"
Re: NOTS 22 to be announced this weekend
And here we go! http://eepurl.com/ih6Jk FULL POST COMING TOMORROW....
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
Looking forward to performing this year for my 5th time!! I love the new forum site! Rock ON!! xoxo
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
Going to be a great theme for 2011! I think Jon Stiers sent you a line about possibly performing - he rocks. Looking forward to see him entrancing the crowd with his voice and piano skills. Can we get Brook Alyson's butt here this year?
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
THE JACKIE FACTORY NYC PRESENTS NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STEVIES 21: THE WILD HEART FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011 THE HIGHLINE BALLROOM 431 WEST 16TH STREET NYC DOORS OPEN 9 PM - 4 AM $20 TILL FEBRUARY 6, $25 THEREAFTER 18 AND OVER, 21 TO DRINK Box Office http://www.highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=1814 More Info http://www.mothernyc.com/stevie/index.html JACKIE FACTORY Producers CHI CHI VALENTI, JOHNNY DYNELL and HATTIE HATHAWAY are delighted to announce the 21st annual NIGHT OF 1000 STEVIES, back for the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...
Re: boy george
Boy George was one of my biggest heroes as a teen. As a child I had already seen Elton John, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, KISS and so on, but Boy George was My Generation and hit the scene as a huge star when I was in high school. I was so captivated, it was like he had beat all the odds and was being celebrated for being a freak. Of course his whole androgyny slant was a huge inspiration to me as an artist. But he was not just an image. He had real talent, and the band had serious musical...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
oooh now we have a face to go with all the frou-frou-ha-ha-ha... from the articles: "In public, LeRoy maintains a Warhol-like mystique. He wears wigs, female apparel, and oversize sunglasses, and he seldom says a word. And yet he can give better phone than Warren Beatty, drawing powerful women into his world with his raspy, girlish drawl." "Dennis Cooper, his mentor responds: 'The question is, What is he going to write about in the future ? He can't keep talking on the phone to Tatum O'Neal...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Bobby, look for a thin woman with huge expressive eyes done in black kohl-- kind of a cross between Alice Cooper and Nefertiti. Her hair was always done up in a large and loose Gibson Girl meets Geisha coiffure. She always wore black but would find some costume fragment, usually on the floor of the dressing room-- some discarded feathers, a beaded or glittering thing-- that she would work into a stunning and unique shawl. That's Ann. As I remember her now, she was somewhat older than the...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
What does it take for Americans to wake up and SEE who this President really is and see how the US media is sooo biased and spin doctored ... i feel like Peter Finch in Network! I'm mad an am not gonna take it anymore!!!! It's just SHOCKIN to me how the real horror of all of this devestation just translates to most of the rest of the States as "gas prices are going up". The world media (yes! watch the BBC) are just horrified at the slow response which led to fast death for so many...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Published on Thursday, September 8, 2005 by the Wall Street Journal Old-Line Families Escape Worst of Flood And Plot the Future by Christopher Cooper NEW ORLEANS - On a sultry morning earlier this week, Ashton O'Dwyer stepped out of his home on this city's grandest street and made a beeline for his neighbor's pool. Wearing nothing but a pair of blue swim trunks and carrying two milk jugs, he drew enough pool water to flush the toilet in his home. The mostly African-American neighborhoods of...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Well, I'm a bit of an Anderson Cooper expert. You see, my lady wife -The Empress has had a "thing" for Anderson ever since she first saw him on CNN. "He's so hot!" she would say night after night. Then... "He must be gay. He's too good to be true." And I, with pitch-perfect gaydar, would say, "NO way. He is definitely not gay. Trust me, Anderson Coopper is a real man". So then I Googled "Anderson Cooper gay" to prove that I was right. I was wrong. He is most definitely a friend of Dorothy.
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
You are right of course, Daddy... and Bobby too. Bobby, of course it doesn't mean squat to such "avowed" homosexualists and ladymen such as ourselves. But I get your drift... reprehensible gays and Lesbians who lend a helping hand to those who would would discriminate and legislate against us should be outed... it would make those individuals put their self-loathing homophobic money where there mouths were, and show the world just how traitorous they are. In the case of Cooper, however, I...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
What a gay topic this is! I just told The Empress that Bobby met her wank Anderson Cooper at John Dowd's house. She gagged! I said, "Are you dead? Don't you even read your own boards"? She said, "Can't you see I'm busy River Dancing". I looked over and sure enough she was doing her holiday jig to some Celtic Christmas song that only her and Hattie Hathaway could listen to. (I know a lot of you know this dance. It's very similar to the one she does when she performs with "Les Sisters...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
I must also agree with the consensus here as I also was not a CNN viewer prior to Katrina, nor a fan, but became an instant fan of Anderson Cooper for his authenticity, courage, fire and grace. He was right on it, and I believe helped to wake up all the other newscasters and reporters across the media board as to what realness really is.
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Just a little personal info about anderson cooper....He's the son of gloria vanderbilt the famed inventor of "stretch jeans" His brother committed suicide by jumping off the 38th floor of my old apt building...maybe he couldn't fit into his stretch jeans that would do it for me too! I think one other brother is a good looking actor doing a few cameos in some average movies.The irony of it all is that truman capote and 70's talk show host david suskind lived in the same building...this was...
Re: JT LeRoy
JT LeRUSE ! _____________________________________________ The Unmasking of JT Leroy: In Public, He's a She NYTIMES 1/8/06 By WARREN ST. JOHN Published: January 9, 2006 It has been one of the most bizarre literary mysteries in recent memory: Who, exactly, is the novelist JT Leroy? An answer, at long last, is taking shape. Mr. Leroy's tale was harrowing in its details and uplifting in its arc. He was a young truck-stop prostitute who had escaped rural West Virginia for the dismal life of a...
Re: JT LeRoy
Oh darn you guys beat me to the posting!! Seven you have Times Select? Cunt! I personally love hoaxes. To have pretended to be a young and brilliant hustler, 'reformed,' with a literary genius (and I do think "JT" is a major talent, whoever they turn out to be) was a beautiful idea. I mean the biography was utterly compelling. Bobby, as per why, just imagine: a 25-year-old girl (if she is indeed the 'real' JT) presenting a story about a sex-abused boy-child with a prostitute Mom, raping...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
had to post this from Gawker. Screen grab from last night's 360: Anderson Cooper Has No Idea Why People Are Convinced He's Gay coop
Re: JT LeRoy
OUTED! Kind of a low beginning to the end of the deceptions. If you go to the article in the Times there is a nice picture of all three of the protagonists in the scam, all looking massively neurotic and spooked under the cameraflashes. Kind of sociologically perverted that novels done from the persona of a gay hustler end up in a totally hetero personal conflict. I like how, much more than just making a nom-de-flimflam, they created a media virus that once it infected the literary and...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Ew. We don't want HIM on our team. Straight straight straight, we hope. And while we're at it, let's drop Anderson Cooper. He's really beginning to booore me too. Let's close this topic. I think they are already enough gays!
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
Holiday Haiku (actually this is a Senryu, but Holiday Senryu * doesn't sound as nice.) Cooper Square Diner Explosive Diarrhea Christmas in New York *A Senryu is the same 5-7-5 syllable count as a Haiku, but unlike the Haiku, it does not require the inclusion of nature.
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
American radio is shit anyways, unless you have XM Radio or some equivalent thereof. Also too many DJs (not the Soulwax guys)play one type of music and one type of music only. Unfortunately I wasn't there at the Garage (born in the wrong decade I guess!) By the way those 2 many Djs discs are mad! Talk about types of music that don't go together! I mean mad in a good way. New Order and the Clash are punk and they aren't. the Clash became more mainstream as they dragged on and New Order was...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Back to the REAL topic here - AC Congrats on the new contract, Anderson and thanks for being you.. full story
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Anderson Cooper and and Tucker Carlson should do a homemade porn film a la Pam Anderson ans Paris Hilton! I'd watch that! hell, I'd hit that I'm sooo horny right now! EWWWWW!
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
A cosmologist that I know is friends with Rob Marciano (CNN Lead Weather Dude) and apparently... Here's a pretty picture: Rob Marciano and Anderson Cooper. Put it there in your head. Ahhh. Lovely.
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for that Dean..it brought a much-needed laugh. I have just finished editing the tribute video for NOTS of the legends past..That reminded me to mention that the original concept for NOTS actually was presaged in 1981 when Gennaro Palermo staged a Stevie lip-synch performance of mine for Haoui Montaug's cabaret. Talk about people being appalled, they really were at the time. Yes, amazingly, I never heard about your famous Pyramid show till the very early years of...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
I "did" Stevie a few times at R&R Fag Bar at The World in the Eighties. Once I did Fleetwood Mac's extended version of "Rhiannon" complete with Stevie's eight-minute interpretive dance solo while Christine McVie (Tabboo!) sat on the side of the stage applying make-up, eating potato chips and reading the National Enquirer. Then when I reached the big finale, Christine stood up behind me, held up a huge sign that said 'MUFF DIVA' and walked off the stage.
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Clark is a genius! As are Dean and The Empress. It doesn't surprise me that both of these two freaks came up with the same stupid idea.
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Ha! Right after I saw this posting I found this quote in the EdgeNY article: " "I think the funniest moments for me were the first ones because it just seemed so absurd," said Johnson. "I remember sitting in the dressing room with Chi Chi and Joey Arias (we were the only three Stevies that night) and thinking, 'Well, this is avant-garde!'" "And then Joey went up and started singing along to 'Stand Back'...but he didn't know the words and he had a coke straw hanging out of his nose," Johnson...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Can I also just point out that we save "Stand Back" for Joey every year? It's a Stevie tradition. It's also a tradition that he never learn the words. EVERY year he says, "I'm going to really learn the words this time" but he never does. The funniest moment was a few years ago (after he swore he knew he words) Joey was in the middle of a verse, just sort of mumbling and I turned the music off letting him mumble acapella. I did it about three times exposing him. He was mortified. Even though...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
can i also just point out that last year *musQrat and i had to follow that performance. joey was substituting f-bombs for the words she didn't know and the crowd did NOT feel it... they started booing!! daddy came on to try to remedy the sitch but then we had to "white light" it to another level. funny thing was, i had said to *musQrat, "work! we've got FIERCE placement!! right after joey arias!" little did i know the damage control we'd have to do. but honestly, if she ever learned the...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Perhaps I was over-reaching when i said the possibilities were "endless." And yes, the audience at NOTS can, at times, be surprisingly unforgiving (LMAO).
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
I was at the gym yesterday and next to me changing was this guy who looked very familiar. I said hello and was thinking to myself, who is this guy? How did I know him. Clubs? Gym? Bed Bath & Beyond? How did I know this guy. He tied his shoes, said good-by and then it hit me. I didn't know him, it was ANDERSON COOPER!
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
See a "trashy" video starring Anderson Cooper and a few guys with fists up their asses: Click Here
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
The Real Big Johnson After my last appearance at Reading for Filth, Dean told me I needed to modulate, and to play to the back of the room. In tribute to Dean I am going to do just that, because you know Dean ALWAYS modulated and ALWAYS played to the back of the room! (Or the back room, as the case may be). I got to the East Village in nineteen eighty-two to attend the Cooper Union; I was a CLUELESS kid from Long Island. By the time I found my way to places like the World, Pyramid, Save the...
Re: newyorklives.tv new short doco on The Empress
Whatever camping tents accessory you're looking for, you'll find camping lights in this section. We may even have backpacking sleeping bags accessories that you never thought of before.
Re: NOTS 22 - Who is on When?
I missed the party, and I want to see pictures and reviews. I can't seem to find them. Please, somebody point me in the right direction Judy
Re: NOTS 22 - Who is on When?
Hi Judy We are so sorry you couldn't make it this year - it was a wonderful night. As we are still finishing the work from that night, we havent had time to post anything yet. Please watch this forum and also the NOTS Facebook Fan Page for links and pics in the days to come. http://www.facebook.com/1000stevies For us, NOTS isn't over yet!
Re: Night of 1000 Stevies 22: DREAMS UNWIND is May 11
Muffy we MUST see you at NOTS this year!
Re: Night of 1000 Stevies 22: DREAMS UNWIND is May 11
Re: Night of 1000 Stevies 22: DREAMS UNWIND is May 11
BOX OFFICE is open! http://highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=2291
STIMULATE: 2/19 MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO +"Post-Valentine's Blood Massacre III"
Saturday, Feb 19th (and every 3rd saturday) Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] - Get your Monthly Fix! Stimulate Your Senses: ==== SOUND ==== Playing Live: MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO http://MeatBeatManifesto.c om/ http://facebook.com/MeatBe atManifesto Touring in support of their new CD "Answers Come In Dreams" (A.C.I.D.) Meat Beat Manifesto's constantly evolving musical invention has generated a long string of influential...
Monsters and Mascara: A Tribute to The Cramps, Alice Cooper...
Michael T., Laura Rebel Angel and Xris SMack! Present: Monsters and Mascara: A Tribute to The Cramps, Alice Cooper, The Misfits and Horror Emcee: Devin Stone Featuring PSYCHOCHARGER! N.Y.C.'s Bloodiest band and the Bastard Sons of The King hisself,...
NOTS 21: The Wild Heart - your reviews, pics and videos please
Enchanted Ones- Friday night's show was a visual and aural delight, and we will begin reviewing documentation for our FLICKR gallery and YOUTUBE channel. As we have done for years, we ask that you post either a few favorite pics from the evening,...
Old School Benefit
To begin and end the world as we know it... A veritable who's who of NYC performance promises to be on parade for 4 action-packed nights in the style of the original PS122 Benefits. Expect the unexpected as the LES Lounge comes alive at 6pm nightly...
Blog Post
newyorklives.tv new short doco on The Empress
The Empress: Chi Chi Valenti from newyorklives.tv on Vimeo. http://www.newyorklives.tv/2011/07/empress-chi-chi-valenti.html
THEM CD Release Party at Le Poisson Rouge
"[THEM] is poetic and disturbing, backed by the full force of its history without being diminished by it." - The New York Times (October 2010) The CD is comprised of the music and narration of THEM, a performance by Chris Cochrane, Dennis Cooper and Ishmael Houston-Jones originally presented in 1985 by Performance Space 122 andagain in 2010 by PS122, the New Museum and tbspMGMT Cochrane's music & Cooper's narrationare raw and edgy, the perfect sonic description...