Happi Phace--you just told it excatly the way it is and i LOVE you for it. there is too much bullshit going around these days no? im still not sure who i like as far as 2008 goes....
hell...i may just say fuck it and move to Spain.
i didnt realize this was a 3 page topic when i posted--oopsie 

first off...love that kimmy carter pic bobby...I'd like to take that to a supermarket and ask a fat old lady in bakery dept. to put it on a cake.
2nd of all...so who ARE you then supporting Hapi? In all the build up towards this period I was thinking it was gonna be great to haave Hillary to vote for, but now that "it's on", she is NOT thrilling me or making me the slightest bit HARD down there. I am still THRILLED that the Bush era will be over , and I can live with ANY of the candidates being IN after him. I just hope Obama isnt an empty suit,..and that he doesnt have money grubbing disaster waiting to be revealed. Anyway here is a short clip of me prattling on in the tunnel under my yard on THIS very subject:
2nd of all...so who ARE you then supporting Hapi? In all the build up towards this period I was thinking it was gonna be great to haave Hillary to vote for, but now that "it's on", she is NOT thrilling me or making me the slightest bit HARD down there. I am still THRILLED that the Bush era will be over , and I can live with ANY of the candidates being IN after him. I just hope Obama isnt an empty suit,..and that he doesnt have money grubbing disaster waiting to be revealed. Anyway here is a short clip of me prattling on in the tunnel under my yard on THIS very subject:
Hillary's selection of her presidential campaign theme song may have just cost her my vote. And millions of others, I bet!
Celine Dion's "You and I." Which I've never heard before, but that's moot anyway, right? My god.
Celine Dion's "You and I." Which I've never heard before, but that's moot anyway, right? My god.
Trivial crap... shades of Fascism, why do you need to co-opt a song? All the candidates suck if you ask me.. and no one is. Bloomberg for President...!! so now he's a Democrat... running as an independent...? Instead becomes a spoiler for the Dems, and gets a Republican elected again... then he'll become a Republican again.
Can you see it, USA becomes a No-Smoking COUNTRY... cigarettes go underground, get arrested for growing tobacco...!!
And do you really imagine in a man of colour would be be allowed to be elected President of this country? Dream on.
The election will be another travesty, brought to you courtesy of Skull and Bones.
[This article is very interesting... including:
"New members of Skull and Bones are assigned secret names, by which fellow Bonesmen will forever know them. Some Bonesmen receive traditional names, denoting function or existential status; others are the chosen beneficiaries of names that their Bones predecessors wish to pass on. The leftover initiates choose their own names.
"The name Long Devil is assigned to the tallest member; Boaz (short for Beelzebub) goes to any member who is a varsity football captain. Many of the chosen names are drawn from literature (Hamlet, Uncle Remus), from religion, and from myth. The banker Lewis Lapham passed on his name, Sancho Panza, to the political adviser Tex McCrary. Averell Harriman was Thor, Henry Luce was Baal, McGeorge Bundy was Odin. The name Magog is traditionally assigned to the incoming Bonesman deemed to have had the most sexual experience, and Gog goes to the new member with the least sexual experience. William Howard Taft and Robert Taft were Magogs. So, interestingly, was George Bush."
Can you see it, USA becomes a No-Smoking COUNTRY... cigarettes go underground, get arrested for growing tobacco...!!
And do you really imagine in a man of colour would be be allowed to be elected President of this country? Dream on.
The election will be another travesty, brought to you courtesy of Skull and Bones.
[This article is very interesting... including:
"New members of Skull and Bones are assigned secret names, by which fellow Bonesmen will forever know them. Some Bonesmen receive traditional names, denoting function or existential status; others are the chosen beneficiaries of names that their Bones predecessors wish to pass on. The leftover initiates choose their own names.
"The name Long Devil is assigned to the tallest member; Boaz (short for Beelzebub) goes to any member who is a varsity football captain. Many of the chosen names are drawn from literature (Hamlet, Uncle Remus), from religion, and from myth. The banker Lewis Lapham passed on his name, Sancho Panza, to the political adviser Tex McCrary. Averell Harriman was Thor, Henry Luce was Baal, McGeorge Bundy was Odin. The name Magog is traditionally assigned to the incoming Bonesman deemed to have had the most sexual experience, and Gog goes to the new member with the least sexual experience. William Howard Taft and Robert Taft were Magogs. So, interestingly, was George Bush."
NYC firefighters slam Rudy in this YouTube clip.
Right now the fight is just over who is the most qualified to RUN.
The idea Rudiani is some courageous, smart, virtuous leader his made odious garbage just by the fact he had is disaster command bunker built in to one of the lower floors of the World Trade Towers. Genius. Like trying to hide your bankroll under a matresss on Rikers.
The idea Rudiani is some courageous, smart, virtuous leader his made odious garbage just by the fact he had is disaster command bunker built in to one of the lower floors of the World Trade Towers. Genius. Like trying to hide your bankroll under a matresss on Rikers.
I want to vote for Senator Diaperman!
Only a Big Baby can lead this country.
Then they'll have to have a First Dominatrix!
Only a Big Baby can lead this country.
Then they'll have to have a First Dominatrix!
I saw Obama on Jon Stewart WOW is he easy on the eyes! Gorgey and so brainy.
Why Why Why... must we be ruled by the whitebread redneck idiots.
Why Why Why... must we be ruled by the whitebread redneck idiots.
On the other hand his perspective on gay marriage
is blantantly sketchy.
is blantantly sketchy.
Anyone saying he is for gay marriage will be drawn and quartered, not to mention lose the election.
Anyhow Hillary is now on top at 20 points (whatever they are) ahead of Obama, who is in second place behind her. Perhaps she can be counted on to be liberal in that regard.
But the country is sick and corrupt and crazy. I just read an editorial in the Times about how a big Texas oil-man is buying oil directly from the Kurds in Iraq. This is in direct opposition to Bush 'party line' to buy oil through a cartel... that hasn't been created yet....
it's Times Select but I will post some of it on another thread here...
I saw a cartoon of a stick figure with a gasoline pump-nozzle up his ass and the figure was saying "Thank you Master."
Where are the electric cars? Fuckers.
Anyhow Hillary is now on top at 20 points (whatever they are) ahead of Obama, who is in second place behind her. Perhaps she can be counted on to be liberal in that regard.
But the country is sick and corrupt and crazy. I just read an editorial in the Times about how a big Texas oil-man is buying oil directly from the Kurds in Iraq. This is in direct opposition to Bush 'party line' to buy oil through a cartel... that hasn't been created yet....
it's Times Select but I will post some of it on another thread here...
I saw a cartoon of a stick figure with a gasoline pump-nozzle up his ass and the figure was saying "Thank you Master."
Where are the electric cars? Fuckers.
Meanwhile my Hot Daddy crush Wesley Clark endorsed Hillary. Undoubtedly this was a career move on Wes's part, with a Secretary of State role as the prize in his eye.
Wesley Clark Endorses Hillary Clinton
p.s. - why is there no longer an option to attach photos in this forum? the posting feature doesn't seem to allow it. Moderator please action /xo Lex
Wesley Clark Endorses Hillary Clinton
quote:Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton was endorsed Saturday by retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who sought the party's nomination in 2004 and whose sterling military credentials could bolster her bid to be the first female commander in chief.
Clark, the former supreme allied commander of NATO, praised the New York senator as "a remarkable person" with the skills and experience to be president.
p.s. - why is there no longer an option to attach photos in this forum? the posting feature doesn't seem to allow it. Moderator please action /xo Lex
Talking to people in Europe for the past few weeks they seem to all rue the idea of another conservative of any stripe being the next American president. But they don^t know much about Ms. Clinton and aren^t tuned in to the penchant for Dem party voters for having at least one phantasy populist candidate in the primaries like Obama - the Howard Dean of this go-round- who gets a big groundswell of support and cash before it is time to test the mettle at the voting booths where reality suddenly sets in.
On the Continent the only Àmerican` issue really seems to be, "How is the US going to get out of Iraq."
On the Continent the only Àmerican` issue really seems to be, "How is the US going to get out of Iraq."
I watched John McCain on TV this AM dancing around like a fucking idiot in glee over the Republicans
crushing the Dems attempts to get us out sooner rather than later. He was wiggling his ass and chanting... "We don't choose to lose... we don't choose to lose."
I wish they could see themselves. I wish they had to take in
100 bloodied and burned Iraqi children to care for at their own expense.
Maybe in hell.
Their brains are on bloodie hold ad infinitum.
crushing the Dems attempts to get us out sooner rather than later. He was wiggling his ass and chanting... "We don't choose to lose... we don't choose to lose."
I wish they could see themselves. I wish they had to take in
100 bloodied and burned Iraqi children to care for at their own expense.
Maybe in hell.
Their brains are on bloodie hold ad infinitum.
Yes, I wish a dream I had in the first months of the war were manifested in reality. The Little Bush White House fence surrounded by tens of thousands of bomb-mutilated Iraqi children produced by Republican idiocy.
This whole period of intransigence by Republicans shows, literally in McCain's instance, how utterly immature they are as a political force, how visionless, and how tied to depraved indifference.
This whole period of intransigence by Republicans shows, literally in McCain's instance, how utterly immature they are as a political force, how visionless, and how tied to depraved indifference.
Yes, I have read several interviews with Obama where he says Gays should have equal rights. I don*t know where that anti Gay thing came from. I would like to see it actually! Also I heard a speech and he spoke in a very pro Gay manner. My problem with Hilary is that she is too friendly with coporate AmeriKa. But I would still vote for her! I think once she gets in she will come out swinging! Obama was too quick to say he would use force against Iran and that would be a huge mistake. Other than that I think Obama is an excellent choice! John Edwards came right out and stated that he was AGAINST Gay marriage! His wife if for it! My fave choice is KARL MARX, but he is dead!!! No matter which Democrat gets in I will vote for them. My problem with them is that they are not liberal enough! And many of them seem content to go right along with the RepubliKKKans on many issues. I was disgusted with some of the attacks on Move On. Org. which I am a member of! I also give them money every month. I pretty much agree with their stand on most of the issues. But even a cock roach would be better than having these EVIL FASCIST PIG REPUBLIKKKANS in power! I am an Anarchist with MARXIST leanings. And I say SMASH THE STATE!!! X Jayne County
Well I like Dennis the best of all actually! Hillary sort of bugs me. And I hate religious nuts! That Alaskan Governor is great! Mike Gavill I think his name is. I wish we could get a right out Socialist in! x Jayne
quote:Originally posted by Michael Cavadias (aka Lily of the Valley:
I may end up voting for Dennis Kucinich. I wish Feingold had stayed in. He's secular and a true progressive.
I wasn*t aware he was anti Gay either!!! I am going to check it out a bit more though. Sometimes people say things early on then change their minds! x Jayne PS. Here is a piece of art I did called *Auntie Bush 2000!*
quote:Originally posted by Michael Cavadias (aka Lily of the Valley:
Obama is not anti-gay. I don't know how this rumor got started, but it is ridiculous. He's not a fundamentalist either. Honestly, over the past few days I have been more and more impressed with him. I am leaning heavily towards supporting him.
I am at the moment involved with creating *political* art. Here is another example. Hope you like it!!! x Jayne PS. The peice is called *Weimar RepubliK Revisited.*
Luxury Lex in answer to your question
Posting photos to the Motherboards server is a function of Board Membership. I am guessing that if you had these rights before your membership is expired?
Please note that you can post photos that are hosted on personal web space without becoming a Board Member, and see my topic on Image Posting in Mouth of the Motherboards for instructions.
quote:p.s. - why is there no longer an option to attach photos in this forum? the posting feature doesn't seem to allow it. Moderator please action /xo Lex
Posting photos to the Motherboards server is a function of Board Membership. I am guessing that if you had these rights before your membership is expired?
Please note that you can post photos that are hosted on personal web space without becoming a Board Member, and see my topic on Image Posting in Mouth of the Motherboards for instructions.
My bad. It must be a membership issue -- thanks for clarifying, Katrina. Will take care of that promptly!
Keep your eyes open regarding Baracks associations.
Gospel Preacher's Anti-Gay 'Rant' at Obama Concert
The controversy over what Mother Jones magazine called Senator Barack Obama's "pander-to-black-hatred tour" featuring homophobic "ex-gay" preacher-singer Donnie McClurkin continued this past week.
An Obama gospel concert was held on Sunday, October 28, in Columbia, South Carolina as the final stage in what the presidential candidate billed as a "Forty Days of Faith and Family" tour of the Palmetto State. A September poll conducted by Winthrop University and ETV showed that 74 percent of South Carolina African Americans believe homosexuality is "unacceptable."
In an attempt to mollify the widespread protests by the LGBT community over McClurkin's appearance, the Obama campaign had hastily arranged at the last minute for an openly gay South Carolina pastor, Andy Sidden, to join the roster at the concert. But Sidden's appearance was notably brief and anti-climactic; he said a short prayer to the auditorium at the very beginning of the program, when the arena was only about half full, and then he left.
The Obama campaign had assured members of the LGBT community that McClurkin - who has told the Washington Post that he's in "a war" against what he calls "the curse of homosexuality" - would not use the event to speak against what he claims is "the choice" of homosexuality.
Instead, McClurkin delivered what outspoken Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan, who is openly gay, afterward described on his blog as a "rant."
McClurkin, in his impassioned, angry outburst at his gay critics - who, he claimed, were trying to "vilify" him - shouted, "God delivered me from homosexuality!" A portion of his remarks at the concert can be seen at: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2007/10/29/mc...cnn?iref=videosearch .
Sullivan, who just two nights earlier had sidestepped a question about the gospel singer's connection to the campaign on HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher," wrote, "McClurkin, in short, should never have been allowed to speak at this event, because his words are inherently divisive, his record of comments on gay people offensive, and the point of the event was allegedly unifying... I still believe that broadly speaking, [Obama's] is the only major candidacy right now that offers the kind of change we need. But what happened on that stage was inexcusable, stupid, and damaging. I don't blame any gay American for jumping the Obama ship over it."
One of Obama's most prominent gay supporters has already quit the campaign over the McClurkin affair - Bob Farmer, whom the Washington Post has called a "legendary fundraiser." The openly gay Farmer, who is from Boston, first came to national prominence as chief fundraiser for the 1988 presidential drive of then-Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis; served as finance chair of the Democratic National Committee during President George H.W. Bush's administration; was a top fundraiser for Bill Clinton; and in 2004 served as national treasurer for John Kerry's presidential campaign.
Farmer resigned from the Obama campaign last Friday, in what a source close to him told this reporter was "disgust" at Obama's refusal to cancel McClurkin's campaign appearance after the protests against it began.
Meanwhile, African-American journalist Clay Cane, who writes for Vibe magazine, published a lengthy interview this Tuesday on his blog (http://claycane.blogspot.com/) with a man who claimed he had a sexual affair with McClurkin "twice a month" from 2001 to 2004, which Cane noted "is ironically during the height of McClurkin's anti-gay rants and calls for conversion."
The man, who was identified only with the pseudonym "Rob," said that McClurkin's preaching against homosexuality and claims to have been "cured" of it by Christ are phony and hypocritical.
"Rob" said that McClurkin "gets into role playing, which is of course he's the bottom and he wants you to treat him rough. He wants to talk rough and that's not my demeanor, that's not in me. I can play a role and I did it, but I didn't feel comfortable because it wasn't me. I felt stupid actually... He was like a different person, the tone of his voice. He referred to his asshole as 'pussy.' Stuff like that, 'You want to fuck this pussy, don't you?' You know that type of thing."
Asked by Cane, "Was there any talk in your conversations about being gay is wrong, this is an abomination, or conversion?" the man called "Rob" replied, "Early on, no - he would relate it to being lonely. Not being able to be who you really want to be, who you are, and that was a little later. I said, 'What do you mean?' He said, 'Well, I'm in gospel, I have fans, I'm about to start this church, and the church has a lot of promise. It can be a big thing,' which it ended up being. He said, 'I have a position to uphold and I have an image, but the thing is I know who I am and I'm going to have to work on some things; I have some things to work on.' I said, 'Is it that simple? Can you just work on it like that? Cut on a switch'... He feels that he has to say that to please people. He said, 'I don't want people to believe that I'm still doing it.'"
At the same time, the Obama campaign released a statement signed by some of its religious and gay supporters in support of McClurkin's campaign appearance, claiming that an event starring the anti-gay preacher was part of Obama's commitment to "dialogue."
The pronouncement asserted that while "Obama has said that he 'strongly disagrees' with Pastor McClurkin's comments, he will not exclude from his campaign the many Americans including many in the African-American community who believe the same as Pastor McClurkin."
Furthermore, the statement said, "We believe that Barack Obama is constructing a tent big enough for LGBT Americans who know that their sexual orientation is an innate and treasured part of their being, and for African-American ministers and citizens who believe that their religion prevents them from fully embracing their gay brothers and sisters. And if we are to confront our shared challenges we have to join together, build on common ground, and engage in a civil dialogue even when we disagree."
A majority of the seven non-religious gay signatories to the statement were identified by the Obama campaign as former directors or staff members of the Human Rights Campaign.
Condemnation of the Obama campaign's statement was swift in the blogosphere. For example, John Aravosis, writing on his AmericaBlog, said, "I simply don't believe that Obama would have the same reaction, be just as welcoming, if we were talking about racists or anti-Semites. He wouldn't say that we're all one big tent. He would kick the racist or the anti-Semite to the curb. Not to mention, 'the big tent' concept traditionally means people who have differing political views, even differing political loyalties (Republican and Democrat). I've never heard a politician invoke the big tent to mean racists and their victims. "
Aravosis went on to write, "This is new. And it's terribly unnerving. I mean, we're to believe that the fact that Obama, alone among Democratic candidates, is willing to openly welcome bigots into his campaign makes him the best candidate for voters concerned about civil rights. And the corollary, the worst candidate for someone who cares about civil rights is the candidate who actually stands up against the bigots. So the best way to promote tolerance is to tolerate and embrace intolerance?"
Aravosis called that logic "wacked."
And in the wake of McClurkin's South Carolina appearance and the Obama campaign statement embracing those who think like McClurkin, openly gay African-American writer and film critic David Ehrenstein wrote - in a Los Angeles Times op-ed October 31 - that Obama's "continued relevance to gay and lesbian African Americans is over."
For complete background on the Obama-McClurkin controversy, see this reporter's article in last week's Gay City News, "Obama's Anti-Gay Gamble," the online version of which is linked from this story on gaycitynews.com. Doug Ireland can be reached through his blog, DIRELAND, at http://direland.typead.com/direland.
Gospel Preacher's Anti-Gay 'Rant' at Obama Concert
The controversy over what Mother Jones magazine called Senator Barack Obama's "pander-to-black-hatred tour" featuring homophobic "ex-gay" preacher-singer Donnie McClurkin continued this past week.
An Obama gospel concert was held on Sunday, October 28, in Columbia, South Carolina as the final stage in what the presidential candidate billed as a "Forty Days of Faith and Family" tour of the Palmetto State. A September poll conducted by Winthrop University and ETV showed that 74 percent of South Carolina African Americans believe homosexuality is "unacceptable."
In an attempt to mollify the widespread protests by the LGBT community over McClurkin's appearance, the Obama campaign had hastily arranged at the last minute for an openly gay South Carolina pastor, Andy Sidden, to join the roster at the concert. But Sidden's appearance was notably brief and anti-climactic; he said a short prayer to the auditorium at the very beginning of the program, when the arena was only about half full, and then he left.
The Obama campaign had assured members of the LGBT community that McClurkin - who has told the Washington Post that he's in "a war" against what he calls "the curse of homosexuality" - would not use the event to speak against what he claims is "the choice" of homosexuality.
Instead, McClurkin delivered what outspoken Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan, who is openly gay, afterward described on his blog as a "rant."
McClurkin, in his impassioned, angry outburst at his gay critics - who, he claimed, were trying to "vilify" him - shouted, "God delivered me from homosexuality!" A portion of his remarks at the concert can be seen at: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2007/10/29/mc...cnn?iref=videosearch .
Sullivan, who just two nights earlier had sidestepped a question about the gospel singer's connection to the campaign on HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher," wrote, "McClurkin, in short, should never have been allowed to speak at this event, because his words are inherently divisive, his record of comments on gay people offensive, and the point of the event was allegedly unifying... I still believe that broadly speaking, [Obama's] is the only major candidacy right now that offers the kind of change we need. But what happened on that stage was inexcusable, stupid, and damaging. I don't blame any gay American for jumping the Obama ship over it."
One of Obama's most prominent gay supporters has already quit the campaign over the McClurkin affair - Bob Farmer, whom the Washington Post has called a "legendary fundraiser." The openly gay Farmer, who is from Boston, first came to national prominence as chief fundraiser for the 1988 presidential drive of then-Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis; served as finance chair of the Democratic National Committee during President George H.W. Bush's administration; was a top fundraiser for Bill Clinton; and in 2004 served as national treasurer for John Kerry's presidential campaign.
Farmer resigned from the Obama campaign last Friday, in what a source close to him told this reporter was "disgust" at Obama's refusal to cancel McClurkin's campaign appearance after the protests against it began.
Meanwhile, African-American journalist Clay Cane, who writes for Vibe magazine, published a lengthy interview this Tuesday on his blog (http://claycane.blogspot.com/) with a man who claimed he had a sexual affair with McClurkin "twice a month" from 2001 to 2004, which Cane noted "is ironically during the height of McClurkin's anti-gay rants and calls for conversion."
The man, who was identified only with the pseudonym "Rob," said that McClurkin's preaching against homosexuality and claims to have been "cured" of it by Christ are phony and hypocritical.
"Rob" said that McClurkin "gets into role playing, which is of course he's the bottom and he wants you to treat him rough. He wants to talk rough and that's not my demeanor, that's not in me. I can play a role and I did it, but I didn't feel comfortable because it wasn't me. I felt stupid actually... He was like a different person, the tone of his voice. He referred to his asshole as 'pussy.' Stuff like that, 'You want to fuck this pussy, don't you?' You know that type of thing."
Asked by Cane, "Was there any talk in your conversations about being gay is wrong, this is an abomination, or conversion?" the man called "Rob" replied, "Early on, no - he would relate it to being lonely. Not being able to be who you really want to be, who you are, and that was a little later. I said, 'What do you mean?' He said, 'Well, I'm in gospel, I have fans, I'm about to start this church, and the church has a lot of promise. It can be a big thing,' which it ended up being. He said, 'I have a position to uphold and I have an image, but the thing is I know who I am and I'm going to have to work on some things; I have some things to work on.' I said, 'Is it that simple? Can you just work on it like that? Cut on a switch'... He feels that he has to say that to please people. He said, 'I don't want people to believe that I'm still doing it.'"
At the same time, the Obama campaign released a statement signed by some of its religious and gay supporters in support of McClurkin's campaign appearance, claiming that an event starring the anti-gay preacher was part of Obama's commitment to "dialogue."
The pronouncement asserted that while "Obama has said that he 'strongly disagrees' with Pastor McClurkin's comments, he will not exclude from his campaign the many Americans including many in the African-American community who believe the same as Pastor McClurkin."
Furthermore, the statement said, "We believe that Barack Obama is constructing a tent big enough for LGBT Americans who know that their sexual orientation is an innate and treasured part of their being, and for African-American ministers and citizens who believe that their religion prevents them from fully embracing their gay brothers and sisters. And if we are to confront our shared challenges we have to join together, build on common ground, and engage in a civil dialogue even when we disagree."
A majority of the seven non-religious gay signatories to the statement were identified by the Obama campaign as former directors or staff members of the Human Rights Campaign.
Condemnation of the Obama campaign's statement was swift in the blogosphere. For example, John Aravosis, writing on his AmericaBlog, said, "I simply don't believe that Obama would have the same reaction, be just as welcoming, if we were talking about racists or anti-Semites. He wouldn't say that we're all one big tent. He would kick the racist or the anti-Semite to the curb. Not to mention, 'the big tent' concept traditionally means people who have differing political views, even differing political loyalties (Republican and Democrat). I've never heard a politician invoke the big tent to mean racists and their victims. "
Aravosis went on to write, "This is new. And it's terribly unnerving. I mean, we're to believe that the fact that Obama, alone among Democratic candidates, is willing to openly welcome bigots into his campaign makes him the best candidate for voters concerned about civil rights. And the corollary, the worst candidate for someone who cares about civil rights is the candidate who actually stands up against the bigots. So the best way to promote tolerance is to tolerate and embrace intolerance?"
Aravosis called that logic "wacked."
And in the wake of McClurkin's South Carolina appearance and the Obama campaign statement embracing those who think like McClurkin, openly gay African-American writer and film critic David Ehrenstein wrote - in a Los Angeles Times op-ed October 31 - that Obama's "continued relevance to gay and lesbian African Americans is over."
For complete background on the Obama-McClurkin controversy, see this reporter's article in last week's Gay City News, "Obama's Anti-Gay Gamble," the online version of which is linked from this story on gaycitynews.com. Doug Ireland can be reached through his blog, DIRELAND, at http://direland.typead.com/direland.
Received this in the mail today. I'm certain presidential candidate Ron Paul is thrilled... but he should be...!
The Deviant Libertarian webmaster@thedeviantlibertarian.net
Dear Fellow Deviant:
Why should any professional dominatrix be concerned with US politics? Well aren't civil liberties & individual
freedom are concern particularly to those who practice BDSM for a living? Is it not a concern how both conservatives
& progressives use government to erode civil liberties & individual liberty? Is it not a concern how both
conservatives & progressives use government tell you how should live your life? Any person who works in the adult
entertainment industry or practices BDSM for a living should be concerned about the state of US politics. They should
be concerned enough to so as Mistress Barbi has & come in support in support of Ron Paul because Ron Paul is a
champion of individual liberty & he's running for president.
He's a congressman who has consistently voted against the war in Iraq, he's a congressman who has consistently voted
against drug prohibition, against the PATRIOT ACT, against gun control & has never voted for a tax increase, he gets
endorsed by pot smokers & gun owners, he's a genuine libertarian, a genuine champion of liberty.
More importantly for any professional dominatrix he doesn't believe it's the job of government to regulate voluntary
contracts between consenting adults. So if any professional dominatrix values their job then they should support Ron
Paul for president & support isn't just voting for him. Its donating to his campaign, posting a banner on your site,
its leafleting, its telling your friends, Its whatever you can do to support his campaign.
So in 2008 please support Ron Paul.
The Deviant Libertarian & Barbi Satin
The Deviant Libertarian webmaster@thedeviantlibertarian.net
Dear Fellow Deviant:
Why should any professional dominatrix be concerned with US politics? Well aren't civil liberties & individual
freedom are concern particularly to those who practice BDSM for a living? Is it not a concern how both conservatives
& progressives use government to erode civil liberties & individual liberty? Is it not a concern how both
conservatives & progressives use government tell you how should live your life? Any person who works in the adult
entertainment industry or practices BDSM for a living should be concerned about the state of US politics. They should
be concerned enough to so as Mistress Barbi has & come in support in support of Ron Paul because Ron Paul is a
champion of individual liberty & he's running for president.
He's a congressman who has consistently voted against the war in Iraq, he's a congressman who has consistently voted
against drug prohibition, against the PATRIOT ACT, against gun control & has never voted for a tax increase, he gets
endorsed by pot smokers & gun owners, he's a genuine libertarian, a genuine champion of liberty.
More importantly for any professional dominatrix he doesn't believe it's the job of government to regulate voluntary
contracts between consenting adults. So if any professional dominatrix values their job then they should support Ron
Paul for president & support isn't just voting for him. Its donating to his campaign, posting a banner on your site,
its leafleting, its telling your friends, Its whatever you can do to support his campaign.
So in 2008 please support Ron Paul.
The Deviant Libertarian & Barbi Satin
Ron Paul is really strange. I guess he was coining his own money and the Feds raided him...
He is coining this cash, based on real silver and gold stored somewhere in Idaho, in reaction against the failing US dollar...
He seems to be the fave candidate of conspiracy theorists and other fringe elements. But he's also right on alot of points - virulently anti-Iraq-war.
He is coining this cash, based on real silver and gold stored somewhere in Idaho, in reaction against the failing US dollar...
He seems to be the fave candidate of conspiracy theorists and other fringe elements. But he's also right on alot of points - virulently anti-Iraq-war.
I still can't decide. I'm leaning towards Edwards today or maybe Kucinich
Or maybe Rainblo.
Or maybe Messy Bonnie Raitt.
This guy Huckabee just gets crazier and sleazier; he pushes a parole board to free a serial rapist simply because one of his victims was a distant Clinton cousin, despite pleas from many other victims of this same monster (and the guy went on to rape and kill again).
Now, he says gay marriage will destroy civilization as we know it. I know many right-wingnuts decry this from rooftops all over, but his Q&A with GQ on the topic (and the accompanying Daily Kos crtique), just gives me the goosebumps.
"Huckabee: Gay Marriage Would End Civilization
by Devilstower
Thu Dec 06, 2007 at 11:40:21 AM PST
Forget terrorists. Mike Huckabee has identified a threat right here at home that would result in the downfall of our whole civilization.
GQ: Is the strategy shifting because social conservatives are losing on those core issues? Ten years ago, it would have been unimaginable to have gay marriage even in liberal Massachusetts. Now it's there.
Huckabee: I don't think the issue's about being against gay marriage. It's about being for traditional marriage and articulating the reason that's important. You have to have a basic family structure. There's never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived. So there is a sense in which, you know, it's one thing to say if people want to live a different way, that's their business. But when you want to redefine what family means or what marriage means, then that's an issue that should require some serious and significant debate in the public square.
Huckabee isn't the first to make these kind of statements. The idea that marriage is so sacrosanct that disturbing one dot in the word "license" would be enough to end us, has become part of the right's standard patter.
So, I'm wondering, who were these civilizations that re-wrote the meaning of marriage or family, and met some horrible doom. Was it the many civilizations were marriage was arranged and decided long before children were of marriageable age? Was it the Jewish civilizations of Jesus' day where brothers were required to marry their brother's widows? Was it civilizations that allowed siblings to marry? How about first cousins? Could be it civilizations who adopted the silly idea that you should marry for love. Perhaps it was the Mormons who decided to practice polygamy. Perhaps it was those who decided to stop. Or maybe it was the polyandrous cultures in many mountainous or arctic regions.
The truth is that every society rewrites the rules of marriage and family. That's what happens to all our social values as they respond to changes in how we live, what we know, and our available resources. Yes, friction occurs when the boundaries of a social convention no longer match those of a society in which it's embedded, but the societies that survive are exactly those which demonstrate the flexibility to change and adapt.
We stand at the end of a long line of rule-changers, of civilizations that have made institutions like marriage work for them, instead of against them. The dust under our feet is composed of all the civilizations that just the kind of rigidity that Huckabee wants for us now. The civilizations who fail are not those who acknowledge changing conditions and reshape their rules, but those who don't."
Personally, I've never been a huge cheerleader of the gay marriage movement for my own rebellious and pagan reasons. However, the other night at Rapture we hosted the wedding of Chloe Dzubilo and her new wife, Tara Jo DeLong. It was a post-Reading-for-Filth surprise, and the minister from MCC moved me so deeply. Our first Rapture wedding was one of the most sacred moments I've ever been honored to partake in.
One of the earlier guest readers from that night, young activist/writer Eric Leven, blogged about it:
Joe Birdsong, owner of Rapture Cafe, promised the readers and attendees of last night's Reading for Filth that there would be a huge surprise at the end of the evening. And man did he deliver!
Last night I witnessed my first gay/trans wedding and it was a wonderful thing to suddenly be a part of. This wasn't some kind of ceremony, or unionization or "ring giving" this was a full-on wedding. And you know what, conservatives? The world didn't come to an end. Heterosexuals did not feel like their marriage carried less "sanctity" and everyone gay/straight/trans/black/white applauded.
It's just love, people. Simple love.
Congratulations and best wishes to the happiest and healthiest!"
Now, he says gay marriage will destroy civilization as we know it. I know many right-wingnuts decry this from rooftops all over, but his Q&A with GQ on the topic (and the accompanying Daily Kos crtique), just gives me the goosebumps.
"Huckabee: Gay Marriage Would End Civilization
by Devilstower
Thu Dec 06, 2007 at 11:40:21 AM PST
Forget terrorists. Mike Huckabee has identified a threat right here at home that would result in the downfall of our whole civilization.
GQ: Is the strategy shifting because social conservatives are losing on those core issues? Ten years ago, it would have been unimaginable to have gay marriage even in liberal Massachusetts. Now it's there.
Huckabee: I don't think the issue's about being against gay marriage. It's about being for traditional marriage and articulating the reason that's important. You have to have a basic family structure. There's never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived. So there is a sense in which, you know, it's one thing to say if people want to live a different way, that's their business. But when you want to redefine what family means or what marriage means, then that's an issue that should require some serious and significant debate in the public square.
Huckabee isn't the first to make these kind of statements. The idea that marriage is so sacrosanct that disturbing one dot in the word "license" would be enough to end us, has become part of the right's standard patter.
So, I'm wondering, who were these civilizations that re-wrote the meaning of marriage or family, and met some horrible doom. Was it the many civilizations were marriage was arranged and decided long before children were of marriageable age? Was it the Jewish civilizations of Jesus' day where brothers were required to marry their brother's widows? Was it civilizations that allowed siblings to marry? How about first cousins? Could be it civilizations who adopted the silly idea that you should marry for love. Perhaps it was the Mormons who decided to practice polygamy. Perhaps it was those who decided to stop. Or maybe it was the polyandrous cultures in many mountainous or arctic regions.
The truth is that every society rewrites the rules of marriage and family. That's what happens to all our social values as they respond to changes in how we live, what we know, and our available resources. Yes, friction occurs when the boundaries of a social convention no longer match those of a society in which it's embedded, but the societies that survive are exactly those which demonstrate the flexibility to change and adapt.
We stand at the end of a long line of rule-changers, of civilizations that have made institutions like marriage work for them, instead of against them. The dust under our feet is composed of all the civilizations that just the kind of rigidity that Huckabee wants for us now. The civilizations who fail are not those who acknowledge changing conditions and reshape their rules, but those who don't."
Personally, I've never been a huge cheerleader of the gay marriage movement for my own rebellious and pagan reasons. However, the other night at Rapture we hosted the wedding of Chloe Dzubilo and her new wife, Tara Jo DeLong. It was a post-Reading-for-Filth surprise, and the minister from MCC moved me so deeply. Our first Rapture wedding was one of the most sacred moments I've ever been honored to partake in.
One of the earlier guest readers from that night, young activist/writer Eric Leven, blogged about it:
Joe Birdsong, owner of Rapture Cafe, promised the readers and attendees of last night's Reading for Filth that there would be a huge surprise at the end of the evening. And man did he deliver!
Last night I witnessed my first gay/trans wedding and it was a wonderful thing to suddenly be a part of. This wasn't some kind of ceremony, or unionization or "ring giving" this was a full-on wedding. And you know what, conservatives? The world didn't come to an end. Heterosexuals did not feel like their marriage carried less "sanctity" and everyone gay/straight/trans/black/white applauded.
It's just love, people. Simple love.
Congratulations and best wishes to the happiest and healthiest!"
I guess this means my wish for being in attendance at the end of the world requires me to get over to Rapture ASAP before that tear in the Universe opens up right under Mr. Joe and we all get sucked down the swirling toilet of matter in the deep dark hole of perdition centered on Rapture Cafe. Or, um, am I just describing what everyone is after who sidles by the pair into the restroom there?
My craving for the end of the world aside, the vulgar intellectualisms and refined ignorance of social conservatives is so endearing. History and sociology as half-read Encyclopedia entries.
My craving for the end of the world aside, the vulgar intellectualisms and refined ignorance of social conservatives is so endearing. History and sociology as half-read Encyclopedia entries.
John Edwards:
Paul Krugman has a good piece in todays times about the differences between Obama and Edwards...
Hillary is unacceptable to me, so she's off the table. I will support her if she's the nominee but she's betrayed progressives way to much for me to support her in a primary.
Edwards seems to have the best plan for combatting poverty, combatting corporate interests, etc.
Paul Krugman has a good piece in todays times about the differences between Obama and Edwards...
Hillary is unacceptable to me, so she's off the table. I will support her if she's the nominee but she's betrayed progressives way to much for me to support her in a primary.
Edwards seems to have the best plan for combatting poverty, combatting corporate interests, etc.
David Ian Brager's got my vote.
Lily, your thoughts (on Iowa)?
I was just reading what Michael Moore had to say on this called "Who Do We Vote For This Time Around?"
Very interesting piece..
Did anyone check out this Huckabee Family Portrait discussion on Gawker today?
Did anyone check out this Huckabee Family Portrait discussion on Gawker today?
Creepy. They all look like Walmart employees.
I actually thought Kevin Federline's attorneys won Iowa.
Seriously, though - I'm shocked that people in this country (considering the recent Bhutto assissination) don't find it important yet that a woman who has given birth to a child might be the smartest choice to lead the most militarized nation? Isn't it about time, already? Sheez.
I actually thought Kevin Federline's attorneys won Iowa.
Seriously, though - I'm shocked that people in this country (considering the recent Bhutto assissination) don't find it important yet that a woman who has given birth to a child might be the smartest choice to lead the most militarized nation? Isn't it about time, already? Sheez.
The swirl has already made the majority lose sight of the main question. Who can actually run this country as president? It is not, who is the most appealing or most religious or inspiring or confidence provoking or likeable or who has the best sales pitch.
I find it a bit inspiring Obama won, but that is merely a popularity contest, not a test of hard ideas of positive programs for change.
If I didn't know better I'd almost feel sorry for the Republicans. They don't have anyone worth shit running. All their candidates are patently gross or at best flat.
Ron Paul is the only candidate militant enough to carry a real threat of hard changes.
It would seem to me the whole race at this point is becoming dangerously unfocussed. We need a true unifying person who can marshall all forces against the appalling backwardness that has afflicted us from the Little Bush Idiocracy.
I find it a bit inspiring Obama won, but that is merely a popularity contest, not a test of hard ideas of positive programs for change.
If I didn't know better I'd almost feel sorry for the Republicans. They don't have anyone worth shit running. All their candidates are patently gross or at best flat.
Ron Paul is the only candidate militant enough to carry a real threat of hard changes.
It would seem to me the whole race at this point is becoming dangerously unfocussed. We need a true unifying person who can marshall all forces against the appalling backwardness that has afflicted us from the Little Bush Idiocracy.
I had been leaning towards Edwards but I must say Obama is incredibly compelling. I was for Edwards because he does have the most prgressive economic program. But now I just feel it's important for the Democratic Party to move beyond the Clintons and Obama has the best shot at making that happen. He was opposed to the Iraq war from the beginning while Edwards and Clinton voted for it. I don't know. I keep changing my mind. But no one has ever gotten the level of support he got from young people. It's inspiring.
I'm not opposed to Hillary Clinton per se, but watching her victory last night filled me with a sense of dread. It's not so much her, it's the people around her. The same Democratic Party hacks who've been running this party into the ground for over a decade.... Terry Macaulif, Howard Wolfson and the rest. Obama gave the better speech even in defeat. I think I can now say I fully support him. I'm totally for Obama. The party needs to move on. We need a candidate who can actually inspire.
Here's Maureen Dowd on last night........
Here's Maureen Dowd on last night........
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