The Wonderful Women's Summer Solstice Gathering is a chance to recharge from the negativity that plagues us in an environment of perfect love and perfect trust! Connect with Wonderful Women of like-minds and energies to receive and offer support to achieve our dreams!
All in good fun and to honor the Highest Within Us!
The Wonderful Women's Summer Solstice Gathering is a spiritual gathering of Women of varying faiths and orientations, coming together to be inclusive. We agree to respect faith-expressions, but no pontificating allowed!
All attendees must RSVP for information to attend. Ladies only, 21+.
Thursday, June 20th, 6-10pm, Midtown NYC
Visit SecretServicesNYC . com to RSVP and for details.
Be sure to JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to be alerted of our upcoming, exciting events!
See you on June 20th!
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