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Z & S Yes I will be there and performing too I believe. I look forward to meeting you both. Have a safe trip to NYC. Luv and Peas, Bobby

Cheers Bobby, I'm very glad to hear you will be in town for the Arcadia! event. I have been waiting so long to meet you! Was hoping we'd bump into one another randomly on some dance floor ... Please email me ...
Holly woodlawn is in a coma... at Cedar sinai after collapsing in her LA home... they say its due to alcoholism... beams to Holly...

-I digress- Holly Johnson from Frankie Goes to Hollywood stole his name as homage to the above ms Woodlawn fyi... sure y'all realized that.. (his real name is Billy Johnson or ...Billy Hollygay)

Get well Legend Holly Woodlawn!
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That is very sweet of you to say Marc, but I no longer live in New York. I have resided in Provincetown, Massachusetts for two years now. But I do visit often. Perhaps we will see each other at those times. So happy to hear about your film doing so well in Spain. I wish you continued good luck. Love and Peace.
Well it's been awhile and neither I nor Holly Woodlawn are in a coma.

But I would like to say thank you to all the many people who beamed me back to health and abundance. Those of you who took the time to think on me and send your beams of love.
It worked big time. And to Sweetie for starting the beams and keeping them coming when I really needed them most. Thank you my dear. Thank you Empress and Daddy for your continued love and support. Thank each and every one of my beloved friends for your positive enforcement of my perfection. I owe my very life to each of you.

It is so great to be alive and healthy.
I know I haven't been on the boads lately but I have to send not just beams but planets and the universe to Bobby, whatever the situation!One day I shall raid your photo collection, and pay you in Westwood, name it you can have it(well, except the couture pieces)!!!! I miss you terribly, still, even after all these years, and I think of you every day.
All the love in the world.

Thank you Joe.
I want that hat please.

I have just returned from my father's funeral. It was a beautiful celebration of his life and I learned so much. My family are fine. I got to see my mother's grave site as we buried my dad. It is in a small wooded private graveyard in the shadow forest of Mt. Baker in Washington State. Surrounded my ancient trees and a moss covered meadow with wild flowers. A small blind mouse came out of the underbrush and rolled playfully near the grave stone. Several of us looked closely at it and one boy picked it up and petted it as the small circle of family and friends weeped. The mouse stayed for the entire ceremony, even after he was set back down on the ground he continued to dance around my mothers gravestone and watched my brothers and I shovel the earth back into my fathers grave. We all thought it a sign that my father was now happy.

I am glad to be home here in Provincetown;

Thank each of you who posted your sympathies
and warm wishes to me both here on these boards and on my Myspace page as well.

I hope to see you all sometime soon.
Sending beams of love to each of you.
Last edited by bobby

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