I haven't heard much about the Frech Quarter, if it is totally destroyed or can be savaged in the news. I know Canal street was really flooded and Jackson Square Park has alot of damage but hopefully it won't have to be all torn down. Haven't heard anything about Bourbon street. You don't see many buildings left in the US like the french quarter. I know it sounds selfish because of all the loss of life, but I would really really miss that part of town! Anyone know?
Le Vieux Carré, or French Quarter if you prefer, is still relatively unscathed, though locked down and mostly evacuated. It is actually above sea level, unlike most of NOLA. Some of the borderline streets were flooded like Canal Street (which indeed lived up to its name,) and Saks--not in the FQ at all,. but on Canal also-- is on fire.
The FQ stores were heavily looted though, and some bars and restaurants incredibly remained open and serving through yesterday. Now it seems all or most are shuttered, and some of its population relocated.
There's also a Times article:
The FQ stores were heavily looted though, and some bars and restaurants incredibly remained open and serving through yesterday. Now it seems all or most are shuttered, and some of its population relocated.
There's also a Times article:
Hatches, it was Kanye West who said that George Bush does not care about black people. Crooksandliars.com has video. kanye west
thanks arabella. I realize now that CNN must have lifted the soundbyte and gotten Jackson to respond to it, because West's comments were made on another station.
I love Jimmy Breslin for his piece today in Newsday:
NY Newsday OpEd
I also love Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu and NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin for their firey speeches in DC and NOLA, respectively.
Never before has the disparity between rich and poor, and black and white been so plainly and painfully illustrated in this country as in the Katrina aftermath. And the rest of the world has been observing this fiercely. In today's Times comes this bit about this inequity right here in Manhattan
In Manhattan the Poor Make 2¢ For Each Dollar To the Rich
I also just heard that The Ursuline Convent, a very old and ghost-ridden building on Chartres Street in The Quarter, which some of you may be familiar with, sustained very serious roof and water damage. Very sad.
NY Newsday OpEd
I also love Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu and NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin for their firey speeches in DC and NOLA, respectively.
Never before has the disparity between rich and poor, and black and white been so plainly and painfully illustrated in this country as in the Katrina aftermath. And the rest of the world has been observing this fiercely. In today's Times comes this bit about this inequity right here in Manhattan
In Manhattan the Poor Make 2¢ For Each Dollar To the Rich
I also just heard that The Ursuline Convent, a very old and ghost-ridden building on Chartres Street in The Quarter, which some of you may be familiar with, sustained very serious roof and water damage. Very sad.
Beautiful Anne Rice piece on the racial history of the place
And hatches where did you get that info on the Ursuline convent? I heard yesterday that it was okay..
And hatches where did you get that info on the Ursuline convent? I heard yesterday that it was okay..
My blood is boiling today. the incompetence. the ass-covering and the lying in a never-ending steam of interviews. Get out there and fix this! Bill Clinton once said "There is nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed by what's right with America". I hope that's true. The best we can do right now is make our voices heard - We will not stand for such gross negligence from our elected officials. They work for us!!! They must be held accountable -then preferably horsewhipped, tarred, feathered and then "Domed" to death themselves!
The Anne Rice piece is gorgeous!
The Ursuline news came from the T-P feed this morning, Chi, quoting the Archbishop who is bunkered down in Baton Rouge:
"Ursuline Convent Damaged
The historic Ursuline Convent, built in 1725 and one of the oldest buildings in the French Quarter, sustained "serious damage" from Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes said Saturday.
"Part of the roof was destroyed," he said. "They experienced the full brunt of the storm."
I trust he was not confusing this facility with the Ursuline academy which is somewhere else, I think out near Tulane and therefore closer to Pontchartrain. The bit is located somewhere near the end of this mess:
T-P Breaking News
The Ursuline news came from the T-P feed this morning, Chi, quoting the Archbishop who is bunkered down in Baton Rouge:
"Ursuline Convent Damaged
The historic Ursuline Convent, built in 1725 and one of the oldest buildings in the French Quarter, sustained "serious damage" from Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes said Saturday.
"Part of the roof was destroyed," he said. "They experienced the full brunt of the storm."
I trust he was not confusing this facility with the Ursuline academy which is somewhere else, I think out near Tulane and therefore closer to Pontchartrain. The bit is located somewhere near the end of this mess:
T-P Breaking News
Don't you love how Bush said, "I hope people won't play partisan politics at this time" while posing for photo-ops in Biloxi, as if that wasn't playing politics to the hilt.
Now comes word that Karl Rove and his communications team are hard at work trying to shift the blame to local politicians, who are of course Democrats. No reacting to media criticism, just turn the discussion to what is being done now. Neatly side-stepping Condolezza's shoe shopping while Rome burns and the fact that the Homeland Security department was created to handle national emergencies of this very nature. If this week's poor showing was the best U.S. forces could do for a storm they had days of advance warning about, how can anyone believe we are ready for a biological terrorist attack? And meanwhile the head of FEMA (a department gutted of its financing by our president in favor of $300 tax cuts) is a college cronie of Bush's, a former horse breeder with virtually NO experience in emergency planning!
Now comes word that Karl Rove and his communications team are hard at work trying to shift the blame to local politicians, who are of course Democrats. No reacting to media criticism, just turn the discussion to what is being done now. Neatly side-stepping Condolezza's shoe shopping while Rome burns and the fact that the Homeland Security department was created to handle national emergencies of this very nature. If this week's poor showing was the best U.S. forces could do for a storm they had days of advance warning about, how can anyone believe we are ready for a biological terrorist attack? And meanwhile the head of FEMA (a department gutted of its financing by our president in favor of $300 tax cuts) is a college cronie of Bush's, a former horse breeder with virtually NO experience in emergency planning!
This is the first time I've felt compelled to write to my representatives:
"Dear Senator Clinton(Senator Schumer),
I urge you to lead the way in calling for a congressional hearing on the
present disaster in New Orleans and the gulf region and to call for an
investigation into the incompetence of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency. I urge you to call for the resignation of FEMA Director Mike
Brown and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff . I urge you to
support impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush.
The negligence, lack of preparation, under funding of valuable resources,
and countless gross oversights which have led to the escalation of the
natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina and to the death of hundreds if not
thousands of impoverished victims will not be overlooked by the American
people. The methods used by our representatives to confront these problems
will be carefully scrutinized. Please do the right thing."
I feel pretty helpless to do anything right now to help(except donate,) so I may as well put my big mouth to use. Every little bit helps. Here is the link: Congress.org
"Dear Senator Clinton(Senator Schumer),
I urge you to lead the way in calling for a congressional hearing on the
present disaster in New Orleans and the gulf region and to call for an
investigation into the incompetence of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency. I urge you to call for the resignation of FEMA Director Mike
Brown and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff . I urge you to
support impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush.
The negligence, lack of preparation, under funding of valuable resources,
and countless gross oversights which have led to the escalation of the
natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina and to the death of hundreds if not
thousands of impoverished victims will not be overlooked by the American
people. The methods used by our representatives to confront these problems
will be carefully scrutinized. Please do the right thing."
I feel pretty helpless to do anything right now to help(except donate,) so I may as well put my big mouth to use. Every little bit helps. Here is the link: Congress.org
From the San Antonio Express-News:
Katrina doesn't cancel Southern Decadence parade
Web Posted: 09/05/2005 12:00 AM CDT
Rod Davis
Express-News Staff Writer
NEW ORLEANS "” You know a city has legs when three or four dozen of them are parading down Bourbon Street "” some clad in tutus and grass skirts "” six days after the most damaging hurricane in American history.
Revelers take part in the Southern Decadence parade in New Orleans' French Quarter. The parade celebrates the quirky side of the city.
But the annual Southern Decadence parade through the heart of the French Quarter stops for nothing "” not even Katrina.
"Hey, we've got to keep our morale up, too," said Jill Sandars, aka "Jelly Sandwich," her "Quarter" name.
Resplendent in a fluffy red skirt, dark hat and small black umbrella, she strutted and sang with 15 to 20 other storm survivors who'd hunkered down in battered but not beaten streets normally associated with bead-throwing at Mardi Gras.
The event always manages to be held the Sunday before Labor Day. This time, of course, the circumstances were different.
Water covered the upper northwest quadrant of the Quarter, roughly from Conti to Canal streets, between Bourbon and North Rampart.
There was no power or water, and only hints of the kinds of food made legendary at venues such as Brennan's or Galatoire's. Both of those restaurants seemed relatively unscathed, as did many of the structures on the riverside end of the district, its highest elevation.
But the Quarter was far from its famously lively and carefree self. National Guard and police were everywhere to keep the peace and stop looting. Helicopters buzzed overhead as the evacuation of the city proceeded.
But as the parade assembled at Orleans and Bourbon, outside Johnny White's Sports Bar & Grill, where the motto, "We never close," is strictly enforced, the mood was old-school Vieux Carré at its finest.
"I survived Hurricane Katrina and all I got was this lousy T-shirt," was handwritten on the shirt of a young woman who was wearing a tutu and pulling a bead-laden wagon. Alongside her, marched "” ambled actually "” a shirtless young man in cut-off shorts, boots and hardhat. The sign he carried read, "Life goes on?"
As the parade moved along, people came out on balconies and threw down beads. On at least one balcony, birthday suits were the uniform of the day.
For Marvin Allen, bartender at the famous revolving Carousel Bar in the Hotel Monteleone, even the lack of meals could be turned into celebration. He and a group of survivors who live near the Ursulines Convent on Chartres combine provisions each evening for dishes such as "Wienie Jambalaya."
"In some ways, it sounds strange, but we're actually doing better than we normally are," Allen said.
It's a brave face, but it's working. Still, Allen hopes to evacuate to Dallas later this week.
The future of New Orleans may be problematic, and time lines for recovery mostly are educated guesses. But the same forces of fate "” or the mercy of the African voodoo goddess of the winds, Oya "” that deflected Katrina's destructive winds at the 11th hour seem to have spared this legendary part of the American cultural experience.
The northwestern quadrant, as well as outlying landmarks such as the historic Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on North Rampart at Conti, where plague victims were taken in the 1830s, were underwater anywhere from a few inches to several feet.
But most of the landmarks in the Quarter theoretically could reopen whenever power and water are restored "” by November, optimistically. There's no talk of canceling Mardi Gras.
As the Southern Decadence parade meandered past the corner of Orleans and Royal, it passed the fenced garden behind St. Louis Cathedral. A giant oak and magnolia both lay uprooted. It was the largest single scene of devastation in the Quarter.
In the center of the tangle of limbs and broken trunks stood the garden's statue of Jesus, the one with outstretched arms affectionately known to locals as "Touchdown Jesus."
The statue was completely unscathed, except for a broken finger and two broken thumbs. "J'ai confiance en vouz," says the inscription, "I have confidence in you."
At that intersection, a New Orleans cop appeared, held up his own arms and stopped the parade.
"I didn't know Decadence was still on," he said. Parade-goers politely assured him it was.
"Keep your spirits up," he said, and drove away.
His lack of knowledge could easily be forgiven. It's not like phones, TVs or much of anything facilitates conversation. As one habitué of the sports bar said, drinking a warm beer on the sidewalk, "We just can't get any information."
"Yeah," said Ride Hamilton, a longhaired screenwriter who keeps water and medical supplies for the stranded. "And we can't get any strippers, either."
Katrina doesn't cancel Southern Decadence parade
Web Posted: 09/05/2005 12:00 AM CDT
Rod Davis
Express-News Staff Writer
NEW ORLEANS "” You know a city has legs when three or four dozen of them are parading down Bourbon Street "” some clad in tutus and grass skirts "” six days after the most damaging hurricane in American history.
Revelers take part in the Southern Decadence parade in New Orleans' French Quarter. The parade celebrates the quirky side of the city.
But the annual Southern Decadence parade through the heart of the French Quarter stops for nothing "” not even Katrina.
"Hey, we've got to keep our morale up, too," said Jill Sandars, aka "Jelly Sandwich," her "Quarter" name.
Resplendent in a fluffy red skirt, dark hat and small black umbrella, she strutted and sang with 15 to 20 other storm survivors who'd hunkered down in battered but not beaten streets normally associated with bead-throwing at Mardi Gras.
The event always manages to be held the Sunday before Labor Day. This time, of course, the circumstances were different.
Water covered the upper northwest quadrant of the Quarter, roughly from Conti to Canal streets, between Bourbon and North Rampart.
There was no power or water, and only hints of the kinds of food made legendary at venues such as Brennan's or Galatoire's. Both of those restaurants seemed relatively unscathed, as did many of the structures on the riverside end of the district, its highest elevation.
But the Quarter was far from its famously lively and carefree self. National Guard and police were everywhere to keep the peace and stop looting. Helicopters buzzed overhead as the evacuation of the city proceeded.
But as the parade assembled at Orleans and Bourbon, outside Johnny White's Sports Bar & Grill, where the motto, "We never close," is strictly enforced, the mood was old-school Vieux Carré at its finest.
"I survived Hurricane Katrina and all I got was this lousy T-shirt," was handwritten on the shirt of a young woman who was wearing a tutu and pulling a bead-laden wagon. Alongside her, marched "” ambled actually "” a shirtless young man in cut-off shorts, boots and hardhat. The sign he carried read, "Life goes on?"
As the parade moved along, people came out on balconies and threw down beads. On at least one balcony, birthday suits were the uniform of the day.
For Marvin Allen, bartender at the famous revolving Carousel Bar in the Hotel Monteleone, even the lack of meals could be turned into celebration. He and a group of survivors who live near the Ursulines Convent on Chartres combine provisions each evening for dishes such as "Wienie Jambalaya."
"In some ways, it sounds strange, but we're actually doing better than we normally are," Allen said.
It's a brave face, but it's working. Still, Allen hopes to evacuate to Dallas later this week.
The future of New Orleans may be problematic, and time lines for recovery mostly are educated guesses. But the same forces of fate "” or the mercy of the African voodoo goddess of the winds, Oya "” that deflected Katrina's destructive winds at the 11th hour seem to have spared this legendary part of the American cultural experience.
The northwestern quadrant, as well as outlying landmarks such as the historic Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on North Rampart at Conti, where plague victims were taken in the 1830s, were underwater anywhere from a few inches to several feet.
But most of the landmarks in the Quarter theoretically could reopen whenever power and water are restored "” by November, optimistically. There's no talk of canceling Mardi Gras.
As the Southern Decadence parade meandered past the corner of Orleans and Royal, it passed the fenced garden behind St. Louis Cathedral. A giant oak and magnolia both lay uprooted. It was the largest single scene of devastation in the Quarter.
In the center of the tangle of limbs and broken trunks stood the garden's statue of Jesus, the one with outstretched arms affectionately known to locals as "Touchdown Jesus."
The statue was completely unscathed, except for a broken finger and two broken thumbs. "J'ai confiance en vouz," says the inscription, "I have confidence in you."
At that intersection, a New Orleans cop appeared, held up his own arms and stopped the parade.
"I didn't know Decadence was still on," he said. Parade-goers politely assured him it was.
"Keep your spirits up," he said, and drove away.
His lack of knowledge could easily be forgiven. It's not like phones, TVs or much of anything facilitates conversation. As one habitué of the sports bar said, drinking a warm beer on the sidewalk, "We just can't get any information."
"Yeah," said Ride Hamilton, a longhaired screenwriter who keeps water and medical supplies for the stranded. "And we can't get any strippers, either."
Photos from the Express-News article (Photos by Nicole Frugé/Express-News)
Revelers take part in the Southern Decadence parade in New Orleans' French Quarter. The parade celebrates the quirky side of the city.
Revelers take part in the Southern Decadence parade in New Orleans' French Quarter. The parade celebrates the quirky side of the city.

What does it take for Americans to wake up and SEE who this President really is and see how the US media is sooo biased and spin doctored ... i feel like Peter Finch in Network! I'm mad an am not gonna take it anymore!!!! It's just SHOCKIN to me how the real horror of all of this devestation just translates to most of the rest of the States as "gas prices are going up". The world media (yes! watch the BBC) are just horrified at the slow response which led to fast death for so many American... but then again I have always said America is THE most racist country I have ever visited. It's so so sad for those people who have suffered there - can u just imagine how terrible it must have been! While Condie goes shoppin an Bush plays guitar! I don't get though how the rest of America for the most part aren't in the streets protesting!
Shocking and really really makes my blood boil..
I am in love with Ray Nagin the NO mayor... thank god he actually got angry I don't think help would have come had he not! Props to Kanya West, he's correct! Love that Anderson Cooper is on CNN venting too... But am astounded at Bush ... an more shocked that he seems to be getting away with murder.
Shocking and really really makes my blood boil..
I am in love with Ray Nagin the NO mayor... thank god he actually got angry I don't think help would have come had he not! Props to Kanya West, he's correct! Love that Anderson Cooper is on CNN venting too... But am astounded at Bush ... an more shocked that he seems to be getting away with murder.
PS - Arabella I will copy your text and do the same!! here here!!
Has there been anything in the news about Venezuelan President offering the States two floating hospitals and oil??? I know this for FACT. But BUSH has refused!!!??!!
I concur with that report about Venezuealas kind offer Anna, here's a link to a list of other offers including Irans offer to donate much needed oil towards the relief effort
The criminally slow response to this disaster on the part of the federal government may be partially symptomatic of the efforts of the bush administration to make the federal government smaller and less involved.
bush has today named himself to be in charge of the federal investigation into the failure of the relief effort to act in a swift and effective manner. Yep! he's going to get to the bottom of it alright, and in the process deflect attention from himself. Can this really be true? This is almost unbelieveable to me.
The criminally slow response to this disaster on the part of the federal government may be partially symptomatic of the efforts of the bush administration to make the federal government smaller and less involved.
bush has today named himself to be in charge of the federal investigation into the failure of the relief effort to act in a swift and effective manner. Yep! he's going to get to the bottom of it alright, and in the process deflect attention from himself. Can this really be true? This is almost unbelieveable to me.
Perhaps it is due to the endless History Channel series on the Roman Empire, but all day yesterday I couldn't help thinking of Nero fiddling while Rome burned (actually it was a lute.)
I notice that everyone is avoiding providing an actual death count so far. I suspect we will be even more heartsick and angry when that comes to light.
The European press has published some incredible stuff about the disaster. Many are even saying that this has brought our entire system of government into question. I agree.
Bush heading the investigation? How much more of a clueless joker can he be?
I notice that everyone is avoiding providing an actual death count so far. I suspect we will be even more heartsick and angry when that comes to light.
The European press has published some incredible stuff about the disaster. Many are even saying that this has brought our entire system of government into question. I agree.
Bush heading the investigation? How much more of a clueless joker can he be?
Thanks, Anna Nicole, yes, please feel free to use any and all of that letter and do the same,(and the same for anyone else so inclined...)
Everyday it seems there is some new development from The Bush family that causes outrage. Here is a quote from Old Lady Bush posted on Atrios blog (crooksandliars.com has the link,Crooks and Liars)
NEW YORK Accompanying her husband, former President George H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them."
In a segment at the top of the show [NPR Marketplace] on the surge of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I've talked to wants to move to Houston."
Then she added: "What I'm hearing is they all want to stay in Texas, [which is really scary] Everyone is so overwhelmed with the hospitality.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (she chuckled)--this is working very well for them."
Yet again the Jackie Factory shows its presentient ability with the choice of its performance themes. Old Lady Bush may as well have said "Let them eat cake." And lord knows with that hair she wouldn't even need a wig to look like an aged Marie Antoinette.
Everyday it seems there is some new development from The Bush family that causes outrage. Here is a quote from Old Lady Bush posted on Atrios blog (crooksandliars.com has the link,Crooks and Liars)
NEW YORK Accompanying her husband, former President George H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them."
In a segment at the top of the show [NPR Marketplace] on the surge of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I've talked to wants to move to Houston."
Then she added: "What I'm hearing is they all want to stay in Texas, [which is really scary] Everyone is so overwhelmed with the hospitality.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (she chuckled)--this is working very well for them."
Yet again the Jackie Factory shows its presentient ability with the choice of its performance themes. Old Lady Bush may as well have said "Let them eat cake." And lord knows with that hair she wouldn't even need a wig to look like an aged Marie Antoinette.
This has been such a nightmare. My love goes out to you Chi Chi & Daddy.
The devastation is mind boggleing and the feelings of powerlessness are too much to bare.
We know it might not be much, but we figured
every lil bit counts right now, and wanted to
offer another avenue, or possibly incentive -
All proceeds for our new release
Year of the Whore at 'CD Baby'
are going to the American Red Cross disaster relief fund.
Our hearts go out to all of the victims
and survivors of this tremendous tragedy.
If you would like to make a donation in this manner
you can go to - http://cdbaby.com/cd/vulgaras2
Blessed Bees,
The devastation is mind boggleing and the feelings of powerlessness are too much to bare.
We know it might not be much, but we figured
every lil bit counts right now, and wanted to
offer another avenue, or possibly incentive -
All proceeds for our new release
Year of the Whore at 'CD Baby'
are going to the American Red Cross disaster relief fund.
Our hearts go out to all of the victims
and survivors of this tremendous tragedy.
If you would like to make a donation in this manner
you can go to - http://cdbaby.com/cd/vulgaras2
Blessed Bees,
Chi Chi, Daddy.... whats the status of your gaff there? Do you know?
This from John Kass from The Chicago Tribune:
Mother's remark puts silver foot in Bush's mouth
Published September 7, 2005
I was all set to defend President Bush as a guy who really doesn't want poor black people in Louisiana and Mississippi to die of starvation and disease, no matter what the Democrats say.
But then Barbara Bush, the president's mom, went and dusted off the Bush family silver foot Monday. And she used it.
While touring the Houston Astrodome, where thousands of Hurricane Katrina refugees have been huddling, Barbara Bush said they didn't have it so bad because, heck, they were poor to begin with.
"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas," she was quoted as saying in an interview on National Public Radio.
Thousands of hurricane refugees were sitting on or near their green army cots, perhaps thinking of lunch, presumably waiting to be fed something hearty.
Anything but cake.
"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," Barbara Bush said. And here comes the fastball over the middle of the Democratic plate:
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."
At least she didn't ask them to sing and dance. But I'm sure it's working out very well for them. How often does something nice like a hurricane come by and change your life so you can hang out with thousands of others in the Astrodome and have Barbara Bush say it wasn't so bad, because you were poor anyway?
Mother's remark puts silver foot in Bush's mouth
Published September 7, 2005
I was all set to defend President Bush as a guy who really doesn't want poor black people in Louisiana and Mississippi to die of starvation and disease, no matter what the Democrats say.
But then Barbara Bush, the president's mom, went and dusted off the Bush family silver foot Monday. And she used it.
While touring the Houston Astrodome, where thousands of Hurricane Katrina refugees have been huddling, Barbara Bush said they didn't have it so bad because, heck, they were poor to begin with.
"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas," she was quoted as saying in an interview on National Public Radio.
Thousands of hurricane refugees were sitting on or near their green army cots, perhaps thinking of lunch, presumably waiting to be fed something hearty.
Anything but cake.
"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," Barbara Bush said. And here comes the fastball over the middle of the Democratic plate:
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."
At least she didn't ask them to sing and dance. But I'm sure it's working out very well for them. How often does something nice like a hurricane come by and change your life so you can hang out with thousands of others in the Astrodome and have Barbara Bush say it wasn't so bad, because you were poor anyway?
It is so out in the open.
As Africans I know say about the governments in their supposed 'democracies' "we live in a vampire State."
The government is taken over by what amounts to ordinary criminals and crooks who set up their cronies -as per Little Bush's FEMA director- so they all can just rob the citizens blind.
Now we get to live the Little Bush regime's neglect holocaust.
Senator Clinton and a few others have begun calling for independent investigative committees.
Carl Rove's Big Lie machine will leave him second only to Joseph Goebbles.
How can it be possible to provide all the dead peace?
The one overarching result for the US internationally is going to be that the whole rest of the world will not now refrain in the least from attacking the nation's credibility on all fronts, since its leadership is now openly exposed as being morally bankrupt.
The entire population of the world must be wondering why we are not throwing the Little Bush regime out a window.
As Africans I know say about the governments in their supposed 'democracies' "we live in a vampire State."
The government is taken over by what amounts to ordinary criminals and crooks who set up their cronies -as per Little Bush's FEMA director- so they all can just rob the citizens blind.
Now we get to live the Little Bush regime's neglect holocaust.
Senator Clinton and a few others have begun calling for independent investigative committees.
Carl Rove's Big Lie machine will leave him second only to Joseph Goebbles.
How can it be possible to provide all the dead peace?
The one overarching result for the US internationally is going to be that the whole rest of the world will not now refrain in the least from attacking the nation's credibility on all fronts, since its leadership is now openly exposed as being morally bankrupt.
The entire population of the world must be wondering why we are not throwing the Little Bush regime out a window.
Yes the Fema Director had only one qualification and that was that he was one of the fratboys old college roomies.
I can't think of a better person from history than Goebbles to liken Karl Rove to.
Yes, Please everyone sign all and any email petitions or snail mail pettions to roast bush over the coals. My Goddess he deserves it! What a slime he is.
I can't think of a better person from history than Goebbles to liken Karl Rove to.
Yes, Please everyone sign all and any email petitions or snail mail pettions to roast bush over the coals. My Goddess he deserves it! What a slime he is.
The below is an update from the head of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau. It is a city government agency, (virtually all US cities have a CVB) in charge of all tourism and business-tourism matters pertaining to the city. As such it coordinates and acts as a central clearing house for information and arrangements in an in-depth network of all hotel, convention, public transportation, restaurant, nightlife, cultural, religious and civic organizations, in both the for profit and not for profit sectors. So this is a take on the situation from the inside of the city bureaucracy that you aren't normally going to hear in the media.
I think you will find the tone and some of the details very enheartening.
New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau Update
As of 9 A.M. Tuesday, September 6, 2005
J. Stephen Perry - President/CEO
We offer the deepest and most profound thank you to governments, individuals, trade organizations, and especially our clients, customers and long-time tourist visitors for the overwhelming show of support and affection for our city and people. You have touched our hearts. Your offers of assistance and your heartfelt expressions of eagerness to return to our city when we are on our feet has moved us beyond words. We love our city and your communication of your love for our New Orleans has buoyed our spirits.
America 's most romantic, walkable, historic city is no longer herself. We hope it will only be for a matter of months. Only time will tell the duration. The birthplace of jazz, home of unique French and Spanish architecture and the originator of the most renowned cuisine on the planet has taken a terrible hit. But, its government, business and tourism industry leaders are pledging that beginning over the next few months, the city will begin its efforts to be reborn better than ever.
Right now, however, we are in a mode of rescuing our citizens who are still trapped and without food, water, and healthcare. They are our first priority.
Among the scores of heroic stories are those of hoteliers who have remained on site protecting guests, tourists and locals in their properties, with no regard for their own safety.
Some of the officers of the Convention Center bravely stayed behind to be of assistance to the property and those in need when the situation at the Center was unstable. They made it through the very difficult circumstances and are assisting the National Guard units in clearing and reclaiming the damaged building. The Center may serve as a key location for FEMA operations in the near future. Those decisions, however, have not yet been made by authorities. The Center has power partially restored and is free of evacuees and those small numbers who posed danger to the Center and the evacuees.
Thousands more National Guard troops are entering the city to provide stability.
The Governor and Mayor now believe that the death total will rise into the thousands. Some have estimated deaths will reach between 10,000 to 20,000 by the time the city is drained and all bodies are recovered.
Amtrak trains carrying 1,500 passengers a day out of New Orleans are now running.
Three Carnival Cruise Line Ships have been marshaled by the federal government to move to New Orleans to serve as housing.
The Mayor estimates that 40,000-50,000 people remain of the 450,000 residents. Many of those remaining refuse to leave their homes, believing the waters will recede shortly. Authorities are attempting to dissuade them.
The historic French Quarter and nearly the entire hospitality infrastructure survived, though battered. The amazing historic texture and fabric of this unique city...all of those things that draw millions of visitors from around the world resiliently remain.
Several bars have now opened in the Quarter as a gathering spot for locals to visit and share stories, though they have nothing to sell. A lone artist living on Pirates Alley, next to the St. Louis Cathedral, hung his paintings on the Jackson Square fence just like normal, in a symbolic gesture for others that the New Orleans French Quarter culture would absolutely rebound.
Though we will be down for a period, there is a sense already forming among our leaders and the people that we will successfully be able to preserve all of those things which have made us world famous and that we will be able to rebuild an even more welcoming, vibrant city in which to live, work and do business. It will require all of us to unite. The work will be hard but gratifying. The challenges are immense. We are up to the task.
The tourism leadership is committed to helping lead the greatest urban rebuilding project in our nation's history. We have a historic opportunity to be a living laboratory for taking disaster, infrastructure degradation and social ills and rebuilding a new city that remains historic and unique, but is a model for rebirth socially and structurally.
It may be quite a while...but one day the riffs of jazz trumpets, the indescribable tempting smells wafting from the kitchens of our great chefs, the aroma of cafe-au-lait and beignets, the buzz of great conventions, that foot-wide magnetic smile of the front bellman, and the romantic strolls through the Quarter will be commonplace again. The spirit of the multicultural people of New Orleans is indefatigable, and though we may be bowed and emotionally stretched, we cannot be defeated and cannot wait to rebuild the world's most authentic city.
I think you will find the tone and some of the details very enheartening.
New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau Update
As of 9 A.M. Tuesday, September 6, 2005
J. Stephen Perry - President/CEO
We offer the deepest and most profound thank you to governments, individuals, trade organizations, and especially our clients, customers and long-time tourist visitors for the overwhelming show of support and affection for our city and people. You have touched our hearts. Your offers of assistance and your heartfelt expressions of eagerness to return to our city when we are on our feet has moved us beyond words. We love our city and your communication of your love for our New Orleans has buoyed our spirits.
America 's most romantic, walkable, historic city is no longer herself. We hope it will only be for a matter of months. Only time will tell the duration. The birthplace of jazz, home of unique French and Spanish architecture and the originator of the most renowned cuisine on the planet has taken a terrible hit. But, its government, business and tourism industry leaders are pledging that beginning over the next few months, the city will begin its efforts to be reborn better than ever.
Right now, however, we are in a mode of rescuing our citizens who are still trapped and without food, water, and healthcare. They are our first priority.
Among the scores of heroic stories are those of hoteliers who have remained on site protecting guests, tourists and locals in their properties, with no regard for their own safety.
Some of the officers of the Convention Center bravely stayed behind to be of assistance to the property and those in need when the situation at the Center was unstable. They made it through the very difficult circumstances and are assisting the National Guard units in clearing and reclaiming the damaged building. The Center may serve as a key location for FEMA operations in the near future. Those decisions, however, have not yet been made by authorities. The Center has power partially restored and is free of evacuees and those small numbers who posed danger to the Center and the evacuees.
Thousands more National Guard troops are entering the city to provide stability.
The Governor and Mayor now believe that the death total will rise into the thousands. Some have estimated deaths will reach between 10,000 to 20,000 by the time the city is drained and all bodies are recovered.
Amtrak trains carrying 1,500 passengers a day out of New Orleans are now running.
Three Carnival Cruise Line Ships have been marshaled by the federal government to move to New Orleans to serve as housing.
The Mayor estimates that 40,000-50,000 people remain of the 450,000 residents. Many of those remaining refuse to leave their homes, believing the waters will recede shortly. Authorities are attempting to dissuade them.
The historic French Quarter and nearly the entire hospitality infrastructure survived, though battered. The amazing historic texture and fabric of this unique city...all of those things that draw millions of visitors from around the world resiliently remain.
Several bars have now opened in the Quarter as a gathering spot for locals to visit and share stories, though they have nothing to sell. A lone artist living on Pirates Alley, next to the St. Louis Cathedral, hung his paintings on the Jackson Square fence just like normal, in a symbolic gesture for others that the New Orleans French Quarter culture would absolutely rebound.
Though we will be down for a period, there is a sense already forming among our leaders and the people that we will successfully be able to preserve all of those things which have made us world famous and that we will be able to rebuild an even more welcoming, vibrant city in which to live, work and do business. It will require all of us to unite. The work will be hard but gratifying. The challenges are immense. We are up to the task.
The tourism leadership is committed to helping lead the greatest urban rebuilding project in our nation's history. We have a historic opportunity to be a living laboratory for taking disaster, infrastructure degradation and social ills and rebuilding a new city that remains historic and unique, but is a model for rebirth socially and structurally.
It may be quite a while...but one day the riffs of jazz trumpets, the indescribable tempting smells wafting from the kitchens of our great chefs, the aroma of cafe-au-lait and beignets, the buzz of great conventions, that foot-wide magnetic smile of the front bellman, and the romantic strolls through the Quarter will be commonplace again. The spirit of the multicultural people of New Orleans is indefatigable, and though we may be bowed and emotionally stretched, we cannot be defeated and cannot wait to rebuild the world's most authentic city.
Seven, that was an uplifting piece, thanks for posting.
Anna, to answer your question about the apartment we were buying there:
Due to one paper we needed, we were not able to close on the place on our original date three days before the hurricane. The apartment in the Fauborg Marigny fared well, as did that whole neighborhood. But we and the seller, who is probably now a lifelong friend, called off the sale yesterday.
Besides the obvious reasons, with the immediate housing shortage when the city reopens, we all felt it was better for him to be able to rent the place out or sell it to someone who had lost their primary dwelling.
To make this even more difficult, our realtor, who we are all very fond of, has been missing since the storm and we are all very worried as every day goes by.
So, our New Orleans dream isnt over, just deferred for a while. It seems obscene to mourn the postponement of buying a second home, but it is something we had worked towards for years, so naturally it was sad to call it off.
Some of you have written asking also about the fate of my brother's house in the Marigny, where we used to stay winters and Mardi Gras till recently. His block is also dry, but we fear more storm damage as the roof was in bad shape..just waiting for him to be able to return and see for himself. He is currently in Houston with my cousins there.
Thanks to everyone for their calls, mail, etc. at this difficult time.
Anna, to answer your question about the apartment we were buying there:
Due to one paper we needed, we were not able to close on the place on our original date three days before the hurricane. The apartment in the Fauborg Marigny fared well, as did that whole neighborhood. But we and the seller, who is probably now a lifelong friend, called off the sale yesterday.
Besides the obvious reasons, with the immediate housing shortage when the city reopens, we all felt it was better for him to be able to rent the place out or sell it to someone who had lost their primary dwelling.
To make this even more difficult, our realtor, who we are all very fond of, has been missing since the storm and we are all very worried as every day goes by.
So, our New Orleans dream isnt over, just deferred for a while. It seems obscene to mourn the postponement of buying a second home, but it is something we had worked towards for years, so naturally it was sad to call it off.
Some of you have written asking also about the fate of my brother's house in the Marigny, where we used to stay winters and Mardi Gras till recently. His block is also dry, but we fear more storm damage as the roof was in bad shape..just waiting for him to be able to return and see for himself. He is currently in Houston with my cousins there.
Thanks to everyone for their calls, mail, etc. at this difficult time.
This is a friend of mines way of contributing to he relief effort, pretty cool.....take a look:
"I hope this message finds you safe and well. Like many of you, my sister Nadine and I watched with shock, awe, and overwhelming sadness as the great city of New Orleans and the gulf coast was rendered helpless last week. We wanted to contribute in a meaningful way- one that would keep momentum going, long after the media spotlight fades and pay tribute the city we love.
We have established "nola love" for this purpose. "NOLA" (New Orleans, LA) is home to many of our friends and has an incredible energy, from the historic architecture to a thriving community of artists. We have designed a t-shirt, available through cafepress.com, and will be donating all proceeds to both the immediate relief effort as well as the community at large- those organizations and artists who embody the richness that is New Orleans. With your help, we hope to RECOVER, REBUILD, and once again RELISH all that the city has to offer.
"I hope this message finds you safe and well. Like many of you, my sister Nadine and I watched with shock, awe, and overwhelming sadness as the great city of New Orleans and the gulf coast was rendered helpless last week. We wanted to contribute in a meaningful way- one that would keep momentum going, long after the media spotlight fades and pay tribute the city we love.
We have established "nola love" for this purpose. "NOLA" (New Orleans, LA) is home to many of our friends and has an incredible energy, from the historic architecture to a thriving community of artists. We have designed a t-shirt, available through cafepress.com, and will be donating all proceeds to both the immediate relief effort as well as the community at large- those organizations and artists who embody the richness that is New Orleans. With your help, we hope to RECOVER, REBUILD, and once again RELISH all that the city has to offer.
Save a Queen
I ran into this online. It looks like a nice alternative place to donate. There's a Paypal link on the site.
Dear Miss Gay America Family:
As you are aware, Hurricane Katrina was devastating to many in the Louisiana and Gulfport Mississippi areas. Many of us feel helpless and think that our prayers and positive thoughts are not enough, therefore we have established a way to help.... While many are choosing to send donations to national relief efforts, there are many in the Miss Gay America family who desire to help those in our family who need us. This may be a competition, but it is also a close family, and family should take care of each other in a time of need.
Those affected that have suffered loss include:
Raquel Chevallier a.k.a Scott Peters (and Chris Wilderman)-Miss Gay America 2005
Brandi Alexander a.k.a Randy Finoli - Miss Gay America 1990
Aysa Alexander a.k.a. Kenneth White - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2002
Tiffany Alexander a.k.a. Mitch Kinchen - Miss Gay Louisiana America 1991 and 1993
Monica Storm a.k.a. Delbert Fares - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2003
Jessica Daniels a.k.a. Billy Hunt - Miss Gay Louisiana America 1999
Jayda Alexander a.k.a. Michael Phillips - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2004
Zhane' Kennedy - 1st alternate to Miss Louisiana America 2005-2006
Nicole DuBois a.k.a. Tommie Davis - Miss Gay Mid-America 2005
We are still investigating others and will mention as their conditions are known.
You may send your contribution to:
L & T Entertainment
c/o Larry Tyger and Terry Eason
5372 Sportsman Drive
Nesbit, MS 38651
Unless otherwise specified (in the "memo/for" section of your check, 100% of the proceeds received will be distributed among those mentioned.
You may direct any questions to larryandterry@missgayamerica.com
I ran into this online. It looks like a nice alternative place to donate. There's a Paypal link on the site.
Dear Miss Gay America Family:
As you are aware, Hurricane Katrina was devastating to many in the Louisiana and Gulfport Mississippi areas. Many of us feel helpless and think that our prayers and positive thoughts are not enough, therefore we have established a way to help.... While many are choosing to send donations to national relief efforts, there are many in the Miss Gay America family who desire to help those in our family who need us. This may be a competition, but it is also a close family, and family should take care of each other in a time of need.
Those affected that have suffered loss include:
Raquel Chevallier a.k.a Scott Peters (and Chris Wilderman)-Miss Gay America 2005
Brandi Alexander a.k.a Randy Finoli - Miss Gay America 1990
Aysa Alexander a.k.a. Kenneth White - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2002
Tiffany Alexander a.k.a. Mitch Kinchen - Miss Gay Louisiana America 1991 and 1993
Monica Storm a.k.a. Delbert Fares - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2003
Jessica Daniels a.k.a. Billy Hunt - Miss Gay Louisiana America 1999
Jayda Alexander a.k.a. Michael Phillips - Miss Gay Louisiana America 2004
Zhane' Kennedy - 1st alternate to Miss Louisiana America 2005-2006
Nicole DuBois a.k.a. Tommie Davis - Miss Gay Mid-America 2005
We are still investigating others and will mention as their conditions are known.
You may send your contribution to:
L & T Entertainment
c/o Larry Tyger and Terry Eason
5372 Sportsman Drive
Nesbit, MS 38651
Unless otherwise specified (in the "memo/for" section of your check, 100% of the proceeds received will be distributed among those mentioned.
You may direct any questions to larryandterry@missgayamerica.com
And now Barbara Bush with her "Aren't they lucky now" crapola. Sneering at the poor folk... don;t you love the "born with a silver foot in her mouth" commentary.
As far as how "lucky" they are, here is a link
I found concerning what the displaced are going through from a psychologst... whether they have hot meals or not!
(Archives de Stan!)
As far as how "lucky" they are, here is a link
I found concerning what the displaced are going through from a psychologst... whether they have hot meals or not!
(Archives de Stan!)
Following Barbara Bush's clueless comments, a real doozy once again from Tom DeLay, as he asked several young evacuees in Houston if their situation was "kind of fun."
Houston Chronicle Domeblog
And hats off to the NOLA doctor who told VP Cheney to fuck off!
Houston Chronicle Domeblog
And hats off to the NOLA doctor who told VP Cheney to fuck off!
No one does patronizing quite like Ol' Pruneface Barbara, America's pre-eminent Marie Antoinette hag. She's probably hosting a Gone With the Wind-themed party on the ranch lawn for the "refugees" as we speak, in black face of course.
Let's not forget Rick Santorum for his calling for stiff penalties for those people who do not heed mandatory evacuations in the future.
I just read that hatches, and not only are hurricanes FUN and that living on a public cot is like "being at camp"... they make you FAMOUS!
So now "stiff penalties" if you don't evacuate...? they can bring suit against you for being too damned poor to go. Not to mention "Here's your invoice for us saving your life..." If they bother.
So now "stiff penalties" if you don't evacuate...? they can bring suit against you for being too damned poor to go. Not to mention "Here's your invoice for us saving your life..." If they bother.
This is even better --
What next... everyone thrown out, a land grab, and a big old mall called "THE NEW ORLEANS EXPERIENCE" ?
What next... everyone thrown out, a land grab, and a big old mall called "THE NEW ORLEANS EXPERIENCE" ?
Needless to say Haliburton are bigtime thieves. What are they going to build? A New Orleans themepark? That really stinks!
from the article,
"Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.
"Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.
"But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.
"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.
"Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.
"Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.
"But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.
"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.
Hurricane names still to be allocated in 2005:
– Philippe
– Rita
– Stan
– Tammy
– Vince
– Wilma
– Philippe
– Rita
– Stan
– Tammy
– Vince
– Wilma
Halliburton Gets Contract To Pry Gold Fillings From New Orleans Corpses' Teeth
September 14, 2005
HOUSTON"”On Tuesday, Halliburton received a $110 million no-bid government contract to pry the gold fillings from the mouths of deceased disaster victims in the New Orleans-Gulf Coast area. "We are proud to serve the government in this time of crisis by recovering valuable resources from the wreckage of this deadly storm," said David J. Lesar, Halliburton's president. "The gold we recover from the human rubble of Katrina can be used to make fighter-jet electronics, supercomputer chips, inflation-proof A-grade investments, and luxury yachting watches."
Taken from The Onion
September 14, 2005
HOUSTON"”On Tuesday, Halliburton received a $110 million no-bid government contract to pry the gold fillings from the mouths of deceased disaster victims in the New Orleans-Gulf Coast area. "We are proud to serve the government in this time of crisis by recovering valuable resources from the wreckage of this deadly storm," said David J. Lesar, Halliburton's president. "The gold we recover from the human rubble of Katrina can be used to make fighter-jet electronics, supercomputer chips, inflation-proof A-grade investments, and luxury yachting watches."
Taken from The Onion
"Speaking of Katrina, Sumiko Tan, a columnist for the Sunday edition of The Straits Times in Singapore, wrote: "We were shocked at what we saw. Death and destruction from natural disaster is par for the course. But the pictures of dead people left uncollected on the streets, armed looters ransacking shops, survivors desperate to be rescued, racial divisions - these were truly out of sync with what we'd imagined the land of the free to be, even if we had encountered homelessness and violence on visits there. ... If America becomes so unglued when bad things happen in its own backyard, how can it fulfill its role as leader of the world?"
Janadas Devan, a Straits Times columnist, tried to explain to his Asian readers how the U.S. is changing. "Today's conservatives," he wrote, "differ in one crucial aspect from yesterday's conservatives: the latter believed in small government, but believed, too, that a country ought to pay for all the government that it needed.
"The former believe in no government, and therefore conclude that there is no need for a country to pay for even the government that it does have. ... [But] it is not only government that doesn't show up when government is starved of resources and leached of all its meaning. Community doesn't show up either, sacrifice doesn't show up, pulling together doesn't show up, 'we're all in this together' doesn't show up."
"Speaking of Katrina, Sumiko Tan, a columnist for the Sunday edition of The Straits Times in Singapore, wrote: "We were shocked at what we saw. Death and destruction from natural disaster is par for the course. But the pictures of dead people left uncollected on the streets, armed looters ransacking shops, survivors desperate to be rescued, racial divisions - these were truly out of sync with what we'd imagined the land of the free to be, even if we had encountered homelessness and violence on visits there. ... If America becomes so unglued when bad things happen in its own backyard, how can it fulfill its role as leader of the world?"
Janadas Devan, a Straits Times columnist, tried to explain to his Asian readers how the U.S. is changing. "Today's conservatives," he wrote, "differ in one crucial aspect from yesterday's conservatives: the latter believed in small government, but believed, too, that a country ought to pay for all the government that it needed.
"The former believe in no government, and therefore conclude that there is no need for a country to pay for even the government that it does have. ... [But] it is not only government that doesn't show up when government is starved of resources and leached of all its meaning. Community doesn't show up either, sacrifice doesn't show up, pulling together doesn't show up, 'we're all in this together' doesn't show up."
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