That's Ok.
just arrived in LA to meet my words can explain at the moment(actually there is a Andrea Booze-wa feeling in the air)....but I'm just gonna close my eyes and dive in!
wish me luck.
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 08-24-02 at 08:47 PM.]
wish me luck.
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 08-24-02 at 08:47 PM.]
Rob, just enjoy the ride. But always remember those words I spoke to you that summer out on Fire Island...."I LOVE DRUGS!" 

If she actually IS there, the question is not WHETHER, but WHEN, bouse-wah will find you. She has that unerring needle in a haystack honing mechanism where Jackie legends are concerned.
Love to you and the baby (mac)
Love to you and the baby (mac)
I'm still spinning from the 10,000 miles I must have traveled in the last 24 hours. So I thought I would try to express some of the strange visions in my head. After driving a van for 10 hours straight, through the desert, buzzing on double shots of espresso and listening to bad radio so as not to drive off the road and into the abyss of darkness, I finally arrived in LA at 3 am. Took a plane at 3 pm and now I'm back in NYC.
I'm sure Goblin will have many posts soon, but I thought I would start to refresh my memory with some highlight that may fade with time and sleep.
What was my favorite moment? Hard choice. Was it the dust storm that took over the village and created a frenzy of drumming, dancing, fire eating, and chaos that when over, eventually led to the most beautiful sunset. Gold and orange rust colored in the west and a rainbow in the east while small raindrops fell on the dust covered members of the Woonami village who were now rhythmically dancing around a metal totem pole with fire coming out the top. It looked like a dream, everyone was covered in white playa dust and wore goggles , dust masks or gas masks. The fire made shadows dance and illuminated the scene while Miss Jupiter was channeling some sick verbiage through a megaphone over the beating drums.
or....was it the night I took a small white pill, dressed in full "glamour goblin goth' (playa dust gives the best white face ever!) and ended up running across the playa to the greatest night of dancing I've had in ages. Meeting up with all my old and new friends, all fully done sweetie! Moving , shaking ,screaming all night long in a dome structure covered with white fabric. After dancing for what felt like 100 hours I ran out of the dome and tried hitching a ride on a fish, whale, rocket and some other indescribable structure, finally landing a ride across the playa on a magic carpet with 3 Santa characters. I lied back and watch the stars all the way back to camp.
or .....was it the burn itself? The Woonoami bus, the most authentic Mad Max vehicle on the playa! It WAS a perfect post apocalyptic pirate ship from its huge orange mast, flame throwers on the back, stripper pole on the hood, all the way down to the live rock band on the roof! Using a switchblade knife to create a hot little number from an old purple "Mother of the bride" dress I boarded the bus for the ride of a lifetime. From the roof of the bus we watched the man burn and fall with an orgy of insane freaks (yours truly included).Tex, Dax, Keven and I were hanging off the bus and screaming like banshees while the band rocked hard. Tex was in his element. The entire scene was pure theater in every way. What I live for!
Or.... was it the bike ride I took the next day with the most beautiful creation of a man ever seen named Dax. We biked out to the Temple of Joy (by far the most amazing structure of Burning Man) and after reading all the moving words written on hundreds of blocks of wood we wrote down our own messages and placed them in a nest. That night we watched it burn from the top of the bus. It was like nothing I have ever witnessed before. As the wooden temple went up in flames , huge dust devils were created and started literally dancing around it while tears were coming out of our eyes. MAGIC. We ended that night in Tex's dome laughing at everything and nothing for hours until our stomachs ached.
A perfect end to a perfect trip. What a summer! Tex, anything to add......?
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-04-02 at 09:06 PM.]
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-04-02 at 09:19 PM.]
I'm sure Goblin will have many posts soon, but I thought I would start to refresh my memory with some highlight that may fade with time and sleep.
What was my favorite moment? Hard choice. Was it the dust storm that took over the village and created a frenzy of drumming, dancing, fire eating, and chaos that when over, eventually led to the most beautiful sunset. Gold and orange rust colored in the west and a rainbow in the east while small raindrops fell on the dust covered members of the Woonami village who were now rhythmically dancing around a metal totem pole with fire coming out the top. It looked like a dream, everyone was covered in white playa dust and wore goggles , dust masks or gas masks. The fire made shadows dance and illuminated the scene while Miss Jupiter was channeling some sick verbiage through a megaphone over the beating drums.
or....was it the night I took a small white pill, dressed in full "glamour goblin goth' (playa dust gives the best white face ever!) and ended up running across the playa to the greatest night of dancing I've had in ages. Meeting up with all my old and new friends, all fully done sweetie! Moving , shaking ,screaming all night long in a dome structure covered with white fabric. After dancing for what felt like 100 hours I ran out of the dome and tried hitching a ride on a fish, whale, rocket and some other indescribable structure, finally landing a ride across the playa on a magic carpet with 3 Santa characters. I lied back and watch the stars all the way back to camp.
or .....was it the burn itself? The Woonoami bus, the most authentic Mad Max vehicle on the playa! It WAS a perfect post apocalyptic pirate ship from its huge orange mast, flame throwers on the back, stripper pole on the hood, all the way down to the live rock band on the roof! Using a switchblade knife to create a hot little number from an old purple "Mother of the bride" dress I boarded the bus for the ride of a lifetime. From the roof of the bus we watched the man burn and fall with an orgy of insane freaks (yours truly included).Tex, Dax, Keven and I were hanging off the bus and screaming like banshees while the band rocked hard. Tex was in his element. The entire scene was pure theater in every way. What I live for!
Or.... was it the bike ride I took the next day with the most beautiful creation of a man ever seen named Dax. We biked out to the Temple of Joy (by far the most amazing structure of Burning Man) and after reading all the moving words written on hundreds of blocks of wood we wrote down our own messages and placed them in a nest. That night we watched it burn from the top of the bus. It was like nothing I have ever witnessed before. As the wooden temple went up in flames , huge dust devils were created and started literally dancing around it while tears were coming out of our eyes. MAGIC. We ended that night in Tex's dome laughing at everything and nothing for hours until our stomachs ached.
A perfect end to a perfect trip. What a summer! Tex, anything to add......?
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-04-02 at 09:06 PM.]
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-04-02 at 09:19 PM.]
is this multiple name thing confusing anyone else??
texxx, goblin, rapist, hanson, rock'n'roll...
i'm now taking suggestions in the simplification department.
glammie sweetie, you described it oh so well.
the only epic moment i think you left out was friday night's show at the el circo dome.
sweeties... this dome is at least 60 feet across with a six-pointed star shaped stage that has fire going all around it. hel-LO! and if that isn't kabbalistic/alchemical enough for you... their final tableau from the show involved placing a flaming tree of life in a hole in the center of the stage. these kids are up to some SERIOUS shiz-nit!
i watched the whole show (not all of it was genius, mind you, but it had its moments) from atop a stack of speakers. i was serving white trash trucker glam effects (the red bandana stevie number) while standing next to the tribal goddessness of monica and cholla. niko in all his regality sat there, too, digi video camera in hand. i felt like we were part of the show ourselves - the ideal spectators. those feelings were confirmed the next day when people kept thanking me and congratulating me for the show even after i would tell them (more than once!) that i had absolutely nothing to do with it. finally i just gave up on that and started saying thank you.
but fiercing that dancefloor that night with glammie and ameh in glamour goblins get-ups, the stevelady serving it as only he can, the rest of the kids representing... did i mention the live sex in our corner of the dancefloor? genius!
i had my doubts that this year was gonna go off. i kept thinking to myself... shit! here i built this thing up to my friend rob and he came all the way out here and it's gonna suck. i think that was in part due to my early arrival and the role of queen bitch that i got thrust into so often in those first few days. (hard to imagine, i know, but someone has to tell these fools where they can and can't park their RV's.) it all turned around for me once i took a spin on the stripper pole as the bus cruised the playa one beautiful afternoon and then i got an incredible contact yoga lesson from my friend takia. flying and hanging upside down from nothing but his toes. wow!
the tribal moments were my favorite. when the duststorm blew into our camp that friday evening, seeing different tribal circles intersect and intertwine... it came clear to me this year that burning man won't last forever. that once he shrinks away to nothing that it's up to us to continue gathering like this, perhaps in smaller groups. i think we're up to the challenge. wouldn't you agree, rob???
i'm sure i have more to say... what am i forgetting?
texxx, goblin, rapist, hanson, rock'n'roll...
i'm now taking suggestions in the simplification department.
glammie sweetie, you described it oh so well.
the only epic moment i think you left out was friday night's show at the el circo dome.
sweeties... this dome is at least 60 feet across with a six-pointed star shaped stage that has fire going all around it. hel-LO! and if that isn't kabbalistic/alchemical enough for you... their final tableau from the show involved placing a flaming tree of life in a hole in the center of the stage. these kids are up to some SERIOUS shiz-nit!
i watched the whole show (not all of it was genius, mind you, but it had its moments) from atop a stack of speakers. i was serving white trash trucker glam effects (the red bandana stevie number) while standing next to the tribal goddessness of monica and cholla. niko in all his regality sat there, too, digi video camera in hand. i felt like we were part of the show ourselves - the ideal spectators. those feelings were confirmed the next day when people kept thanking me and congratulating me for the show even after i would tell them (more than once!) that i had absolutely nothing to do with it. finally i just gave up on that and started saying thank you.
but fiercing that dancefloor that night with glammie and ameh in glamour goblins get-ups, the stevelady serving it as only he can, the rest of the kids representing... did i mention the live sex in our corner of the dancefloor? genius!
i had my doubts that this year was gonna go off. i kept thinking to myself... shit! here i built this thing up to my friend rob and he came all the way out here and it's gonna suck. i think that was in part due to my early arrival and the role of queen bitch that i got thrust into so often in those first few days. (hard to imagine, i know, but someone has to tell these fools where they can and can't park their RV's.) it all turned around for me once i took a spin on the stripper pole as the bus cruised the playa one beautiful afternoon and then i got an incredible contact yoga lesson from my friend takia. flying and hanging upside down from nothing but his toes. wow!
the tribal moments were my favorite. when the duststorm blew into our camp that friday evening, seeing different tribal circles intersect and intertwine... it came clear to me this year that burning man won't last forever. that once he shrinks away to nothing that it's up to us to continue gathering like this, perhaps in smaller groups. i think we're up to the challenge. wouldn't you agree, rob???
i'm sure i have more to say... what am i forgetting?
Gobs , dont worry about the Queen Bitch role. Someone had to do it. Just look at the wonders you did with the Holywoo "temple". Once a gay always a gay! You know what you are....your an F.B.
and thank you again for such an amazing time, you had nothing to worry about with the buildup, it was that and more!
just remember , "It's all just a bananna peel"
and thank you again for such an amazing time, you had nothing to worry about with the buildup, it was that and more!
just remember , "It's all just a bananna peel"
basil (Guest)
i had just completed a gig in chicago, thought i was headed back to nyc
24 hours later i was peaking on the playa
...and with my mother!
I am so grateful that magic appeared so suddenly
and totally in my life...and sorry i missed the rob and gob monsters in the sea of 30,000
great googamoogas of naked fun had nonetheless
i will be back
and i may even plan ahead this time
24 hours later i was peaking on the playa
...and with my mother!
I am so grateful that magic appeared so suddenly
and totally in my life...and sorry i missed the rob and gob monsters in the sea of 30,000
great googamoogas of naked fun had nonetheless
i will be back
and i may even plan ahead this time
two for one
if you're gonna trek all the way out to nevada
why not swing thru vegas too and catch Showey in his new custom fit cirque du soliel spectacular?
if you're gonna trek all the way out to nevada
why not swing thru vegas too and catch Showey in his new custom fit cirque du soliel spectacular?
My friend Dax will be in that same show, he is a fire eater/performer and is AMAZING! I'll be going out there at some point to see it. Good idea about Burning Man , I might just do that.
It's actually an erotic theme show, should be interesting.
It's actually an erotic theme show, should be interesting.
My friend Dax
Is that what we're calling it now sweetie? "Friend".
I might have known, Glammy.
Mods note: As has been noted elsewhere, free graphics sites like will not serve graphics for outside websites, understandably.
Gobs, as a Board Member you can attach the photo directly from your computer. See Mouth of Motherboards and Help Forum for more..
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 02-23-03 at 02:15 PM.]

Mods note: As has been noted elsewhere, free graphics sites like will not serve graphics for outside websites, understandably.
Gobs, as a Board Member you can attach the photo directly from your computer. See Mouth of Motherboards and Help Forum for more..
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 02-23-03 at 02:15 PM.]
what is this thing??
why do i do it??
and why do i seem to recall asking myself these same questions at this time every year???
i write to you, my dears, from the public library in wendover, nevada. just across the state line from wendover, utah. (think kansas city only not.)
there's just a few casinos, , pawn shops, fast food restaurants, and (thank goddess!) an auto mechanic here. as soon as one of the employees finishes attending a funeral in salt lake city, she'll pick up the water pump for my truck and bring it back here. putting me back on the highway by midnight with 6ish hours to reno where members of my black rock family await. *sigh*
something about this gathering really puts you to the test. and each time i doubt that it's worth all the effort and money that it takes to pull it off. but somehow by the end of next week i'll be laughing at my doubts yet again. i know i will.
my housemate/sister/momma hush predicted a push of thirty faeries coming from the mountain.
yet i travel solo. (i'm not surprised in the slightest.) after all, texxxas is a lone star state.
i release the frustration, the attachment to any sort of timeline, the fears around finances... all of it.
making room for inspiration, celebration, inebriation, fornication, and more.
until after all that...
why do i do it??
and why do i seem to recall asking myself these same questions at this time every year???
i write to you, my dears, from the public library in wendover, nevada. just across the state line from wendover, utah. (think kansas city only not.)
there's just a few casinos, , pawn shops, fast food restaurants, and (thank goddess!) an auto mechanic here. as soon as one of the employees finishes attending a funeral in salt lake city, she'll pick up the water pump for my truck and bring it back here. putting me back on the highway by midnight with 6ish hours to reno where members of my black rock family await. *sigh*
something about this gathering really puts you to the test. and each time i doubt that it's worth all the effort and money that it takes to pull it off. but somehow by the end of next week i'll be laughing at my doubts yet again. i know i will.
my housemate/sister/momma hush predicted a push of thirty faeries coming from the mountain.
yet i travel solo. (i'm not surprised in the slightest.) after all, texxxas is a lone star state.

i release the frustration, the attachment to any sort of timeline, the fears around finances... all of it.
making room for inspiration, celebration, inebriation, fornication, and more.
until after all that...
To goblin and all other Motherfolk on their way to Burning Man, have a gorgeous time! May all hardships be rewarded a thousandfold! May the weather cooperate!
fireworks and a flaming man...
glammie and veuve cliquot...
saturday night atop a bus...
glammie and veuve cliquot...
saturday night atop a bus...
Originally posted by goblin73:
fireworks and a flaming man...
glammie and veuve cliquot...
saturday night atop a bus...
I'm confused. Is this the "Burning Man" topic or "New York Nightclubs and Events?" That posting could have been placed anywhere!
J.K.! I love you, Goblin, and wish I could have been there for the magic and the flaming men.
I needed a few days back before I could post. It was a little crazy journey back but it was an amazing journey over all. This year I learned about faith and the way the universe works for you when your on the correct path. Not a small lesson to learn. As for the Veuve story.....
As I was sitting on the top of the bus in my best desert punk realness...... I was amazed with the burn even more that last year. Maybe because we were so close that my eyebrows were singed, but it was so beautiful. And as an added bonus I thought to myself , "this moment would be perfect if we had a cold Veuve Cliquot" .....and there is was . This is when you know your with the right people.Ha! Our own Tex was in rare form. I could not keep up with these professional party people. After an amazing night out, I would wake up the next day and ride over to the other side of Black Rock City and find Tex, Monica, Dax and the rest still going strong. Now thats dedication!
***Best Installation - Brothel Lighting Fixture.- the story goes something like...the gods were in a brothel in the heavens having such a good time that they knocked the lighting fixture from the ceiling and it came crashing to earth. Totally major , especially at night. Thought of Empress. I will post photos in the near future.
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-06-03 at 07:12 PM.]
As I was sitting on the top of the bus in my best desert punk realness...... I was amazed with the burn even more that last year. Maybe because we were so close that my eyebrows were singed, but it was so beautiful. And as an added bonus I thought to myself , "this moment would be perfect if we had a cold Veuve Cliquot" .....and there is was . This is when you know your with the right people.Ha! Our own Tex was in rare form. I could not keep up with these professional party people. After an amazing night out, I would wake up the next day and ride over to the other side of Black Rock City and find Tex, Monica, Dax and the rest still going strong. Now thats dedication!
***Best Installation - Brothel Lighting Fixture.- the story goes something like...the gods were in a brothel in the heavens having such a good time that they knocked the lighting fixture from the ceiling and it came crashing to earth. Totally major , especially at night. Thought of Empress. I will post photos in the near future.
[This message was edited by glamnerd on 09-06-03 at 07:12 PM.]
"faith and the way the universe works for you when your on the correct path"
Oh I remember that chapter.
Oh I remember that chapter.
It really is one continuous chapter.
Drink Tequila and hula hoop!

Oh, my! What's become of you?!
looks amazing at night.Glows red like a gas lamp.

i once saw jd dj by blue flame
when messy bonnie was his
"special guest" in the booth.
talk about a glowing gas lamp!!
when messy bonnie was his
"special guest" in the booth.
talk about a glowing gas lamp!!
Havent had a chance to report on this years Burn. It's Fashion Week after all!!!
not the same without our beloved Texx! -- I think that might have been part of the reason I went a bit overboard this year! trying to compensate! oh well, its the journey , right?
here are two of my favorite art pieces.
not the same without our beloved Texx! -- I think that might have been part of the reason I went a bit overboard this year! trying to compensate! oh well, its the journey , right?
here are two of my favorite art pieces.

Personally I think it's Adam Goldstone.
Me too.
someone please hit me upside the head
with a recycled two by four...
i think i'm going back this year.

with a recycled two by four...
i think i'm going back this year.

Most people have told me they don't expect as high an attendance this year due to the crazy cost of travel now. So Goblin, maybe it will mean just the real extremeists show up. Oops, I guess that implies something about you.
EVERYONE in town is talking
about when they're leaving,
where they're camping,
who's going/not going...
i feel so common.
about when they're leaving,
where they're camping,
who's going/not going...
i feel so common.

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