Tuesday October 27th
The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival Presents
Charmed Life
Charmed Life is a rare glimpse into a world shrouded in misconception. This all access documentary dispels the myths associated with drag queens and their medium. It strives to shed light on the passion, technique and commitment employed to transcend gender. It explores the trials and triumphs of Drag performers who buck convention and embrace life on the fringe. It documents artists who despite consequence choose to be true to
themselves rather than fade quietly into the background. Raw, witty and touching Charmed Life gives entree into the world of Drag performance and the realm of its glorious inhabitants
Charmed Life is the debut effort of director Katherine Delaney for
Pure Content Pictures.
Village East Cinema Theater
181 2nd Ave. @ 12th St. NYC.
Tickets are $12.00 ea
Tickets are available through the festival website http://www.nyfilmvideo.com
Charmed Life is part of the 10:05 block screening
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