eeeehhhhwwww cher fantasiste distingue, let's not get hit by lightning.
Sometimes you don't die but sizzle on in a hideous state, paralyzed, etc...
I heard of a woman who got struck out in the desert and crawled out
2 miles and cannot speak a full sentence anymore.
I am sure it's the State Flower for her... grave.
Walter de Maria's "Lightning Field" sculpture--$250. to sit in a little room and see the 400 aluminum poles go zip-zap...
Happy Birthday Bobby! Sizzle badizzle and razzle dazzle on!
Being alone on the mesa is fantastique but once you get off, this place is not that great. Many of its denizens are nightmarish. You cannot believe how they drive.
Today I counted TEN ROADKILL
in the half-hour drive to work. Gore every three minutes. Cat, dog, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, rabbit, jackrabbit, cat, dog, dog...
Once I actually saw some charmer SWERVE TO HIT A SQUIRREL.
Apparently they consider it a sport... and unmacho to tie up their pets.
Yesterday one idiot in a F-150 pulls out onto the highway with his dog happily leaping all around... Cars are careening and screeching and trying to avoid the dancing dog...
the guy just drives away and leaves
his pet wagging his tail in the middle of the road.
The other thing N.Mex. dickhead drivers like to do is play chicken.
You're zipping along and up ahead you see someone waiting to pull out onto the highway.
They wait until you get close to them, THEN they start pulling out at fucking
TEN MILES AN HOUR so you have to deaccelerate from 70 to 30.
Look at their faces, they're grinning with sadism as you shriek and curse and honk.
They want you to hit their shabby car so they can sue you for a new one.
My last 18-mile stretch of road before home is nicknamed "Blood Alley"... decorated with roadkill, and those cute flowery crosses
that show where human gore prevailed, and a fanciful cop or two going 90 and ignoring
the other Corona-crazed speeders.