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i went to the doctor 5 months ago because i had a pain in my left testical and they gave me a test for clamidia, then just month my testical grew to the size of an avacado....then they tested me and tested me ....i'm all black and blue from all the blood they took.... i have cancer and they have to remove my balls....well it will be easier to tuck now...thank you bobby miller and satori and zazzoo for all the love you gave me as i was in the is on tuesday...i'm going to cut my hair....i'm selling everything , i need a vacation from life for a minute.
I'm so sorry to hear you've been in so much pain. We spoke at MFS's gallery in July, and I sent you a photo of the window display from ARCADIA as I promised. I've been always fascinated by your works of art, and also the way you looked. I'm wishing you only the best. (If you need more photos, please feel free to let me know.)


Images (1)
  • JOJO-142-4293-s
I just talked with Jojo.

He's in good spirits. He's making jokes and stuff like that, trying to keep it light, and keeping his head up. He's in some pain, but coping

He goes in for the operation tomorrow at 6:30 am, It will take about an hour. They keep him for about an hour after for observation.

He'll then be going to stay with his friend Ron for a week while he heals (We'll have the number if people want to call) and then will go in on the 20th to talk about starting some new meds.

He may come down and stay with us (in Cincinnati) for a few weeks after that to get away from everything and relax ('cause Cincinnati is away from EVERYTHING) Smile

He just got a new ROCKSTAR haircut. Jeffrey at Milio's cut off all his hair (he's saving it for a doll or Victorian shadowbox project) his cut is very Ziggy Stardust, a turquoise chop job Smile

Send out lots of love an positive energy for him tomorrow.

Have had Jojo on my mind, as well as Miss Gigi, and such positive energy has been flowing through me ... at the moments I have spent reflecting on these gallant souls.

I have also been thinking of all the dark curve balls life throws at that artist and how the artist -- and only the artist --comes through.

Jojo - such love I am sending you. And, know you are a hero, one to pull through life's difficulties and one forever to shine through.

Zazoo and Satori, thank you for keeping us all in the loop. True blu - both of you.
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I spoke with Jojo this afternoon...

He's doing well. Very sore still, and fighting off a small throat infection.

He's getting waves of exhaustion, even just sitting still but is keeping a positive attitude, and following Dr.s' orders.

He goes into the clinic at 3pm today, hopefully to schedule the start of a medication regimen. He'll also be going back to the hospital
on the 22nd to learn about recommendations on a second surgery. (removal of a couple lymph nodes)

He's REALLY hoping that it won't be necessary, because he just doesn't have the energy to go right back in.

Keep love flowing. He feels it.

Monday Jojo went into the clinic and they were able to get him the first month of his medicaton regimen.

He has a very hard time swallowing pills (how's that for a nightlife handicap)but they were able to give him all liquids! He's very relieved about that. He's going to start on them as soon as he's healed.

Today he went in to the hospital to get the update on a possible second surgery. Really good news... No second surgery! They are going to have to start localized radiation treatment, as a precaution, in case it has spread to his lymph nodes in that area.

He's going to try to get back into his routine, and stay active. He's moving back to his apartment tonight, and going to try to go back to work before the first radiation treatment next week.

Keep the love flowing he feels it!

I am so glad to hear that you are progressing towards health. I too had trouble swallowing when I was sick last year in the hospital.. I thought. "Oh No! I'll never be able to swallow again!" But I did. I was so panicked at the thought of never getting a huge fleshy object down my throat again but it all returned. You should see me now...Just take it an inch at a time and if you gag remember being 13 all over again.
I keep you in my thoughts doll...Keep that positive attitude and remember that so many are thinking on you and your perfection. Lot's of love and light headed your way.
Am putting together an "unusual" and special as JoJo" care package to send [I know most people do these things quietly] but am wondering if any other artmakers might have something to include in the shipment? If so, do email or ring me ...

Also Z and S -- Ok to send such a package to his home you think? Also, perhaps would there be a good time to send it that would be best? thoughts? Might take me 7-10 days to get what I'd like together actually together.

[This message was edited by TonyaKnudsen on 11-01-03 at 05:50 PM.]
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