Brigitte the shows will start early by 11 PM with the first House of Domination performers, then heat up after the midnight countdown. I did suggest on TV that the shows usually become their raunchiest by 2 AM - didn't mean that they are STARTING then.
Our regular guest list applies for this night. If you are a PERMANENT guest of The Factory you will be comped as always, usually plus a guest. Larger entourages are at the discretion of Kitty at the door. At $15 cover, we don't expect too many complainers!
If you are working press not usually on our list, or there is some other pressing matter, please email and we will answer you BY EMAIL before tonight.
If you want to pay by credit card or paypal, our online box office is open through 6 PM today. See our ticket page at you purchased tickets and did NOT receive your email confirmation (we have had a few bounce back) bring photo ID in the purchase name and your confirmation will be held there.
We'll be in production all afternoon so email if its anything important - or post here-
Otherwise, see you TONIGHT,or in 2003...