I am incredibly superstitious about this, resulting in my having done a countdown somewhere on Earth for the past 15 years - almost. The one year I wasn't onstage at midnight was 2001 - nuff said! That's why this year was especially gorgey as the stage was CRAMMED with people I adore, including you (and Flow of course) Betty, my hubs, Dolly, Lily, Amber and Eliza, Bootboy and Dale Devere, Andrea Bouzewah etc.
I am rare among club folk because I LOVE New Years and particularly the countdown and actually wish people would always bring a little New Year's energy with them - at that last moment before midnight they are as hopeful and as open to transformation as they will ever be in a club (most of them.)
I spent part of the New Years at dinner with my friend Yab who had been to Jackie 60 with me a few times. We lamented missing the fun and went out to seek our own at a few drinking contests with friends.
Yab is an enthusiastic blogger, and reads more of these than anyone else I know. He sent me this link to a Hookers Ball report, and I think the author, Reive, is a member here (notsure.)
Its very well written, regardless, and one more reminder of how small our Brave New World is. Sorry to have missed the salsa at midnight, and all of you.
Yab is an enthusiastic blogger, and reads more of these than anyone else I know. He sent me this link to a Hookers Ball report, and I think the author, Reive, is a member here (notsure.)
Its very well written, regardless, and one more reminder of how small our Brave New World is. Sorry to have missed the salsa at midnight, and all of you.
B.Domination wrote;
"They say whatever you are doing at the second a New Year begins is what you'll be doing for the rest of that year."
Great. I'm going to spend the rest of the year doing coatcheck.
"They say whatever you are doing at the second a New Year begins is what you'll be doing for the rest of that year."
Great. I'm going to spend the rest of the year doing coatcheck.
Unfortunatly I wasnt an attendee of the Jackie party and missed th count down , but I have a feeling I will like what I'll be doing for the rest of the year lol, its not what you may think
So we were all there and what a great time we had! But, it is all so logical and we all know when you put so many great people in one room you are bound to have a fuckin' great time. So know, my friends, that thanks to technology and creative people (Chich and Johnny) we can send our love cyber-style. I love you guys, had an awesome time. AND, I was a good boy (Jess was just looking too fuckin' hot I couldn't leave her alone). 

Many thanks to Chi and Johnny for having my "art" ;-) Additional thanks to the staff at CBGBs -- and to Haseena Napier and D. -- for manning and man-handling my craftmanship. Miss Maki you must have been tipsy as I swear you did not ruin a thing ...
About those playboys, I think D. has more to say on that ...
Now I must return to bed, I've been having an on again/off again relationship with the flu that i've just about kicked to the curb, but shall be taking it easy for the next week or two ... I have to build my strength for if the countdown legend is true, I shall be chasing down cabs on the way to amazing parties for the next 12 months to come ... B dom/Flow ... way to make a loyal servant holding a drink and a talking pony blush! Wish I'd had my cam corder on me and ON!
About those playboys, I think D. has more to say on that ...
Now I must return to bed, I've been having an on again/off again relationship with the flu that i've just about kicked to the curb, but shall be taking it easy for the next week or two ... I have to build my strength for if the countdown legend is true, I shall be chasing down cabs on the way to amazing parties for the next 12 months to come ... B dom/Flow ... way to make a loyal servant holding a drink and a talking pony blush! Wish I'd had my cam corder on me and ON!

Your Peep Show was gorge. I loved it.
It made me dizzy.
It made me dizzy.
Feeling better today - finally!! And off to meeting
- but it seems last night after i fell asleep, D. was busy posting about the Playboys. I thought I should add a link to it, it's good writing.
Post from D.
Seems he has been catching up on the Mboards while I've been sleeping the past 3-4 days. Yes he's got a Lain avatar, but he's still my girly boy!

Post from D.
Seems he has been catching up on the Mboards while I've been sleeping the past 3-4 days. Yes he's got a Lain avatar, but he's still my girly boy!
Its very well written, regardless, and one more reminder of how small our Brave New World is. Sorry to have missed the salsa at midnight, and all of you.
That was indeed me. Smaaaaall world.
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 01-07-03 at 12:41 PM.]
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 01-07-03 at 12:42 PM.]
Originally posted by TonyaKnudsen:
... Miss Maki you must have been tipsy as I swear you did not ruin a thing ...
Thanks, Tonya. Glad you had so many nice pix of your installation ! It's my biggest regret that I could get only 1 decent pic... If I were not dipped in Champagne...

Hope to see you soooon*
there's a trick to getting me! 
BTW -- The pics you sent of Betty Crow and I are lovely, have been tinkering with them,
. The one of me pointing at the camera with my beer, is so drunk-bar-floozy! I love it ... And don't worry about the installation, I'm pretty sure you got it 

BTW -- The pics you sent of Betty Crow and I are lovely, have been tinkering with them,

Ok' Let me find out the trick to getting you
I like the way you edited the pic !
By Drunken Paparacchi (correct spell? :rolleyes)

I like the way you edited the pic !

By Drunken Paparacchi (correct spell? :rolleyes)
I know it's taking me forever to get these up but here is a taste. Lots more to come.
From my mother, upon viewing the Hooker Ball picture of me you took (that is currently appearing on the MotherboardsNYC.com page ... )
PS ... thanks for the crayolas ... they will be put to good use, that shwag, is by far nutters and amazing!
Only a Mother could see the child in you as you ride off on your pony ...
PS ... thanks for the crayolas ... they will be put to good use, that shwag, is by far nutters and amazing!
Originally posted by Colleentv:
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate"Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy.
A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh girl?
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on the mother boards I haven't met yet and at each party get the chance to. Last night was no exception when Betty and the Mrs. came up out of no where and introduced themselves with Karen. It was great to meet you guys.
Also great to see Rose, Dale, Champaigne and Makki.
Sooo...now the "real world bekons", but I look forward to the next EVENT!
Originally posted by SYDNEYBOP:quote:
Originally posted by Colleentv:Ms Colleen TV was it not great to meet me too????????? Also you are on the site here and I wanted to IM you but was unable to ......can you help a new kid on the block of Posts? Sydney
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate"Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy.
A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh girl?
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on the mother boards I haven't met yet and at each party get the chance to. Last night was no exception when Betty and the Mrs. came up out of no where and introduced themselves with Karen. It was great to meet you guys.
Also great to see Rose, Dale, Champaigne and Makki.
Sooo...now the "real world bekons", but I look forward to the next EVENT!

You can email me from my profile
More pics.
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