I LOVE reading this topic.
It's like reading my life a few years ago!
The Empress and I were howling.
SO know that 2 hour ride from the airport with the host who speaks no English and you've had 1 hour of sleep and are desperately trying to stay awake and friendly.
Hint: When in Italy Pickles, just lie about the thousands of women that you have bedded. They all do.
And those pics of the Gaudi bldgs. bring back great memories.
I love that city!
You are a lucky boy Sammy Jo.
Well, not "luck" exactly, "pluck" is more like it. You are an inspiration to all of the people reading this. Follow your dream people. Even if you have no talent!
(Hee Hee - you didn't think I would let that one go by did you?)
As far as the cave outside Vienna...
I can't even come close to that one.
You win Pickles.
But Milan,
I know "DJ" Bianca.
There is another DQ that you will undoubtably meet named Mario.
Let me know when you meet Mario.
Could be in Milan, Vienna, Barcelona...
anywhere in Europe.
A walking Christmas tree.
I'm glad to hear that you are back in school.
Ableton LIVE lessons and Spanish lessons!
As for the Spanish lessons...
May I suggest this guide to
Institutes of Higher LearningAnd finally...
Thank God you got a real camera!