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Not so far off - Bobby Big Beams and Daddy -- I saw that CD actually quite recently myself in the odd hours ... although the CD was in the traditional album racks no? I caught it with more of a Deb vibe i.e. FKing in the USA -- oh Wells ...

Bobby, was so incredibly happy to read your fiesty personality coming back through on the boards -- genually the first sign of Spring I've seen. And I do believe the true darkness has been passed (about 4am, not last night but the night before). Cool

And today, B-Burg was booming at 10am with community and enthusiasm for fashion, art and fun, yes, fun, boring old fun, like the South End once was a decade ago and it's going to be a cool, cool, spring this year (albeit a few frigid spikes to remind us how unnatural this year is)...

OK enough weirdness out of me, back to work, left brain exit right ... Oh, Lex ... Click Me!
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I was talking to Francine 59 today. She said to send you her best. She told me about the first time she met you -on a hair stunt of some kind.
(I guess Moses needed a new do)

I also just left Matthew Benedict's studio (I'm going to be a pirate in a new painting he's doing) He said you two talked for hours the other day. He loved it.

Well, I'll give you more dirt when I fall in it.
At the cabaret/poetry launch on Wednesday. SO many people spoke of you, asked about you, are still finding out about this topic, remarked on how strange it felt to be doing readings without you, or how much you would love the fact that we were again doing readings.

Was wonderful to hear that new bit of strength in your voice when last we spoke.

Love, love, love
hey bobby. veronica is spending some time bonding with her stuffed animals, so i thought i'd drop you a line.

it's a sunny morning on jane street, though quite cold! i think i'll swing by to your neighbors' -- the crazy christmas ornament place -- to see if they have a funky canister set. mine is from college yet and in desperate need of an upgrade. that place fills me with a lot of joy, not least of all because it's right near your house.

james and i are thinking of you often. i find myself walking by your pad alot -- just looking at the darkened windows somehow makes me feel better, as if i can will the lights to come on and your gorgeous face to come walking out the door.

we hope you are feeling stronger every day. on a related note, veronica is getting LARGER every day. i can't wait for you to see her.

c, j and v
Sending you some love before I turn in for a few hours. I came across your card the other day when I was doing some cleaning, and I remembered when you gave it to me at "Good Cop/Bad Cop." That was such a fun night for me (thanks in part to Jackie Bigalow and a handy pair of handcuffs!). It was the first real conversation I had with you; believe it or not, I had actually always been too shy to say hi to you before - a little starstruck, really. You were perfectly filthy that night!
Hey hons, Just got back from having a MRI ( a surreal ride in a tube that x-rays your brain) in Hyannis. Every day seems to make me a little clearer and stronger but I am still feeling this meningitis. Wierd and strange my dreams are full of friends and angels and I wake up in the middle of my sleep convinced that there are aliens in the room. Funny thing/ When they took me to the hospital in full straight jacket ( yum) and admitted me to the hospital, It was recored that I was an acute delerium. Little did they know that is my normal state. I want a t-shirt from Daddy that sez A Cute Delerium.

Thank all of you for your continued support and postings. These boards make me laugh and cry. I miss you all.And the 10:00pm stop and think on Bobby is so powerful I can feel it. Who is doing the singing? I hear someone singing.

Mommie Dearest,

Just want to send you some more love today. Thanks for our phone call earlier, we are keeping long distance in business these days! I want to remind you how much we all love and miss your shining presence. Merlin and I are heading over to Chi Chi's new party tonight, I haven't been out in a while so I am really looking foward to it. Just tap in cause' you will be right next to me, as you always are.

All my love, Jamie
i've been reading the boards and now i see that you're home! yippee!! nothing like sleeping in your own bed. by the way, there really are aliens all around. it's a good thing. they come to find out what parts of us they might want to take back with them--the good parts of course. they'll probably take a lot of you! you're a total good part. is it lovely in p'town now? do you have snow? i'm sure you're cozy and warm and i hope you're getting better every day. i'll keep reading the boards so i can see how you're doing and also to read the fantastic postings from your friends. xoxoxox
dear daddy,

wow, your dream captures the moment clearly. love that you and sammy jo, go cacooning to find your dj inspiration -- if only in your dreams.

(as a confirmation) when Bobby was waking up in the hospital after having been 'out' for a couple of days........ he turned to Basil and said, 'Yes, I know, Merlin is my producer and he owes me a check, where is it?'

'"Should we tell her"? He said,
"No, let's not".'

'Honey, she knows and does it anyway! Yah, can't stop her.' Mr. Miller is ready for his close-up, just as he is. even with his body in stress as he was over the New Years Holiday (ask Jamie), there was a majesty in his deportment that goes beyond the seeming 'ugliness of the moment'. Bobby has always celebrated and shared what is happening to him and that wig tells us he just hasn't finished his new look. LOL

'I woke up feeling all excited and happy about ......'

this sense of joy in your dream, despite the seeming dire circumstances, is part of the untold story of this mystery we call 'Bobby Miller Time'. this 10 PM lovefest flows like honey from our extended family for this fierce Poet Lover Juglar Guitar Playing Singing Hairdresser Performance Artist Photogapher and TransGender Everyman -- has been the surprise elixar that has turned the tide. this joy has helped someone struggling with life, live.

I take this dream as a shared moment, Daddy, we have all egged/cajoled/celebrated each other over the years as the Jackie/Mother Family. we are helping each othere with our intense love and interest in life and each other even when we are not aware of it, it is nice to take a moment to remind us as you have done.

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