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I'm staying in the Euro/Aussie slacker tourist area. It's cheap and fun, but pretty far from the gay strip. I finally found out where there's a gay club near here and I went last night. They actually gave me a little look up and down at the door,grilled me about ID, etc. I realized why when they decided I was okay and let me in. I was the only non Asian in the packed club! That's very unusual least from what i've seen so far. There are some very mixed bars full of guys who want white trade/sugar daddies etc. Then I've gone to places that are largely, but not exclusively Thai. This was different. I guess it's just off the obvious track for most tourists.

The format is nothing like we have at home. Everyone stands around cocktail tables with small groups and order bottles. I didn't know how to order a single cocktail, and it was too loud to ask anyone. It looks like a dance place, but you just dance at your table. Luckily I made a friend quickly or I would have felt really awkward. If there was a show I missed it. I'm sure there was one. I think everyplace here has a show.

In a few days I'm going to see this show on a floating theater on the riverfront sponsored by the princess. I went last year. It's very pageant meets theme park. That one was all about Thai history, battles on elephants, etc. They did a lot of special effects with spraying water and projections. At one point this lady grew taller (on a hydraulic lift) and her dress was just streams of water coming from her waist. I'll steal that when I get a backer for my fantasy drag show! There were hundreds of extras, it was very pretty.

This years show is something mythological. I passed the theater and the set looks like stone and caves. I'll tell you all about it.
Asia loves color. Pink and green are everywhere, and I don't just mean on the Hello Kitty products. Chinese, Japanese, and Thai graphic, package, and industrial design is full of that candy apple green color that I live for! At home I'm the last person to ever notice a car or a bus, but here I snap photos of them. The regular busses are apple green. There's some sort of long distance busses that are orange with a big "Mod Era" looking stripe. There are pink and purple cars. I took a picture of a batch of refrigerators in a shop. They were pink,red, had the NY skyline on it!
Even in a temple they surround Buddha with bubble gum pink flowers, candles, and fabrics!
I see all colors everywhere... without acid. Just Pink and green are just especially prominent. In the U.S. the trend for color in product design is FINALLY returning thanks to the late 90's IMAC. All of a sudden there are colorful boom boxes and telephones. I wish they didn't all have to look like a tranclucent jelly, but it's better than the black and beige of the last two decades. How I long for an avacado refrigerator!

The reason I'm not going on and on about how there are trannies EVERYWHERE in Thailand is because I'm trying hard not to repeat last years posts. So, if you wanna hear all about it, go to "Best of the Motherboards" under "Front Door." It is really easy not to notice all of the trannies, because sometimes they really dress down. Especially if they're just waitressing.

I'm currently working on starting an online retail business so i want to begin to dabble in importing stuff from here. Things are very cheap, but the process of getting everything home is still something I need to explore. For those of you familiar with the East Village, you know those hip-but-pricey boutiques like Lanceloti and Alphabets(the fancy side)? You can find all of that stuff here for beans. Still, shipping and reselling it is a whole other chore.
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I was delighted to find this year's edition of your Thailand topic in full swing on my recent return to the Mothership. Last years Thailand topic (now on Best of the Motherboards for posterity) was one of my favorite travelogues on any vc - and I do read quite a bit.

So report on Miss Understood - we shall be peering into a thousand screens and monitors, cheering you on. And keep on shopping without guilt: You are doubtless keeping many nimble fingers happy and well fed.

I'm in Pattaya, the flashy trashy beach town with the giant drag shows I spoke of, ALcazar and Tiffany. I just went to both. Wow. Wow. Wow. These shows are multiple orgasms for costume lovers. They are overdone beyond belief! It's Vegas in Asia on a sugar rush! Yes, lots of pink and green. There are girls rising from the floor, flying through the air; name a stage effect, they do it. I want to drag all my friends here just to see these extravaganzas! I could see you all squealing wit delight.

I know I said all this last year but I can't help going on about it. These tranny revues are famous all over Asia. They are Thailand's glitziest form of entertainment. Everyone's either been to one or seen them on TV. They are both in HUGE thousand seat theaters, they do 3 shows a night, 7 days a week, and they're PACKED! They each take place in palatial Liberace-esque venues with big neon street signs. Lot's of fountains, columns, and dramatic lighting. Before each show there's a mad rush of people flowing out of rows and rows of tour busses. Lots of people bring the kids. The are all there to see hot tittie queens parading around in amazing fantasy wear, much of it based on traditional costumes from different Asian countries.

After the show we wandered across the street. There's a big open area with outdoor bars, each a vestibule with it's own name, full of hookers lounging around. In the center is a stage with a never ending lip sync show. It's like the low rent version of the show across the street, you know, if you just wanna get drunk and get laid!
I looked for Messy B.R. but she was no where to be found.
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Today is the 1st day of my "Cleansing Fast". I've had 2 days of "Liver Cleansing" during which I had to drink the "Liver Cleanse" drink which tasted like marinade.

Today I have to drink the "detox" drink and go for a you-know-what. I must cleanse my colon of over a decade of swallowed glitter lipstick.

I'll pass the time reading. So far I've read Carol Channings "Just Lucky I Guess" and "Auntie Mame." Those are two people I can really identify with! Now I'm readng "Weird Like Us".
Koh Samui ('koh" means island) is a large somewhat developed island. Certain areas have flashy hotels, but where I'm staying it's still somewhat lazy and cozy. I'm not actually sleeping at the place where I'm doing my cleansing fast, they were full. I'm right across the road. In the past when staying at Thai beaches I'd rented a cute little bungalow, like the one in the picture I posted. This time, I have a really big one, about 3-4 times the size. This one even has hot water and a refrigerator. Big whoop, all I can put in there is water!

But get this. You won't believe me but it's $9 a night. They generally rent them out on a montly basis for $7 a night but I have to pay extra since I'm a short term guest. I swear to you it's totally cute. There's nothing bad about it. It's just thet $9 is a lot more here. It's only when you go to a corporately owned place, like a big hotel, that you get ripped off.

Up the road is a luxurious little spa with private villas thet are really lush and designed. They're about $100-$150 a night.That's way out of my budget, but it's pretty wild that for the price of a blah room at home you could have this fancy villa!

Anyway, it's my 2nd day with no food and I'm bugging a little. I will savor my bowl of clear broth and 2 coconut waters as if they were a gourmet feast.
This fasting is no vacation! I just finished my 3rd day and I feel like I've been doing it for a month! Can you imagine how stange it would sound to an person who is poor and hungry that Westerners will pay money to someone to starve them? Gee, what if I lose weight and my new clothes don't fit?

Oh, by the way, I'm constantly running into European and Australian travelers that are HORRIFIED with our war mongering shit-for-brains president! Being from America has NEVER been more embarassing.
Hey Alex, I'm still jealous of your trip there. Well, except for the fasting part. If I were there I'd have a nice big plate of BBQ shrimps, some vegetable curry, some papaya salad, mango with sticky rice and a beer to wash it down. Wheee! As for being embarrassed about being an American, just get some maple leaf accessories for your bags and pretend to be Canadian.

Oh, by the way, I'm constantly running into European and Australian travelers that are HORRIFIED with our war mongering shit-for-brains president! Being from America has NEVER been more embarassing.

But Missy, darling, you're not from're from New York City!


Hanging on your every virtual word...
Don't think I don't constantly point out the fact that NY is an special oaisis.. a poluted oasis, but an oasis just as well.

Five times a day we drink a glue like potion consisting of:
Psyllium (seed husks: fiber)
Bentonite (clay: detoxifier)
Pineapple Juice
Lemon Juice

It's like cold, overcooked, thick Cream Of Wheat with a dash of fruit. We can also have up to 2 vegtable broths and 2 coconut juices (right from the coconut). We can throw in a carrot juice if we want.

The there are supplements every 3 hours. Three herbal nutrition capsules, three intestinal cleansers. Once at night we take an acidophilus capsule.

With all that goo, you don't get THAT hungry in your stomach, it's mostly in your head. I like the idea of detoxing, but like most people here, the hope of losing weight is a major drive.

I had two days of the pre-cleanse (light food and a drink that was like salad dressing) and I'm on my 4th day of a 7 day fast. It's very irritating, but I'll make it. I must say that this part of the trip is no vacation.
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THe world is a very SMALL place....
I have a VERY good mate of mine who is staying right by you right now! You two must meet! He's a hoot an lovely!
Hes a British boy (st8 but very frisky and funny), I have known him since i was 18! He used to be a big executive in the Music industry for Warners working with Madonna and Prince etc etc... he had enough packed it all in and has for over 7yrs now being living in Asia - mainly Bali - i JUST got a msg from him today that he is in Samui! which is where u r!!! Hanging out...
I told him all about u... if you are up for it, check him out... he's a great lad (not your usual str8 lad you know)...His name is also Alex he speaks fluent Indo etc and might be a good help for your export business idea... whatever.. i hope u both meet... hes a cheecky tinker ... hes at Lamai coconut bungalows (behind McDs) bglow No B4..... (FYI, he knows me as Jane not Anna!)

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