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Spotted today at Avenue A and 9th in forties retro Lilith-wear with a very good hair look - Andrea Bouze-wah, who had just breezed into town. I was rushing to my interview with a technosexual pioneer so I couldn't linger. She did seem very grounded, claims to have read the entire boards but is still yet to post.

She's heeeere!
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what gorgeous stories! I don�t get to take many taxi rides here in Barcelona but I do have a few juicy ones about young spanish skateboarders!! my bedroom window is right next to the street to the park where they skate... young, straight and very horny! I just hang my head out (wig, touch of make-up, boy clothes - a trick I learned from Miss Guy!) they always ask �how much?� I reply, �for you, free!!� maybe they can�t take me to work on the back of the board but it is an exciting trip!
My sister sherry in the house! Hon, I love the post but it's supposed to go in "Sex with Taxi Drivers" I guess you couldn't find it.

Also don't forget to go to the next page (top right corner). Some topics have more than one page. It took me a few months to figure that one out! (Good thing I'm not a moderator or anything... Oh yeah, I am.) You'll get the hang of it. If Clark can do it anyone can. Now if we can just nudge Joey into the 21st century!
His name really IS Robert Green. I couldn't have that so I named him "Flowrider". We discovered Flowrider working in the sewer and promptly hired him to go go at Jackie 60. The theme was "Boys On Boards" The rest is history!

That show is a repeat. He went on to win again and went to the finals but then lost to an asshole. Flowrider turned alot of heads in Hollywood by those performances. I hope it's his lucky break.

Robert Flowrider is the greatest man alive!
we all love that flow and he is on his way to LA for 6 weeks to look for some work. break a leg doll.

as for legends,
i run into TONY BROWN often and invite him to johnny's b-day, chi chi's, randella's, my monthly birthday party, buy me something!
and again this morning i filled him in on DADDY and what is going on within the motherboards.
he said he may stop by the cock to see you tonight daddy. should we get a fresh bottle of sousa and some limes?
he was a dude with long hair-and in some band i believe he tried out once to bartend?-or he asked for a job -he used to bartend at a dude club-i think he was friends with todd or someone from long black veil-whats your interest?
btw-hes not a legend!
btw-stands for "by the way" not "big titted woman"-its the name of my new dude nite!
Actually Goblin-i was just being clever -my new "DUDE" nite "BTW" really stands for-
BTW By The Way
BTW Back To Work (shorthand used in email)
BTW Balls to the Wall
BTW Bearing to Waypoint
BTW Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde (Dutch: Tax On Added Value)
BTW Between
BTW Between The Words
BTW Boat Wave
BTW Born to Win
BTW Brothers of the Third Wheel (trikers organization)
its at an undisclosed venue-which would you pick -i think i know!!!!!!
miss you kitty
PS -don't you hate abbreviations-what does PS stand for-PISSED STRIPPER!!!
Dancing the night away on Friday at Kitsch-Inn, cigarette in one hand, cocktail in another, and who appears at my side in bio-hazard jumpsuit (slurring her words, swaying and swerving on the dancefloor) but a redheaded Andrea Booze-wah (just what is the correct spelling of her name anyway?). A drunken dirty dance ensued for a song or too, but then I sensed that something more was desired (the dance was fun, but only that). Sorry, but she doesn't fit the bill for me (they have to be a borough or NJ boy with issues, particularly catholic guilt over craving the special girls)...

However, it was good to see Andrea and that she is still the party girl...
I got a chance to go to the Lure and caught flowryder's show. I never was into necrophilia but now i wonder. His show with that little boy was strangely arousing. Kinda creepy. But who is that little boy he drags around. Would love to meet them both. 1 hung top, 1 tight bottom, add a "special" lady and perfection is achieved.
A trannie will top off the show.
Jackie Legend and world traveller Bob Gruen in Havana.

Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 19:40:10 EDT
Subject: Exhibition at Fototeca De Cuba - Havana, Cuba

An exhibition of photographs titled 'La Revolucion Del Rock & Roll' will be
shown at the Fototeca De Cuba in Havana from May 22 until June 22, 2002.
Curated by Chris Murray of Govinda Gallery, Washington DC. the show has more than 40 photos by 28 photographers. Included are photos of Mississippi John Hurt and Muddy Waters, Jimmy (sp) Hendrix, Bob Marley, the Rolling Stones, John Lennon, the Clash and the Ramones to name just a few.

New York photographer Bob Gruen will give a slide talk on Rock & Roll photography at the gallery in Havanna on May 24th.
So amazing - I was just looking at that picture of us on New Year's eve that was in New York mag - maybe a week ago, and then you come on and post!

Really glad for the update on your whereabouts via your profile..For those who don't realize it, this is Jean - legendary Jackie coatcheck, erstwhile performer and doorperson at MOTHER.

Please update us on Dallas scene in Elsewhere when you get the chance, and sending lots of love-

Chi Chi
that a picture sighting is always welcome. Legendary cartoonist, Motherboards aficianado and Verbal Abuse 4 (Food fetish) featured artist Ned Sonntag sent this in from the wilds of Massachusetts..

His note read

Here's a pic of me drawing on a fangirl who came all the way up from Cherry Hill NJ to visit me. xoxoxo NED

[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 09-10-02 at 11:53 PM.]


Images (1)
  • Evocbb7
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The best, and luckiest Jackie Legend sighting today right on my corner. Mike, the famous Meat Market gnome! He was greeted all the way across town from the old Meat Market by the deli guys with the familiar "Hey, Shorty!"

Stunned (that they knew of his greatness even here) I asked - "are you working over here now?"

"No," he chirped in that familiar, beloved voice
"We're all over in Paramus now."

Naturellement he asked about you Hatches, his great love for all these years. I told him to come look for us on East 1st Street one of these Wednesdays...
I think it's been discussed somewhere else, but Jackie Costume Eminence Kitty Boots is the wizardess of wardrobe for the new Bravo "Gay Eye for the Straight Guy" makeover show. Even though we never see her anymore because of it, we are proud and thrilled that she's now a big-bitch costumer.

Rule on, Ms. Boots!
Kitty -- that is so major. Good for you and congrats! I have to admit that I actually auditioned for a spot on the show. Having watched the show a few times now, I see that the producers made the right choice in not casting me...just would not have fit! It has been, however, interesting to see who they DID go with, as there were a handful of guys in my group who way outshined a couple who made it. One, in particular, was as daft and funny as the fashion expert we have now, but was a bit overweight and wore glasses. BIG no-no's for hit TV. Nevertheless, I can't help but watch. Kudos, again!
I haven't scanned through the photo gallery of this forum, so I haven't gotten to put a face with a name. Maybe I should. But I got the chance to wrestle a copy of the latest Vanity Fair from my secretary, and I did catch the 9th Ave. shot of the nightlife elite.
Not being too much of the club type, I found it interesting how different the styles of each club sect personnel looked. If you have the chance, take a gander at it. This Erich Conrad cat looks like he's the type to justify his driving in the multi-passenger lane because he has a body in the trunk.
But I have to say, Daddy and Chi Chi certainly look the part. Not a bad looking couple, either. That's the first time I saw Daddy, and the second time seeing Chi Chi. Unfortunately the Empress was being tossed in the lime pit by the Messy one the first time. Why I thought she would have black hair is beyond me. But daddy you have a cute blonde, I'll tell ya. And I bet she could take Amy Sacco's lunch money anyday.

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