Jackie Legend and world traveller Bob Gruen in Havana.
From: Bobgruen01@aol.com
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 19:40:10 EDT
Subject: Exhibition at Fototeca De Cuba - Havana, Cuba
An exhibition of photographs titled 'La Revolucion Del Rock & Roll' will be
shown at the Fototeca De Cuba in Havana from May 22 until June 22, 2002.
Curated by Chris Murray of Govinda Gallery, Washington DC. the show has more than 40 photos by 28 photographers. Included are photos of Mississippi John Hurt and Muddy Waters, Jimmy (sp) Hendrix, Bob Marley, the Rolling Stones, John Lennon, the Clash and the Ramones to name just a few.
New York photographer Bob Gruen will give a slide talk on Rock & Roll photography at the gallery in Havanna on May 24th.
i ran into allan and suzie yesterday having lunch on second avenue @ 10th street.
they are always so fun to run into and full of life and positive energy.
they asked about so many of you. chi chi and johnny
they were wondering how you were.
they really brightened my day.
they are always so fun to run into and full of life and positive energy.
they asked about so many of you. chi chi and johnny
they were wondering how you were.
they really brightened my day.
One of the most referenced figures in the history of ten years of Jackie MC babble, "Teflon Don" John Gotti died today. We said it so many times from the stage and we say it again -
He was good people
He was good people
Bobbie Jean (Guest)
I recently saw Rabbit in "Requiem for a Dream". She was awesome in that scene!!!! I was very proud of her and thrilled to see her in a great movie!
So amazing - I was just looking at that picture of us on New Year's eve that was in New York mag - maybe a week ago, and then you come on and post!
Really glad for the update on your whereabouts via your profile..For those who don't realize it, this is Jean - legendary Jackie coatcheck, erstwhile performer and doorperson at MOTHER.
Please update us on Dallas scene in Elsewhere when you get the chance, and sending lots of love-
Chi Chi
Really glad for the update on your whereabouts via your profile..For those who don't realize it, this is Jean - legendary Jackie coatcheck, erstwhile performer and doorperson at MOTHER.
Please update us on Dallas scene in Elsewhere when you get the chance, and sending lots of love-
Chi Chi
that a picture sighting is always welcome. Legendary cartoonist, Motherboards aficianado and Verbal Abuse 4 (Food fetish) featured artist Ned Sonntag sent this in from the wilds of Massachusetts..
His note read
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 09-10-02 at 11:53 PM.]
His note read
Here's a pic of me drawing on a fangirl who came all the way up from Cherry Hill NJ to visit me. xoxoxo NED
[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 09-10-02 at 11:53 PM.]
Spotted at Cheez Whiz, worldwide legend Tasty Tim, in town for the week and definitely attending The Bartender's Ball.
The best, and luckiest Jackie Legend sighting today right on my corner. Mike, the famous Meat Market gnome! He was greeted all the way across town from the old Meat Market by the deli guys with the familiar "Hey, Shorty!"
Stunned (that they knew of his greatness even here) I asked - "are you working over here now?"
"No," he chirped in that familiar, beloved voice
"We're all over in Paramus now."
Naturellement he asked about you Hatches, his great love for all these years. I told him to come look for us on East 1st Street one of these Wednesdays...
Stunned (that they knew of his greatness even here) I asked - "are you working over here now?"
"No," he chirped in that familiar, beloved voice
"We're all over in Paramus now."
Naturellement he asked about you Hatches, his great love for all these years. I told him to come look for us on East 1st Street one of these Wednesdays...
And we miss him so, in the Meat Market.
I think it's been discussed somewhere else, but Jackie Costume Eminence Kitty Boots is the wizardess of wardrobe for the new Bravo "Gay Eye for the Straight Guy" makeover show. Even though we never see her anymore because of it, we are proud and thrilled that she's now a big-bitch costumer.
Rule on, Ms. Boots!
Rule on, Ms. Boots!
Kudos to Kitty!A WiFi High five 2U!!
Kitty -- that is so major. Good for you and congrats! I have to admit that I actually auditioned for a spot on the show. Having watched the show a few times now, I see that the producers made the right choice in not casting me...just would not have fit! It has been, however, interesting to see who they DID go with, as there were a handful of guys in my group who way outshined a couple who made it. One, in particular, was as daft and funny as the fashion expert we have now, but was a bit overweight and wore glasses. BIG no-no's for hit TV. Nevertheless, I can't help but watch. Kudos, again!
Did anyone catch that episode with the fairly cute bloke with long hair... with NO personality... total charisma bypass operation... but the best thing was when his girlfriend showed up - LISA - she was a cross btw Erin Brockovich and a dock side hooker ! Brilliant! Kitty whats the dish
That gorgeous boy Michael Madison appeared in yesterdays NY Times (SUnday Style section) I hear there is a gorge pic of the lil cherub at the Patrick McMullan party!
Scan an post if you have it... am yet to see it!
Scan an post if you have it... am yet to see it!
I don't know if Sprouse was ever at Jackie 60, I'm not sure if I ever saw him there but he passed away this past Thursday at St. Luke's from some heart condition. How are all of you, it's been a while, is Bobby the moderator the Bobby I know? In that case XXXXXOOOXXX's it's been forever and I hope you're doing well. I'm the same...old trash.
Yes, Stephan came to Jackie 60 & Click & Drag. And yes, that's the Bobby you know. Don't be a stranger, we miss you too. If you would just get off Ebay for one minute a day and stop by the Motherboards and chat...
I'll give you Westwood!
I'll give you Westwood!
...but gorgeously dressed trash!
not to change the subject much, but is that tony brown, daddy and bobby miller posing in the middle of this website in jock straps?
Merlin, where did you get that. If I remember correctly, it was the Jackie 60 BBQ in the Hampton's one year. Daddy, Tony and I drove out for the early Party Naked part and we really pumped up the volume with our attire. But where did you get the photo?
I caught The Empress and Daddy rocking Vanity Fair...
Did anyone besides me catch that coke bugger hanging out of Chi Chi's nose in that picture?
I haven't scanned through the photo gallery of this forum, so I haven't gotten to put a face with a name. Maybe I should. But I got the chance to wrestle a copy of the latest Vanity Fair from my secretary, and I did catch the 9th Ave. shot of the nightlife elite.
Not being too much of the club type, I found it interesting how different the styles of each club sect personnel looked. If you have the chance, take a gander at it. This Erich Conrad cat looks like he's the type to justify his driving in the multi-passenger lane because he has a body in the trunk.
But I have to say, Daddy and Chi Chi certainly look the part. Not a bad looking couple, either. That's the first time I saw Daddy, and the second time seeing Chi Chi. Unfortunately the Empress was being tossed in the lime pit by the Messy one the first time. Why I thought she would have black hair is beyond me. But daddy you have a cute blonde, I'll tell ya. And I bet she could take Amy Sacco's lunch money anyday.
Not being too much of the club type, I found it interesting how different the styles of each club sect personnel looked. If you have the chance, take a gander at it. This Erich Conrad cat looks like he's the type to justify his driving in the multi-passenger lane because he has a body in the trunk.
But I have to say, Daddy and Chi Chi certainly look the part. Not a bad looking couple, either. That's the first time I saw Daddy, and the second time seeing Chi Chi. Unfortunately the Empress was being tossed in the lime pit by the Messy one the first time. Why I thought she would have black hair is beyond me. But daddy you have a cute blonde, I'll tell ya. And I bet she could take Amy Sacco's lunch money anyday.
yeah yeah yeah...
But what about that coke bugger!!!!!
But what about that coke bugger!!!!!
I didn't remember anything like that, but if I did I would have just taken it as a Disgruntled Photoshopper, who couldn't get the cover charge waived at a Jackie 60 event. Because, why in the world would she have a Coke Booger? Hey, nobody is beyond a good conspiracy plot.
"wrestle a copy of the latest Vanity Fair from my secretary" ?
I live for buggers of coke[period] (My punctuaton key isn't working)
the only peridical i have to wrestle my secretery for is the international male catalog
I don't have a secretary but I would wrestle for the coke bugger.
Has anyone spotted me lately?
(I was in Bobby's poem after all.)
Jonah Falcon here -- lonely and haven't gone to any clubs in 2 or 3 years. Don't know why, maybe I should. Anyplace I should go?
Me then:
Me now:

Jonah Falcon here -- lonely and haven't gone to any clubs in 2 or 3 years. Don't know why, maybe I should. Anyplace I should go?
Me then:

Me now:

hi jonah you look familar. are you "load my hole" on manhunt?
No, "Load My Hole" is me on manhunt.
But I remember you Jonah.
You was that cute guy at Jackie 60's that used to stuff his spandex bicycle shorts with socks.
I loved that look.
Too bad that piece wasn't real.
But I remember you Jonah.
You was that cute guy at Jackie 60's that used to stuff his spandex bicycle shorts with socks.
I loved that look.
Too bad that piece wasn't real.
OK OK Jonah.
I know this is going to be a train wreck but I'm going to give you your own topic.
Jonah Falcon
Oh, and Bonnie...
It's real.
I know this is going to be a train wreck but I'm going to give you your own topic.
Jonah Falcon
Oh, and Bonnie...
It's real.
"Eh, I was a bit character no one remembers from that. Well, maybe James St. James does."
from Jonah's prior post
I have to ask, is James St. James in here with an alias? I'd love to ask the "Sammy the Bull" of club life just one thing.
Best of luck Jonah, and welcome. Nice site.
from Jonah's prior post
I have to ask, is James St. James in here with an alias? I'd love to ask the "Sammy the Bull" of club life just one thing.
Best of luck Jonah, and welcome. Nice site.
Don't know -- James is living in Los Angeles and desperately wants to home come to NYC.
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