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Tagged With "Angela Di Carlo"


Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern

Chi Chi ·
From Ted + Di in RIP VIP: Good Bye Ms Terence - Heard the sad news tonight - Di and I will remember you fondly - go forth fierce henceforth know no pain - This plain is less that you are gone. T n D

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Jean Free Laura McCutchan Ted n Di Destin Coleman Rosen, Robyn Andew Stellman Leonardo from David Kirkpatrick james galus lisa feuer Darenzia and Charles more to come, I pray Kylie xoxoxoxox

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Ted & Di ·
Ritza! Heather Eve Daniel aka (DJ Maximus) are both ok. T [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 09-11-01 at 11:09 PM.] [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 09-11-01 at 11:40 PM.]

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Ted & Di ·
Katy from P-cult is fine Melanie from Justine's is also ok Tim Mullen is ok has anyone heard from: Russ Burns? <= OK John Steelo <=OK Big Bruce <=OK Chris Flam <=OK Baroness & Mark <= OK Randella Todd <=OK Syren <=OK Ashley Anna ken feet <= OK David B. Luna <= OK Goddess Diana Karen Kelly Garo <=OK Tommy and Michael Rachelene Scott Kat [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 09-13-01 at 01:51 PM.]

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

If you have word on anyone from this list or Ted And Di's list above please post. I am so frantic so far away here in Australia, there really is nothing I can do but watch the news. Please let us all know if you hear of anyone, we all need each other now. Love and Healing, Kylie xoxo People who are alive: *David Martin/neptune glory-> paramedic on the scene *Gecko *Ricky Horne and ALL Staff at Avalon Salon People who are missing at time of writing: Flamm, Xris <= OK B, Allon B, Heather...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Luxury Lex ·
Ted & Di ... I know Garo Sparo is okay. he called me Tuesday to check on me. I called Karen Macadoo last night and left word. Kylie: Michael McGraw is fine, he went out of town yesterday to stay with his parents at the Jersey Shore until Sunday (via rented car) I'm only worried about Randella, I know she lives on Broadway & White Street (below Canal) I'm sure she's fine, I just want to know if she needs anything since I assume she can't go home.

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

Ted & Di ·
Beauty!! and Di Too! T

Re: My own private East Village

Darla Diamond ·
RB, You should chat with Di. Parasites are a hobby of her's. DD

Re: My own private East Village

Ted & Di ·
I'll have you know that I mooch off Di on the weekends!! T and sometimes on wednesdays. and every third tuesday and on holidays that fall on mondays [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 10-24-02 at 10:55 PM.]

Re: My own private East Village

Ted & Di ·
Enterobious vermicularis Small female worm that crawls out of the anus at night to lay her eggs. Di

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Ted & Di ·
Kelly, I have a winter jacket and a scarf I'd be glad to give you. I'll see if I can find some gloves, too. Di

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

misswebb ·
Thanks Di you are a dear! I have been a little overwhelmed lately so I haven't gotten to "e" Darla and Colleen and Shema but soon and thanks thanks thanks. Also if anyone has any drag (wigs glitter rhinestones gowns feathers ect) that they just can't look at anymore I would be happy to take them on. I am going threw sequin withdrawal! I love you all and can't wait to have you at my naked jello wrestling housewarming when I get a new pad. mucho amor! misswebb

Re: Please help us rename this Forum

Ted & Di ·
Old haunts... Di Womb... oops sorry never mind Bygones.... Di Flowers in the attic... Di A place where I got ploughed... T The last sign I saw before I fell face down in the gutter.... T Clubs I spent all my money in... T I think I loved this club or was it the other one... T TnD but mostly T

Re: Please help us rename this Forum

kitty ·
of course the bagel was from dizzys -i nice stale one though -but it bounced off my hard head-thrown at me by drunk german woman -whoose name i forget -but she used to come early to jackie-i think one night she left in an ambulance after going into an alcoholic stuper up the street(is she a german relative of messy bonnie ray?) i think dizzy izzys should be a topic on its own -all the goings on there. ted and di -thanks for the "doggy" bag -she loves it and is chewing a rawhide as i...

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Ted & Di ·
Was up late nursing sick Di. She was struck by a nasty bout of Flu. To her credit she tried to get dressed and to get ready. Missed you all, See you all very soon!! Merry New Year to all!! lv Ted & Di

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

MaKi+ ·
I had been believed that you guys had left before I got the ball since I arrived at 2am... but somebody said that she saw you two ! It should be your spirit of wanting to come to the ball !!! Glad that I had a start of New year by meeting up with those beautiful people*, Rose, Betty & Betty's Girl, Colleentv, Tonya(thanx for such a fascinating installation ! ) and... guess, missed speaking to others for my brain had been deeply marinated in Champagne at that time... Thank you very much...

Re: The Palladium

Anna Nicole ·
I was pushing my son in his stroller past the Palladium (site) yesterday...and ended up telling him about the club..(poor tyke is only 2 and is probably damaged for life with Mommies tales already).... cos i think it was a great time for me there... 1991, I had JUST arrived in NYC.. my first wk here (sent here by my job) didn't know ONE person here, had never even been here before.. first wk in, i was telephoned by Kelly Cuttrone (remember her! Where is she now) inviting me to a party (i was...


Chi Chi ·
The timing of this is very strange - just saw that Helmut Newton died today. He was a huge influence on my late-Seventies and early Eighties look, and I have always adored his women. Shocking... I guess Heaven will be very well lit from now on...

Re: Conspiracy Theory....

Anna Nicole ·
Arabella ..welcome to the boards... that show sounds brilliant... that deli is no longer the di and Dodi deli... do u remember that Di and Dodi clock they had on the wall wonder where that was awesomely kitsch!

Re: Adorable Marlene

hatches ·
One steamy August afternoon when I was 6 or 7, my older brother took me to a run-down movie theatre just off the Grand Concourse in The Bronx to see a showing of The Blue Angel. Little wonder that I turned out the way I did! I have read the Riva book. I don't think it portrays Marlene in a bad light at all. One thing it makes you realize is that Dietrich was a very smart cookie indeed. There is a bit about her hunting for the perfect veil for a hat that is amazing-- this woman was totally in...

Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC

Chi Chi ·
AS Hurricane Irene gets closer, Bloomy has called for the first-ever NYC mandatory evacuation - of "ZONE A" - the city's lowest lying areas, including Avenues B, C and D on some blocks, Battery Park City and more. Please make sure you know whether you...

Eric Schmalenberger's BLUNDERLAND

Eric Schmalenberger ·
Eric Schmalenberger’s BLUNDERLAND Performance Extravaganza and Delirious Dance Party Saturday April 28th 9PM-4AM Red Lotus Room 893 Bergen St. Brooklyn, NY 11238 (Between Classon & Franklin) Tunes provided by STEVE LEWIS and DJ K’Mazing, Invocation and instructions to the audience given by The Empress of New York City Night Life CHI CHI VALENTI 11 PM THIS AMBITIOUS ORCHESTRA conducted by Benjamin Ickies With Special Guests: Rob Roth, Michael Cavadias, RONIN, Angela Di Carlo, Patrick...

JULES - Special Offer

smoore6 ·
The Laurie Beechman Theatre 407 West 42 nd Street LIMITED ENGAGEMENT BEGINS MAY 10 th . BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY! The year is 1941. The place is a dressing room at Billy Rose’s club in Manhattan, during the final performance of Broadway's most famous vaudeville and film star of the time: female impersonator, Julian Eltinge. Jules played the Palace, had a theatre named after him, as well as his own beauty tips magazine, his own cigars, and the most lavish mansion in Hollywood. JULES is a three...

Labapalooza @ St Ann's- Zazoo Satori Poison Eve do PUPPETS!

Poison Eve ·
Zazoo, Satori and Poison Eve are presenting their first full-fledged puppet piece "Pardon My Tale (A Punk Rock Fable) " as part of St Ann's Warehouse's "Labapalooza" festival of new puppet works. Our show is set in a dive bar in the early 80's and centers on a tale of drag queens setting out to avenge the deaths of their arty friends. We are in Program B - details below: St. Ann's Warehouse presents LABAPALOOZA! Mini Festival of New Puppet Theater from The Lab MAY 31-JU­NE 3 $20 for one...

CLICK+ DRAG updates

kitty ·
Firstly welcome Ted and Diane -i cannot think of anyone more suited to host the ny events forum.You both support all the nights and are very much part of the ny scene!, i don't know where you get the energy or all the different outfits, but i am very...

Propaganda! 055: Marco Effe [Cocoon | Inmotion | Cecille - Italy] | Sullivan Room NYC

saxe83 ·
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… SULLIVAN ROOM PRESENTS: PROPAGANDA! 056 with: Marco Effe [ Inmotion | Cecille | Cocoon - ITALY ] Born and raised in Livorno in 1985, Marco Effe is con*sid*ered to be one of the most promis*ing Ital*ian tal*ents. Within an extremely short time span, Marco is rais*ing up and man*aged to achieve world*wide recog*ni*tion. This has mainly to do with his remark*able pro*duc*tions, which...

LOW LIFE 7 @ HOWL is "Bowery Bombshells" this Sunday 6/2

Chi Chi ·

Queer SOS! and the American Equality Bill (ongoing)

mr.joe ·
For Motherboarders and Beyond -Like many of us, I have taken to using Facebook for so much communication (moreso than e-mail these days), that at times I have to stop myself. Certain events and moments always bring me back to the Motherboards, and...


Ted & Di ·
So Kids, after a long and fruitless NYC hiatus, WE have decided to decamp, move to the sultry South and pursue life on 3/4 time. Ted, took up flying and now is the Pilot of a rather spiffy and sleek Diamond Da-40 (garmin g 1000 for the pie/lots) Nods...

9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Ted & Di ·
Please post a short message here to tell all you are allright. We are all concerned. Ted n Di [This message was edited by Chi Chi on 09-11-01 at 03:13 PM.]

Tori Amos

Ted & Di ·
Di is a HUGE fan of Tori. When I first heard her I thought "not bad but I don't know what the great rave is" Then I saw her in concert for the first time. My initial thought was "oh my god I am the ONLY guy here" that was 7 years ago. She is an artist...

Carlo Lio, Julian Perez, Rafael Berr at Sankeys NYC 2/21

Euphoria ·
Carlo Lio, Julian Perez, Rafael Berr at Sankeys NYC 2/21 Friday February 21st Sankeys NYC presents Carlo Lio [Birthday Celebration] Julian Perez Rafael Berr [Birthday Celebration] Jean Pierre Keith John Amo TICKETS: [url] [/url] 21+ valid ID required. Email with full names for limited guestlist and mention ZEE's LIST at the door. Call (917) 428-0680 for table reservations **Ask me about our new table specials on...

HOWL! HAPPENING opens with ARTURO VEGA in the EV 3/29

Chi Chi ·
HOWL! HAPPENING OPENS ARTURO VEGA AMERICAN TREASURE The exciting new East Village gallery/performance space HOWL! HAPPENING at 6 East 1st Street is finally opening next weekend on 3/29/15. (THE JACKIE FACTORY is collaborating on this effort along with other HOWL ARTS/ HOWL FESTIVAL folk, and will curate selected performance events there beginning in early Summer.) We are delighted to invite you to the first show, dedicated to East Village Artist Pioneer ARTURO VEGA. We hope to see you at...

RIP, VIP, Chapter 5 (1/31/16++)

Ted & Di ·
Good Bye Ms Terence - Heard the sad news tonight - Di and I will remember you fondly - go forth fierce henceforth  know no pain - This plain is less that you are gone.    T n D 

Alex Niggemann, Tal Ohana, Motum and Shahin [3.18] at a secret BK location

saxe83 ·
Doors: Midnight Tickets: The emergence of Dusseldorf’s Alex Niggemann was kick-started by an apprenticeship with DJ T at the world-renowned Get Physical label, who recognized the young DJ’s passion and skill and gave him a shot to remix Booka Shade’s “Darko” in 2006. The young Niggeman had devoted most of his teens to mastering techno after studying classical piano as a hip-hop loving child. This would eventually form the basis of his production and selection, which...

Re: Politically Incorrect VI

Darla Diamond ·
Teddy, You got your Privates!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Just remember Auntie Darla sez you are not a safe pilot until you get that instrument rating. Recently checked out in a DA20 at MMU. Hello lovely Di. Hope you are enjoying your new digs!


Ted & Di ·
Good Bye Ms Terence - Heard the sad news tonight - Di and I will remember you fondly - go forth fierce henceforth know no pain - This plain is less that you are gone. T n D

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Zazoo and Satori ·
Pete and Steve are selling some CLASSIC pieces. So far the only thing that is sold is the "Heart goes Bang" jacket. Details are below, and more is to come. ---- DEAD OR ALIVE / PETE BURNS Pieces of band history available for purchase ! RIGHT NOW !! More details will follow, but those of you who have been wanting for years to own some rare Dead Or Alive items will soon have their chance. Keep checking the site regularly, because the following pieces of band history are available for purchase...

Re: My own private East Village

seven ·
I always gag when I see Chico do one of those pop celebrities Miss U. The one of Selena was especially bad. Ech. It makes me think he does that lazy comic book style just to fit the kitschy sentiments, or he doesn't even care about the subject he just does those types because he thinks everyone is in to them. And no one cares about Lady Di, Mother Teresa or Selena in the EV. There are much more rigorous aerosol artists around, check out the huge mural on the corner of 2nd and A. I will give...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York: Part 2

bobby ·
I agree with hatches about why we came to NYC and why I stayed for thirty years and my reasons for leaving only marginally had to do with the times we live in. Sometimes you just have to push yourself away from the table. I had too much to eat and was quite full and content. But I di indeed love to come for a snack now and then. In fact I will take up residence once again the week of April 19 - 25 for just such a brief repaste. But I must admit, if we had no Motherboards I'd feel very far...

Re: Michael Jackson

Anna Nicole ·
I'm not glad that he got off.. i defo think he's a kiddie fiddler and i really want those folks off the streets, especially the ones with $/power/fame. However, i would have also convicted the family of extortion too, shady gypos that they are. Its shocking that he got off but its again about celebrity in this country... unless u r a loathed celeb like Martha! I am not suprised that they are so many 'fans' outside.. they are the same 'people' who mourned the death of Lady Di., lost folks...

Re: Fragrances........

andreabicsotti ·
Being a man I like men's cologne, but trust me I want to buy somethin' girly in the fragrance department (double meaning not intended, a happy accident). Now I own the following: Eternity for Men Summer version, Acqua di Gio, Burberry Brit, Kenneth Cole Black, CK One Scene, Romance Silver For Men, and Allure Homme Sport. Can you help me in finding something for my feminine side?

Re: Jamaica

Anna Nicole ·
Welcome to Hell(shire). Hellshire, Jamaica is a local beach not far from Kingston town; rougher rugged ramshackle kind of beach, what it lacks in beauty it well makes up for with personality. "Ice Cold Beers! Cigarettes, Wata!" the lanky toothless man hawks, "Wata! Hygrade! IceCold Beers!" the local word for herb was carnival barked like a brand name with a smirk. Welcome to Hellshire! Small crudely constructed huts with corrugated zinc roof, painted in brightly chipping paint litter a...

Re: The Pyramid Club Part 2 (aka I'm from normal parents)

Hapi Phace ·
Speaking of DanceNoise - I just performed with Lucy & Ann yesterday at BAM at an "Ibsen in the 21st Century" Seminar or something like that . . .we did excerpts of "Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler" that we originally did in 1992 Ann flew in From SF just for this show. Gina Varla Vitro (Chicklet)di Pookie (Richard Move)'s part . . . it was a bit wierd to have all these Ibsen scholars talking about Ibsen and what not from a dais - and then for us to go up on the demonstration stage and perform...

Re: MySpace and Facebook (was "Myspace")

daddy ·
She shot her and THEN went through her purse!!! Bitch di n't call no am-ba-lance or nuttin' Shytttt Dasss fuddd up!

Re: Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009

Zazoo and Satori ·
Hattie, funny you mention that... We live in Park Slope, and the neighborhood was WAY tuned in. I got the message in a round-about way, also completely internet free. I was walking in Prospect Park with Scooter, for a bit over an hour yesterday between 6:45 and 8pm... In three separate parts of the park, I heard Michael Jackson BLASTING. The first incident made me look up, because it was a woman with a baby stroller near the Carousel. The Carousel was ironically playing The Beatles...

Re: Sarah Palin headed for the White House or the Big House?

seven ·
To each their own Ted and Di. I find her physically repellent. Her body has been colonized by so many consumer products.

Re: bibliophile

Ted & Di ·
I am a big nautical fan. For those who have a love of World/English history and of the Georgan/Napoleonic Period in general, check out Patrick O' Brian's Jack Aubrey Series. The series begins with the first work, Master and Commander. No, it's not a D/S novel. However, there is quite a bit of talk about flogging, rum and sodomy just to keep you all interested. The naval detail, musical, medical, fashion, cultural, language, art, and science accuracy of the 22 volume work is truly staggering.

Re: The Downtown Costume Institute

Ted & Di ·
Di and I will be there with bells on um... she might have bells on. Or electrical tape or something. T

Re: AIDS turns 20

Darla Diamond ·
Thank you Ted & Di for posting this. I have been gravely concerned about the recent negative change in people's attitudes towards preventing the spread of HIV. I hate to see the equivilent of russian roulette being played by people I care about. Some people get sick after many exposures, some after only one. There is no cure. There may not be a cure ever. This is not to be alarmist, this is what the medical journals are saying. Sure, you can take drugs now that will prolong your life.