my dart board.
My dartboard

Bonnie Raitt does get on my nerves...much like this topic!
But don't you see, that ALL CELEBRITES talk bullshit? I mean haven't we learned anything from the musical Chicago?
Another random thought: EVERYONE lies to make themselves look good from Madoodoo to the man/woman/trannie on the street. Admiot it you KNOW it's true!
Madonna reduced to tears. From yesterday's Daily Mail. So so brilliant. Love her music, but fuck Madonna. Three cheers for Stella and Chrissie.
Daily Mail (London)
December 14, 2006
Madonna's tears as Stella launches anti-fur sermon
MADONNA was reduced to tears in a furious bust-up with her clothes- designer friend Stella McCartney over her decision to wear a chinchilla fur coat.
Paul McCartney's daughter rang the 48-year-old pop singer from her hospital bed to tell her of the birth of her second child at the weekend. Within minutes, Stella had launched into a vicious diatribe about the singer wearing fur.
The coat, which Madonna wore on a night out with husband Guy Ritchie, was made by the Fendi design house and cost Pounds 52,000. It also cost the lives of 60 chinchillas, rodents from South American prized for an exceptionally soft fur.
'Stella rang up to tell her about the birth of little Bailey Linda whom she named after her late mother. The talk was very upbeat but the mood quickly changed.' Stella had been reading the papers and had seen pictures of Madonna wearing a fur coat.
A source close to the singer said: 'To be honest Stella was feeling exhausted and emotional from the birth when she made the call.
'Stella started off with a gentle lecturing, but she just seemed to get louder and louder. Madonna was trying to calm her down saying, "Oh, let's change the subject" but she wouldn't let it go.
'Stella was ranting that it was murderous, and she started saying, "What would you do if someone took away your children and killed them to wear their skin?"
'She really is that fanatical. She told her it was disgusting and asked her what the hell she was thinking.' Said the source: 'Madonna came back rather feebly with, "Well, they were already dead" and that was when Stella really lost it.
'She was telling her, "You're an icon and people round the world copy what you do and wear you will be responsible for thousands of these animals being killed because of your selfish actions."
She told her she was sick and twisted and so, so selfish.
'Madonna was so shell-shocked that she burst into tears. In some ways she isn't as tough as people might think. She can be very emotional especially where friends' views of her are concerned.' And the row didn't go away when Stella put the phone down.
In fact the reverberations were felt in the north London home of Gwyneth Paltrow and husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin.
Former Pretenders' star Chrissy Hynde, who is one of the founders of PETA, also weighed in.
'Chrissie sent Madonna a letter saying she thought it was appalling. She went into all the specifics of how the chinchillas are killed in the most graphic terms.
Madonna was horrified she had upset so many people.
'Gwyneth, always the peacemaker, said to Madonna, "Look there's just been a misunderstanding, let's everyone stay calm."
' Madonna was saying to Gwyneth, "You tell her, I'm sorry."' The source added: 'In the end, Madonna was even trying to tell Stella it was a vintage coat and the animals were long dead anyway but it wasn't it was new.
'It has been very touchy, but now Madonna has vowed never to do it again, they are speaking civilly.'
Daily Mail (London)
December 14, 2006
Madonna's tears as Stella launches anti-fur sermon
MADONNA was reduced to tears in a furious bust-up with her clothes- designer friend Stella McCartney over her decision to wear a chinchilla fur coat.
Paul McCartney's daughter rang the 48-year-old pop singer from her hospital bed to tell her of the birth of her second child at the weekend. Within minutes, Stella had launched into a vicious diatribe about the singer wearing fur.
The coat, which Madonna wore on a night out with husband Guy Ritchie, was made by the Fendi design house and cost Pounds 52,000. It also cost the lives of 60 chinchillas, rodents from South American prized for an exceptionally soft fur.
'Stella rang up to tell her about the birth of little Bailey Linda whom she named after her late mother. The talk was very upbeat but the mood quickly changed.' Stella had been reading the papers and had seen pictures of Madonna wearing a fur coat.
A source close to the singer said: 'To be honest Stella was feeling exhausted and emotional from the birth when she made the call.
'Stella started off with a gentle lecturing, but she just seemed to get louder and louder. Madonna was trying to calm her down saying, "Oh, let's change the subject" but she wouldn't let it go.
'Stella was ranting that it was murderous, and she started saying, "What would you do if someone took away your children and killed them to wear their skin?"
'She really is that fanatical. She told her it was disgusting and asked her what the hell she was thinking.' Said the source: 'Madonna came back rather feebly with, "Well, they were already dead" and that was when Stella really lost it.
'She was telling her, "You're an icon and people round the world copy what you do and wear you will be responsible for thousands of these animals being killed because of your selfish actions."
She told her she was sick and twisted and so, so selfish.
'Madonna was so shell-shocked that she burst into tears. In some ways she isn't as tough as people might think. She can be very emotional especially where friends' views of her are concerned.' And the row didn't go away when Stella put the phone down.
In fact the reverberations were felt in the north London home of Gwyneth Paltrow and husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin.
Former Pretenders' star Chrissy Hynde, who is one of the founders of PETA, also weighed in.
'Chrissie sent Madonna a letter saying she thought it was appalling. She went into all the specifics of how the chinchillas are killed in the most graphic terms.
Madonna was horrified she had upset so many people.
'Gwyneth, always the peacemaker, said to Madonna, "Look there's just been a misunderstanding, let's everyone stay calm."
' Madonna was saying to Gwyneth, "You tell her, I'm sorry."' The source added: 'In the end, Madonna was even trying to tell Stella it was a vintage coat and the animals were long dead anyway but it wasn't it was new.
'It has been very touchy, but now Madonna has vowed never to do it again, they are speaking civilly.'
Don't piss PETA off they might kill you and shit! LOL!
quote:Bonnie Raitt does get on my nerves...much like this topic!
Listen Biscuit Boy, meet me outside of the Ladies Room in the food court of The Carousel Mall tomorrow at 3 PM. I'll knock that nasel twang a yours back to Erie Blvd. where it belongs!
I'll get on yor nerves bitch...
Calm down Bonnie.
He wasn't talking about you.
He was talking about the OTHER Bonnie Raitt.
He wasn't talking about you.
He was talking about the OTHER Bonnie Raitt.
Now back to "The Evil One".
Poor thing...
"Boo Hoo Hoo, nobody likes me".
(sounds like 1983)
Poor thing...
"Boo Hoo Hoo, nobody likes me".
(sounds like 1983)
Sorry about that Andrea.
I thought you was talkin' about me.
I thought you was talkin' about me.
No Bonnie Baby, You is cool in my book, But the real miss Raitt is alright but she was always on lite FM during work hours when I used to work! The same song at the same time every day! That's Clear Channel for you I guess!
And no I present to you---a poem! On the nature of lies and bullshit! Because everyone tell lies, admit it!
Money makes the world go round, NO
Bullshit makes the world go round
Everybody lies to make themselves look good
I someone spits in your eye
You better expectsome sort of retaliation in
return in the future
All people including celebrities are fake
Fake as snowon a Hollywood set
Fake as the nose on Micheal Jackson's face
Fake as the domes on Pammela Anderson's chest
Money talks and bullshit walks, just ask Dubya
Money makes the world go round
That clinking clanking sound
Of euros, yen, dollars and pounds
Everyone tells lies to make themselves look good
Are they horrible though? You be the judge
Everyone from Madonna to the President
To the man/woman/trannie on the street
Tells lies and like Brecht said
"The world is poor and man's a shit"
It's all show business like Billy Flynn says
in Chicago
Just give it to the old razzle dazzle
and you'll be thought of as a star or a cool
human being
When really you're nothing special at all!
Thank you!
Money makes the world go round, NO
Bullshit makes the world go round
Everybody lies to make themselves look good
I someone spits in your eye
You better expectsome sort of retaliation in
return in the future
All people including celebrities are fake
Fake as snowon a Hollywood set
Fake as the nose on Micheal Jackson's face
Fake as the domes on Pammela Anderson's chest
Money talks and bullshit walks, just ask Dubya
Money makes the world go round
That clinking clanking sound
Of euros, yen, dollars and pounds
Everyone tells lies to make themselves look good
Are they horrible though? You be the judge
Everyone from Madonna to the President
To the man/woman/trannie on the street
Tells lies and like Brecht said
"The world is poor and man's a shit"
It's all show business like Billy Flynn says
in Chicago
Just give it to the old razzle dazzle
and you'll be thought of as a star or a cool
human being
When really you're nothing special at all!
Thank you!
Not two days after Entertainment Weekly reported on a proposal by Madonna's former nanny, Melissa Dumas, making the rounds, Publishers Marketplace reports that a deal's been struck for LIVE TO TELL: My Life as Madonna's Nanny by Lindsey Moore at Crown. The September 2007 release went for "major deal" (aka $500,000 and up) money, and Sharlene Martin is the agent of record for the book, pitched as "an account of working in all four of the pop star's homes and the details of her home life, including such matters as house rules (no noise-even running water -- while Madonna is sleeping, and a ban on television, newspapers or magazines)". In other word, a tabloid's wet dream just sold for big bucks.
I can't wait I just can't wait....
I can't wait I just can't wait....
It comes as no suprise that Madonna is a control freak of the highest order, regardless I'm sure this book will be HUGE because there has never really been a true inside view of the private world of Madonna, only speculation. As a newcomer to the boards I have to comment that this forum is simply fascinating. I've just read some of the pages and I am forced to reevaluate my adoration of Madonna.
I have never blindly worshiped her, but I have overlooked many shortcomings. Maybe I will jump off the Madonna bandwagon......or NOT!
I have never blindly worshiped her, but I have overlooked many shortcomings. Maybe I will jump off the Madonna bandwagon......or NOT!
She is not just another Pop Star.
That's the whole thing about her.
She's like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Bob Dylan or The Beatles in that she represents a generation. She will always be the "Material Girl". No matter how "Spiritual" she pretends to be, herstory will ALWAYS remember her as the "Material Girl".
That's the whole thing about her.
She's like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Bob Dylan or The Beatles in that she represents a generation. She will always be the "Material Girl". No matter how "Spiritual" she pretends to be, herstory will ALWAYS remember her as the "Material Girl".
And don't get me wrong...
I'm not saying that she invented this generation (or invented anything for that matter).
But she did tune in to it.
There were lots of people doing lots of different things in the eighties.
Her thing stuck.
But she's not the only one.
I think Donald Trump is just like her.
He tuned in to the zeitgeist.
The shameless self promotion, the obsession with celebrity, the whole famous for being famous thing. He's made millions (supposedly) using this glossy TRUMPed up name. But what IS the TRUMP name exactly? It's all smoke & mirrors.
Don Hill and I were talking about the DJs "The Mishapes". (They are the Madonna of DJs, something that pleases them to no end).
He was saying, "Kids today are more impressed with someone "getting over" than they are with someone with talent". It's that whole "laughing all the way to the bank" thing that I always use when talking about her. I think Don's take on it is right on the money.
If you say to some kid, "But she can't sing, or she can't dance, or she can't act". They always come back with, "But she's rich!"
How do you even continue the conversation after that?
You don't.
That's why she and Donald Trump are so rich.
I'm not saying that she invented this generation (or invented anything for that matter).
But she did tune in to it.
There were lots of people doing lots of different things in the eighties.
Her thing stuck.
But she's not the only one.
I think Donald Trump is just like her.
He tuned in to the zeitgeist.
The shameless self promotion, the obsession with celebrity, the whole famous for being famous thing. He's made millions (supposedly) using this glossy TRUMPed up name. But what IS the TRUMP name exactly? It's all smoke & mirrors.
Don Hill and I were talking about the DJs "The Mishapes". (They are the Madonna of DJs, something that pleases them to no end).
He was saying, "Kids today are more impressed with someone "getting over" than they are with someone with talent". It's that whole "laughing all the way to the bank" thing that I always use when talking about her. I think Don's take on it is right on the money.
If you say to some kid, "But she can't sing, or she can't dance, or she can't act". They always come back with, "But she's rich!"
How do you even continue the conversation after that?
You don't.
That's why she and Donald Trump are so rich.
Oooh, I want to shop a tell all book about being the weekend office gwen at Mother. The stories I could tell about that glamourous couple who ran it, especially that control freak DJ... (hee hee hee)
I think years ago they called these folk Snake oil salesmen. They are selling your a belief in smth already out there that they have dressed up in such a skilled an fanciful fashion that its entertaining and you enjoy to believe in them.
Trump and Madge - so true so true that's spot on Daddy.
Trump and Madge - so true so true that's spot on Daddy.
I don't think Dump Truck's LA Apprentice is doing too well, and Madonna just seems delusional. She looked like Marilu Henner in her sweaty leotards in this last video and the whole blatant attempt at controversy by putting herself on that hideous looking cross was just the worst. Madonna is ovah.
Do I have to remind you about that non-disclosure agreement that you signed when you came to work for our Evil Empire?
And whatever you do don't mention all of those "Auditions" for go go dancers.
Do I have to remind you about that non-disclosure agreement that you signed when you came to work for our Evil Empire?
And whatever you do don't mention all of those "Auditions" for go go dancers.
quote:Originally posted by daddy:
But she's not the only one.
I think Donald Trump is just like her.
Daddy, I do agree with you, and I would add that the two are very much alike in that despite whatever else they are know for - a common factor of the two is that their true artistry is in Marketing themselves - a lot of celebrity is just that; but they both took it to new heights of autocratic control.
But they could only happen in an atmosphere that is ripe for them.
They could not happen in say the 60's or 70's.
A few years ago VH1 did this show about the 100 greatest female performers of all time (or something like that). Ironically the winner was Aretha Franklin.
This was such a joke because if Aretha Franklin was starting out today she would not even get one toe in the door. She is way too dark, way too fat and no where near pretty enough to be on MTV or VH1.
Beyonce is what is acceptable today.
Nothing less.
(I'm a big Beyonce fan BTW, nothing against her.)
But they could only happen in an atmosphere that is ripe for them.
They could not happen in say the 60's or 70's.
A few years ago VH1 did this show about the 100 greatest female performers of all time (or something like that). Ironically the winner was Aretha Franklin.
This was such a joke because if Aretha Franklin was starting out today she would not even get one toe in the door. She is way too dark, way too fat and no where near pretty enough to be on MTV or VH1.
Beyonce is what is acceptable today.
Nothing less.
(I'm a big Beyonce fan BTW, nothing against her.)
Hmmm, you've got me with the contract there, Daddy, but there are ways around those things, like The Devil Wears Prada...(ha ha)
I think the thing Madonna caught onto early was this idea of 'branding' which she does relentlessly and which other entertainers now do as a matter of course.
Even that ad she had in the subways for her tour a few years ago where she incorporated her M into the Kablahblah symbol, she uses her big stinky M where ever she can, now at H&M. Too bad you aren't still doing the Brown Party...
I think the thing Madonna caught onto early was this idea of 'branding' which she does relentlessly and which other entertainers now do as a matter of course.
Even that ad she had in the subways for her tour a few years ago where she incorporated her M into the Kablahblah symbol, she uses her big stinky M where ever she can, now at H&M. Too bad you aren't still doing the Brown Party...
Oh my! She's got Joeyariasitis.
I believe that's a Dirty Sanchez ,no?
This is Dirty Sanchez:
But I know what you're referring too.
But I know what you're referring too.
I actually think the green tears improve it rather than ruin it. Is that really bad?
when she came to the pyramid to see Martin's last dj set there. almost all the queens & queers were gushing with AWE (while cluching their knifes behind them) The talk "backstage" was .... "what a hoe" !
Someone needs to feed her a big dinner.... gyal is looking way too lean (and hungry!)...
You wanna talk office TELL ALL?!?! I've got the stories. Anyone know any publishers?
Lawrence J. Purdy & Co.
I read today that Madonna is giving up making movies.
She said, "They say it's a flop before I even make it. Why should I even bother?"
Why indeed.
She said, "They say it's a flop before I even make it. Why should I even bother?"
Why indeed.
Oh do I LOVE the British press
Oh do I LOVE the British press
She's always been a hard worker, I'll give her that.