Look what I came across: "Harry buying a Thong?"
I wonder who for?
himself maybe

Prince Harry buys a thong
Prince Harry has bought a feathery thong for a mystery friend, it's reported.
He was on a shopping trip with friends earlier this week at Selfridges in London.
The Prince got his personal shopper to choose a range of underwear to look at while he dined. He chose a £25 marabou-trimmed Myla feather thong.
Buckingham Palace officials would not say who they think the thong is for.
The 17-year-old Prince was spotted shopping in the Oxford Street store, accompanied by former Royal nanny Tiggy Pettifer.
He got an assistant to choose a range of underwear who then took them to the Prince.
A senior member of Selfridges staff told the Daily Mail: "I think it's a bit of a laugh, an annual ritual. I know he was in last year and bought a different black thong, but I don't know who it was for."
Story filed: 07:22 Friday 21st December 2001