Here is my most recent report from PPtown. The tourists have all gone home and it is cool, breezy and sunny. The streets are inhabited mostly by locals and townies and a small smattering of day trippers.
this is the time of year to be here. No crowds, no screaming babies and families with strollers in your way at every turn. No circute party fags filling your ear with their constant drivel.Even the divine drag queens have pulled up their wig stands and headed home.
Just the sweet scent of the sea breezes and the howl of the coyotes at night. I could live here forever, except I'll be needing my NYC fix pretty soon. I'll just get in the car and drive for seven hours and be there in no time at all.
Spiritus Pizza is still open until 2am and I can go and visit at night and watch the dwindleling dance or just stay in where it's cozy and warm and watch the whole scene from the spiritus cam.
Finally saw the elusive Kippy Love after waiting all summer for her to emerge from her little house on Commercial Street. She has to be an interesting chapter or two.
Well, I am off to dinner at Front Street with our staff party tonight. I look everywhere for Jizzbucket but I hear tell he's off in New York with that crazy drunk woman Messy Bonnie Raitt.
The post office still has a photo of her up. I guess she's wanted in more than one state.
Until next time.
Problemstown love to you all.