New York City Administrative Code Section 435 Title 17 Health
Guidelines for Trauma Scene Management
These guidelines for Trauma Scene Management can assist property owners and the public in cleaning up trauma scenes contaminated with human blood and other bodily fluids.
Trauma scenes result when people are seriously injured or die, often, but not always, during sudden, violent incidents or accidents. Following a traumatic incident, property owners need to clean and restore their property using safe work practices. These guidelines reference existing law, guidelines, and recommendations that protect workers and the public during clean-up, and comply with §17-193 of the New York City Administrative Code.
Clean-up Procedures
Property owners and/or cleaning contractors should make sure employees follow these steps
when cleaning up a trauma scene:
1. Restrict access to the area until clean-up is complete. Use caution tape or placards to
warn the public and keep them away from the site.
2. Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves and other protective equipment when
cleaning the trauma scene in accordance with the Exposure Control Plan.
3. Place sharp objects, such as broken glass, which may be contaminated with blood or
other bodily fluids in an appropriate puncture-resistant container for disposal as medical
4. Clean hard surfaces with soap and water. Other optional cleaners and disinfectants
include household bleach solution (1/3 cup household bleach in one gallon water) and
disinfectants registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (see:
5. Clean personal items and items used in food preparation with soap, water and chlorine
bleach (1/3 cup household bleach in one gallon water), or discard these items, if they
can’t be cleaned.
6. Clean reusable mops and rags with soap, water and chlorine bleach (1/3 cup household
bleach in one gallon water), or discard these items, if they can’t be cleaned.
7. Wash hands and all exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water when clean-up is complete.