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Yesterday my wife sent me out to get...
No, not milk.
Not bread or eggs.
She said, "Go to Enchantments and get me some High John The Conqueror root".
I went but they were closed.
But being the East Village there was ANOTHER herb/magic store a few doors down.
I went in and asked the girl for the root.
She said that they were out and then I asked what it was for.
She said, "Your wife obviously needs it for a spell".
"A spell?" I asked, "What kind of spell?"
She said, "I'd watch out if I were you".
High John The Conqueror root
Those girls are witches.
You're lucky you got out of there with your own balls intact.
From Wikipedia:
The plant is known in some areas as bindweed or jalap root. It has a pleasant, earthy odour, but it is a strong laxative if taken internally. It is not used for this purpose in folk magic; it is instead used as one of the parts of a mojo bag. It is typically used in sexual spells of various sorts and it is also considered lucky for gambling.
-So Daddy, Empress is either gonna get you to defecate profusely, or hex your johnson, or run off to the OTB office. But something also tells me she is planning for 'Sister Moon' next month.
Here's the whole entry at:
Magic Root
I especially like the excerpt from the 1961 Willie Dixon song 'Hoochie Koochie Man'.
Early February. 12 degrees outside
A bulldozer working next door
‘accidentally’ knocks half the
East wall off. There is no heat to
begin with.. Among the
five people there I remember
the monumental J.D. Rage and
Eduardo Arrocha the last
tattooed man at the Coney
Island Freak Show before
it closed. Snow was falling
in the room. I remember
J.D. read this poem where
she said something bad about
God and right then there was
a big roll of thunder outside that
forced us to laugh just
for the warmth.
And there were these other few extremeists around that would inspire and encourage you too.
Plus hardly any touristas or people just looking for lighthearted entertainment would ever venture in to the zona because it had been abandoned by the cops, was overwhelmed with junky/dealer feeding frenzies in the middle of the street, and there was just this general harshness the beauty of which you kinda had to earn the right to revel in and savour. And the poetry was so whack, so raw, and so unselfconscious. Things were so aw-ful.
Guidelines for Trauma Scene Management
These guidelines for Trauma Scene Management can assist property owners and the public in cleaning up trauma scenes contaminated with human blood and other bodily fluids.
Trauma scenes result when people are seriously injured or die, often, but not always, during sudden, violent incidents or accidents. Following a traumatic incident, property owners need to clean and restore their property using safe work practices. These guidelines reference existing law, guidelines, and recommendations that protect workers and the public during clean-up, and comply with §17-193 of the New York City Administrative Code.
Clean-up Procedures
Property owners and/or cleaning contractors should make sure employees follow these steps
when cleaning up a trauma scene:
1. Restrict access to the area until clean-up is complete. Use caution tape or placards to
warn the public and keep them away from the site.
2. Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves and other protective equipment when
cleaning the trauma scene in accordance with the Exposure Control Plan.
3. Place sharp objects, such as broken glass, which may be contaminated with blood or
other bodily fluids in an appropriate puncture-resistant container for disposal as medical
4. Clean hard surfaces with soap and water. Other optional cleaners and disinfectants
include household bleach solution (1/3 cup household bleach in one gallon water) and
disinfectants registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (see:
5. Clean personal items and items used in food preparation with soap, water and chlorine
bleach (1/3 cup household bleach in one gallon water), or discard these items, if they
can’t be cleaned.
6. Clean reusable mops and rags with soap, water and chlorine bleach (1/3 cup household
bleach in one gallon water), or discard these items, if they can’t be cleaned.
7. Wash hands and all exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water when clean-up is complete.
I love your blog.
But I kind of like to think of it as the Lower East Side blogging itself through me. One needs to think in terms of how much mayhem and jubilance has been endured. How vividly beautiful are the colors of rat entrails or sharp morning sunlight on the nearly naked bodies of a garden parade. What kind of sublime insanitywisdom flows off the tongue of a delirious neighbor as he collapses in a reverie imposed by HIV cocktails, insulin injections, 65 years of being alive and 98 degree summer heat. The hilarious giggles kept silent behind the piercing smiles on the faces of the old ladies who lead a white frocked virgin through the streets to her first communion. Those old crones still know how to rile all the groins on the block.
But it's not my blog. I'm just a kind of telescope. A kind of codeless drone piloted by a gossiping heart.
The National Council of Caucasians (NCC) – the largest national Caucasian civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States – works to improve opportunities for Caucasian Americans. Through its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations, NCC reaches millions of Caucasians each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. To achieve its mission, NCC conducts applied research, policy analysis, and advocacy, providing a Caucasian perspective in five key areas – assets/investments, civil rights/immigration, education, employment and economic status, and health. In addition, it provides capacity-building assistance to its Affiliates who work at the state and local level to advance opportunities for individuals and families.
1. The person expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
2. That idea appears to exert an undue influence on his or her life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
3. The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.
4. An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.
5. The person is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of his or her reasoning.
The following features are found:
1. It is a stable disorder characterized by the presence of delusions to which the person clings with extraordinary tenacity.
2. The condition is chronic and frequently lifelong.
3. The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent.
4. The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior.
5. The individual experiences a heightened sense of self-reference. Events which, to others, are nonsignificant are of enormous significance to him or her, and the atmosphere surrounding the delusions is highly charged.
6. For the deluded, their own beliefs are single-mindedly asserted and imposed as an objective reality for all others.
What I posted was verbatim from the La Raza Website, and I merely replaced the word "Hispanic", with the word "Caucasian".
One could imply that you think La Raza is:
1. The person expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
2. That idea appears to exert an undue influence on his or her life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
3. The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.
4. An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.
5. The person is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of his or her reasoning.
The following features are found:
1. It is a stable disorder characterized by the presence of delusions to which the person clings with extraordinary tenacity.
2. The condition is chronic and frequently lifelong.
3. The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent.
4. The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior.
5. The individual experiences a heightened sense of self-reference. Events which, to others, are nonsignificant are of enormous significance to him or her, and the atmosphere surrounding the delusions is highly charged.
6. For the deluded, their own beliefs are single-mindedly asserted and imposed as an objective reality for all others.
quote:You got that right. Now if we could just rid ourselves of her.
At least we are finished with HOWL! in the Park for this year and have plenty of time to fight this for next year - we will need it...
WHEREAS, formerly there were PEP, NYPD, and sometimes DEP monitoring, there currently is no enforcement or monitoring; and
WHEREAS, people in this area suffer from abnormal levels of noise pollution every weekend;
The no monitoring claim is just a flat out wild lie. Every single event there has lots of cops in attendance ALWAYS. It is really laughable someone could assert there is no monitoring.
And, what the fuck is "abnormal levels of noise pollution"? Abnormal? Every weekend? Like, whenever the park fills up with people it is an abnormal condition?
Has anyone who actually lives on the block of E. 7th across from the park authored the resolution to stop concerts in the park? If not, then the initiative is based on a lie. But politics, even micro/local politics is frequently built of lies, and I'm not telling anyone anything new by saying so. So let's all first defend the neighborhood from the lies.
If someone wants to complain about the biggest source of noise in the park, fact is, the most routine, frequent, on-going, persistent source of noise in the park is families with children who get concentrated in the enclosed playground areas. This source of noise is everyday and peaks after 3PM when local schools let out. How come no one is complaining about the families with children who cause the most routine and persistent noise in the park? The concerts and other large public events in the park are insignificant sources of noise compared to the families with children.
The park is actually administered and controlled in a quite rational and reasonable way (by NYC standards) at the current time. Currently, there is an acceptable level of tolerance by the authorities most of the time.
The antisocial factor in this situation is the person, or few persons, who are instigating the move to attack the social well-being created by the park as it is currently administered and run. Apparently, Scrouge doesn't sit in the park sucking on a lemon, but does their ill will towards the rest of humanity from a seat on the very community board charged with protecting civility. Typical New York, forever attacking itself.
I'm heading over to the park now. To play my drum. For which, once, years ago, I was written a civil summons when a wealthy resident who lives on B collared a cop and literally forced her to cite me. This was done while the bus stood fifty feet away, and a lot closer to the rich person's apartment, making eight times more noise than my drum. And it took the cop plus eight of her co-workers AND a Lieutenant, over ten minutes to find the correct serial number for the particular infraction I was being cited for so they could actually fill out the summons. Seems the history of reasonable, rational tolerance in the park was not going to be tolerated anymore.
quote:You got that right. Now if we could just rid ourselves of her.
HA HA HA, Then you could live in your own private failed collectivist Idaho. You would be next sweeties.
quote:private failed collectivist Idaho
Our next party theme? I like it!
"The mainstream press pumped up Warhol and the Velvet Underground as a way to wash out the East Village."
"Multiculturalism was disappeared by the popularizers."
"A play is an ancient way to talk back to society."
"Palin's book is the first book written by someone who can't read."
" A Nigger Breaker was a specialist the plantation brought in to take down a slave who couldn't be tamed, the purpose of the prisons we now have is to do this."
East Village bohemian snobs drive out the frat boys, from NY Post
"So, what brand of humanity is considered undignified to a guy who spends his days shepherding the underclass?
Frat boys. Solid men in Big Ten regalia. Business types who spent their college years learning about balance sheets instead of transgressive modes of self-actualization. To these, the East Village can be as intolerant as a monocle-wearing English aristocrat from a P.G. Wodehouse novel, gazing down upon the polloi and pronouncing them a little too hoi. As Sarah Laskow put it on the website, the patrons were “not some group of characters out of an old Lou Reed song, so much as the group of characters you’d find on Bourbon Street, or worse, North Avenue in White Plains. There was some irony in the marketing of Superdive, but not much.”
I was about one day away from posting a photo of the "FOR SALE -fully equiped and licensed bar" sign on the front of Hatches' and Mr. Joe's pre Superdive establishment. Hilarious it ran as a slob bar while Community Board 3 had it on record as being a bookstore !
The commercial rents on the first four blocks south of 14th Street are so stupid nothing stays in business there for more than one or two years except the funeral parlor. Maybe there should be a funeral parlor for dead Avenue A businesses bled dry by sharky landlords.
Leave the gun, bring 'takoyaki': East Village
This is an actual headline to a 'news' story about Japanese food in the EV from a major Japanese daily newspaper, Japan Times. It says a lot bout what the rest of the world sees as being typical American culture.
Seven, is that a car parked in East Village or Siberia?
Photos of it have now turned up on the Gothamist website and last night there were three different teevee news vans there to get it on video.

BTW, I wanted to check out that ICE CAR on 2ave & 2st but, couldn't see anything in snow...
A Gathering of the Tribes |
Say folks, Because of the situation I find myself in, and I'm certainly not going to get my eyesight back anytime soon, I need your help. Since selling this building to Lorraine Zhang, I have found that she has no idea how to manage this property here in NYC. She seems to have found herself in an awful lot of debt. With your help, I was hoping you might know anyone with deep pockets or charitable organizations that might help me with repossessing the building to place it under new management. I've owned the building for over 40 years and in the process, lost my eyesight, and currently have nobody around to manage the property. I'll need someone to manage the property properly. Love you madly,
The latest on Tribes.....
On April 26, Two Boots Pizza will hold Save the Tribes Day, in which it will donate all proceeds of the day's pizza sales -- from all 7 of its Manhattan tores -- to A Gathering of the Tribes. The Lower East Side arts
institution founded 20 years ago by poet, playwright and novelist Steve
Cannon is on the brink of losing its longtime home at 285 East 3rd St., as
the building is up for sale.
Culminating Save the Tribes Day, in connection with National Poetry Month,
Tribes will host an open mic musical performance and poetry reading with
special guests at 6:00 P.M. Admission is $5 and can be purchased at the
Steve Cannon bought the building housing A Gathering of the Tribes in 1970
and sold it in 2004 to help finance the organization's programming. He has
since paid rent to continue occupying the space, but recently found out that the building is being sold. So many of the artists, poets and musicians
whose careers have been nurtured by Tribes - along with neighbors such as
Two Boots - are rallying to help the organization keep its home. You can
read more about the situation here: About A Gathering of the Tribes
Thank u for this notification, I will go to
Too Boots tomorrow (can't make it to the show for my cat, Moomin is very sick
Totally divoon Bowery cherub (and if anyone reading this doesn't know about SAMMYS on the Bowery (1930s to 1970s!), here is a link
... and thanks for the heads up on the show, Seven!
Ah... the many Shortys I have known! <sigh>
Isn' that you in the long raincoat and white ascot Hatches?
Always an ascot, my dear!
Represent! World's most wanted hacker living in the Riis Houses on Avenue D
SO happy about this...yes, it's 20 years late and doesn't cover enough of the East Village, but has happened in the nick of time...
Represent! World's most wanted hacker living in the Riis Houses on Avenue D
Vast amounts of money, time and effort are wasted combating these criminals. The costs are enormous and result in lost productivity and employment. It takes up a significant amount of my time that would be better spent serving my customers.
The authorities need to squeeze my block in to the historic district. The gas station on the corner, right next to my building, was just sold for 8 million to developers who know the parcel has been pre-approved for 43,000 square feet of residential development -which must mean, like, a 12 storey building. Within the week the building I live in had its appraised value jump by 2 million dollars !
Right next to me is the Petite Versailles garden and two buildings down from that the building there was sold about two months ago to a developer who scammed rights to re-do it as upscale apartments and also got a code variance to add a luxury penthouse to the top of the building. If you like the oasis of the Petite Versailles you better start spending all the time you can in it now cause it will probably be the object of a court fight in the not too distant future. I'm going to apply to have my building designated as a historic landmark shooting gallery.