yes seven,
we will know of a social sea change when prisons are no longer rampant with rape and sexual bullying. for all the homophobia in america it is a mystery to merlin why not one group has moved to change the prison system. letting people rot in terror of the stronger prisoners for what? and that maybe a true indicator of the will of the majority in america who complain about immoral behavior yet actually do nothing about rape in the prisons, someplace we might be able to show some releif immediately
we do need the brook astors of the world seven. we need these classy broads that spiff up in style any movement and get press and others interested and going. tho just giving money is never a solution. that's the cheap way to try and solve problems without getting personally involved. and personal involvement is what is needed.
when we reach out to each other to help in respect we will soon find everyone on the planet holding hands.
Here we go with the usual NYC media circus about Kevin. One newsclip yesterday actually floated an unattributed suggestion that Kevin may have started the problem himself as he "may have made sexual advances to the youngest attacker and touched him inappropriately."
And then the trial of the attackers has already begun in the news with one of the attackers' grandmother testifying about his hardships and her own religious resolve to pray for him. I guess we can look forward to weekly installments through the rest of the summer.
Last night I also got to enjoy the enervated, repetitive screaming of a teenage girl on my block as she offered, "You spoiled FAGGOT shit!" over and over to another neighbor. I guess everyone is already choosing sides in the Aviance Trial.
Merlin, your thought about comming together strikes with amazing clarity. Thank you.
And then the trial of the attackers has already begun in the news with one of the attackers' grandmother testifying about his hardships and her own religious resolve to pray for him. I guess we can look forward to weekly installments through the rest of the summer.
Last night I also got to enjoy the enervated, repetitive screaming of a teenage girl on my block as she offered, "You spoiled FAGGOT shit!" over and over to another neighbor. I guess everyone is already choosing sides in the Aviance Trial.
Merlin, your thought about comming together strikes with amazing clarity. Thank you.
Not too long ago the news reported the beating of a black youth with a baseball bat in Queens. His "attacker" was a white man in his early twenties who had come up on the black youth trying to break into his car. When confronted, the black youth became physical with the owner of the car, and the man addmittedly called the black youth a "nigger". That man is facing 25 years to LIFE in prison for being convicted of a hate crime. Lets see what these "misguided" young souls get for beating down a faggot. I garuntee it won't come close. After all it's JUST a faggot. Had they been calling Kevin a nigger it would be a completely different ball game. Al Sharpton would be on the case and JESSE Jackson would be sending flowers instead of JANET Jackson.
There were two separate attacks in Astoria that weekend.
Found this on message board ... anyone knows more about this?
March and Rally this Saturday
Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate
in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods
When: Saturday, June 17
Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets)
Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents have impacted our community in neighborhoods around the city:
Saturday, June 10, 12:30 AM - East Village, Manhattan
On his way home, Kevin Aviance is brutally attacked by a group of men yelling anti-gay slurs
Saturday, June 10, 1:10 AM - Astoria, Queens
A group of three friends are attacked by a larger group yelling anti-gay and racist epithets and wielding a baseball bat
Sunday, June 11, 5:45 AM - Astoria, Queens
A man is followed off of an "N" train by another man who harassed him with anti-gay language, pushed him down elevated platform exit stairs to the street, and kicked and punched repeatedly.
Make your voice heard...
...we will not be targeted even as we celebrate our History, our Pride and our Survival...
Stand up and be counted Saturday...but anti-LGTB hate happens all year long...
...what you will do to help stop anti-LGTB hate and help those who fall victim to it after the March is over...
Community Partners in this Effort include: the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Daniel Dromm, Empire State Pride Agenda, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay Men of African Descent, Hedda Lettuce, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, the Latino Commission on AIDS, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, mano a mano, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, New York State Black Gay Network, NYC Council Member Rosie Mendez, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, NYS Assembly Member Deborah Glick, NYS Assembly Member Sylvia Friedman, NYS Senator Tom Duane, People of Color in Crisis, Unity Fellowship Church of Christ, list in formation
Safety Tips
Please note that none of the following is a guarantee of safety, they're only tips that can be helpful:
1. Be aware of your surroundings
Who's around you?
What are they doing?
Are they paying attention to you?
2. Try not to travel alone:
Traveling in groups can sometimes (but by no means always) dissuade likely attackers. Hate violence perpetrators are cowards and there are almost always more of them than there are of you.
3. Don't let your guard down just because you're in a "queer" area:
About 25% of anti-LGTB incidents in the New York area happen in places that we think of as being "safe" for our community: in or around bars, nightclubs or LGTB institutions, streets in LGTB-identified areas of the city, and cruising areas.
4. What to do if you are the victim of an incident:
If you need immediate assistance, call 911
Report the incident to the Anti-Violence Project at: 212-714-1141; our counselors and volunteers are here to help you 24 hours a day. All services are free and confidential.
5. What to do if you witness an incident:
Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger.
Make it clear to 911 what the danger is; this may make the difference in getting a quicker response.
Call the Anti-Violence Project's 24-hour, bilingual hotline (212-714-1141) to let them know what you've seen.
If you speak with the victim(s), share the Anti-Violence Project's hotline number and encourage them to call the Anti-Violence Project. There are probably supports and services that can help them pay medical bills, get free support and other services.
Found this on message board ... anyone knows more about this?
March and Rally this Saturday
Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate
in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods
When: Saturday, June 17
Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets)
Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents have impacted our community in neighborhoods around the city:
Saturday, June 10, 12:30 AM - East Village, Manhattan
On his way home, Kevin Aviance is brutally attacked by a group of men yelling anti-gay slurs
Saturday, June 10, 1:10 AM - Astoria, Queens
A group of three friends are attacked by a larger group yelling anti-gay and racist epithets and wielding a baseball bat
Sunday, June 11, 5:45 AM - Astoria, Queens
A man is followed off of an "N" train by another man who harassed him with anti-gay language, pushed him down elevated platform exit stairs to the street, and kicked and punched repeatedly.
Make your voice heard...
...we will not be targeted even as we celebrate our History, our Pride and our Survival...
Stand up and be counted Saturday...but anti-LGTB hate happens all year long...
...what you will do to help stop anti-LGTB hate and help those who fall victim to it after the March is over...
Community Partners in this Effort include: the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Daniel Dromm, Empire State Pride Agenda, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay Men of African Descent, Hedda Lettuce, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, the Latino Commission on AIDS, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, mano a mano, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, New York State Black Gay Network, NYC Council Member Rosie Mendez, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, NYS Assembly Member Deborah Glick, NYS Assembly Member Sylvia Friedman, NYS Senator Tom Duane, People of Color in Crisis, Unity Fellowship Church of Christ, list in formation
Safety Tips
Please note that none of the following is a guarantee of safety, they're only tips that can be helpful:
1. Be aware of your surroundings
Who's around you?
What are they doing?
Are they paying attention to you?
2. Try not to travel alone:
Traveling in groups can sometimes (but by no means always) dissuade likely attackers. Hate violence perpetrators are cowards and there are almost always more of them than there are of you.
3. Don't let your guard down just because you're in a "queer" area:
About 25% of anti-LGTB incidents in the New York area happen in places that we think of as being "safe" for our community: in or around bars, nightclubs or LGTB institutions, streets in LGTB-identified areas of the city, and cruising areas.
4. What to do if you are the victim of an incident:
If you need immediate assistance, call 911
Report the incident to the Anti-Violence Project at: 212-714-1141; our counselors and volunteers are here to help you 24 hours a day. All services are free and confidential.
5. What to do if you witness an incident:
Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger.
Make it clear to 911 what the danger is; this may make the difference in getting a quicker response.
Call the Anti-Violence Project's 24-hour, bilingual hotline (212-714-1141) to let them know what you've seen.
If you speak with the victim(s), share the Anti-Violence Project's hotline number and encourage them to call the Anti-Violence Project. There are probably supports and services that can help them pay medical bills, get free support and other services.
Well, folks, perhaps we should become our own Al Sharptons. Although I try to believe in the American system of justice-- against all odds it would seem-- it very frequently fails us.
Especially when the so-called leader of this country has repeatedly ensured that we be considered and treated like second-class citizens. Enough!
I will never forget the riots in the streets of san Francisco when the Dan White verdict was handed down. But that would be looking a bit far in the future right now. And who knows what the outcome of the hate crime trial will be.
There is a cynical side to me that says, well New York, you wanted to be just like the rest of America, to have the Gap and Starbucks on every corner so the tourists will feel at home, and a millionaire Republican Mayor and a Disney store... well you got all that. Along with all the hate, intolerance, prejudice and false Christian sentiment that exists everywhere else in this country.
But no, I will be a bit more constructive.
What we can do immediately is:
--Innundate our public officials and the media with all sorts of mail: emails, handwritten letters, phone calls. Let them know how angry we are. Messages of love and support for victims like Kevin are necessary and great, but we must also get the word out that we are not going to stand for this.
--get our asses out (if at all possible) to protests and marches like the one JZ Bich mentions above. I have also read this info elsewhere.
-- carry a sign to the Gay Pride March on June 25th. What, it's supposed to be a party and not a political event? Sez who? Does HOP really think Stonewall in 1969 was a party?
Funny thing, if you would have told me 10 years ago that I might want the right to get married to another man, I would have laughed and said, "Married? Even straight people don't want to get married!" Now I will settle for nothing less.
I will also settle for nothing less than for the NYPD, who can spend millions of tax dollars protecting us against some hypothetical terrorists, to guarantee that all people are able walk the streets of this city, at any hour, without getting bashed.
Nothing less.
Especially when the so-called leader of this country has repeatedly ensured that we be considered and treated like second-class citizens. Enough!
I will never forget the riots in the streets of san Francisco when the Dan White verdict was handed down. But that would be looking a bit far in the future right now. And who knows what the outcome of the hate crime trial will be.
There is a cynical side to me that says, well New York, you wanted to be just like the rest of America, to have the Gap and Starbucks on every corner so the tourists will feel at home, and a millionaire Republican Mayor and a Disney store... well you got all that. Along with all the hate, intolerance, prejudice and false Christian sentiment that exists everywhere else in this country.
But no, I will be a bit more constructive.
What we can do immediately is:
--Innundate our public officials and the media with all sorts of mail: emails, handwritten letters, phone calls. Let them know how angry we are. Messages of love and support for victims like Kevin are necessary and great, but we must also get the word out that we are not going to stand for this.
--get our asses out (if at all possible) to protests and marches like the one JZ Bich mentions above. I have also read this info elsewhere.
-- carry a sign to the Gay Pride March on June 25th. What, it's supposed to be a party and not a political event? Sez who? Does HOP really think Stonewall in 1969 was a party?
Funny thing, if you would have told me 10 years ago that I might want the right to get married to another man, I would have laughed and said, "Married? Even straight people don't want to get married!" Now I will settle for nothing less.
I will also settle for nothing less than for the NYPD, who can spend millions of tax dollars protecting us against some hypothetical terrorists, to guarantee that all people are able walk the streets of this city, at any hour, without getting bashed.
Nothing less.
So incredibly well put Hattie. I have always said you are the wise owl of this gilded chamber pot we call night life. I for one will be at the march on Saturday and urge everyone involved in this topic AS WELL as all of your friends to show their support. It may be a baby step towrds unity, but our visibility and our voices are crucial now more than ever. Think of all the millions of miles that were marched in bringing visibility to the AIDS crisis. Here we sit in 2006, still without a cure. I really think the primary reason for that is AIDS is still percieved by a vast majority as a GAY disease. HATE is also a disease that is at epidemic proportions and killing our brothers and sisters. Although AIDS is not over, people who had the courage to rise up and demand answers certainly assisted in the struggle this far. HATE is not some silent killer. It walks and breathes and has a face. The faces of the savages that brutalize our community. Anyone interested in coming to the march, pleae post and we will find a spot to congregate and march together. Hope to see you all.
try watching these vids.
these two links are for four interveiws with mrs. fred phelps. one on fox television. they demonstrate where the violence towards homosexuals and transgender people originates in america. and yes merlin has been spoken to like this for the last fifty years many times by self appointed religious people like this phelps person and merlin doesn't think some of the younger ones in our community realize how bad it was and could get again:
mrs. phelps on fox tv also:
watch as much of these vids as you can stand. i find them funny, sad and threatening odd.
merlin also believes these videos will be seen by many and moderate their stand and may help our cause some day as the hate really will sink in after you watch these vids and hopefull those that don't see the hate at the moment will after they see these vids also.
we can see why punks act out on our community for sure.
in love and hope for the future,
these two links are for four interveiws with mrs. fred phelps. one on fox television. they demonstrate where the violence towards homosexuals and transgender people originates in america. and yes merlin has been spoken to like this for the last fifty years many times by self appointed religious people like this phelps person and merlin doesn't think some of the younger ones in our community realize how bad it was and could get again:
mrs. phelps on fox tv also:
watch as much of these vids as you can stand. i find them funny, sad and threatening odd.
merlin also believes these videos will be seen by many and moderate their stand and may help our cause some day as the hate really will sink in after you watch these vids and hopefull those that don't see the hate at the moment will after they see these vids also.
we can see why punks act out on our community for sure.
in love and hope for the future,
March and Rally this Saturday
Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate
in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods
When: Saturday, June 17
Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets)
Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents have impacted our community in neighborhoods around the city:
Saturday, June 10, 12:30 AM - East Village, Manhattan
On his way home, Kevin Aviance is brutally attacked by a group of men yelling anti-gay slurs
Saturday, June 10, 1:10 AM - Astoria, Queens
A group of three friends are attacked by a larger group yelling anti-gay and racist epithets and wielding a baseball bat
Sunday, June 11, 5:45 AM - Astoria, Queens
A man is followed off of an "N" train by another man who harassed him with anti-gay language, pushed him down elevated platform exit stairs to the street, and kicked and punched repeatedly.
Make your voice heard...
..we will not be targeted even as we celebrate our History, our Pride and our Survival...
Stand up and be counted Saturday..but anti-LGTB hate happens all year long...
...what you will do to help stop anti-LGTB hate and help those who fall victim to it after the March is over...
Community Partners in this Effort include: the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Daniel Dromm, Empire State Pride Agenda, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay Men of African Descent, Hedda Lettuce, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, the Latino Commission on AIDS, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, mano a mano, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, New York State Black Gay Network, NYC Council Member Rosie Mendez, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, NYS Assembly Member Deborah Glick, NYS Assembly Member Sylvia Friedman, NYS Senator Tom Duane, People of Color in Crisis, Unity Fellowship Church of Christ, list in formation
Safety Tips
Please note that none of the following is a guarantee of safety, they're only tips that can be helpful:
1. Be aware of your surroundings
Who's around you?
What are they doing?
Are they paying attention to you?
2. Try not to travel alone:
Traveling in groups can sometimes (but by no means always) dissuade likely attackers. Hate violence perpetrators are cowards and there are almost always more of them than there are of you.
3. Don't let your guard down just because you're in a "queer" area:
About 25% of anti-LGTB incidents in the New York area happen in places that we think of as being "safe" for our community: in or around bars, nightclubs or LGTB institutions, streets in LGTB-identified areas of the city, and cruising areas.
4. What to do if you are the victim of an incident:
If you need immediate assistance, call 911
Report the incident to the Anti-Violence Project at: 212-714-1141; our counselors and volunteers are here to help you 24 hours a day. All services are free and confidential.
5. What to do if you witness an incident:
Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger.
Make it clear to 911 what the danger is; this may make the difference in getting a quicker response.
Call the Anti-Violence Project's 24-hour, bilingual hotline (212-714-1141) to let them know what you've seen.
If you speak with the victim(s), share the Anti-Violence Project's hotline number and encourage them to call the Anti-Violence Project. There are probably supports and services that can help them pay medical bills, get free support and other services.
Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate
in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods
When: Saturday, June 17
Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets)
Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents have impacted our community in neighborhoods around the city:
Saturday, June 10, 12:30 AM - East Village, Manhattan
On his way home, Kevin Aviance is brutally attacked by a group of men yelling anti-gay slurs
Saturday, June 10, 1:10 AM - Astoria, Queens
A group of three friends are attacked by a larger group yelling anti-gay and racist epithets and wielding a baseball bat
Sunday, June 11, 5:45 AM - Astoria, Queens
A man is followed off of an "N" train by another man who harassed him with anti-gay language, pushed him down elevated platform exit stairs to the street, and kicked and punched repeatedly.
Make your voice heard...
..we will not be targeted even as we celebrate our History, our Pride and our Survival...
Stand up and be counted Saturday..but anti-LGTB hate happens all year long...
...what you will do to help stop anti-LGTB hate and help those who fall victim to it after the March is over...
Community Partners in this Effort include: the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Daniel Dromm, Empire State Pride Agenda, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay Men of African Descent, Hedda Lettuce, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, the Latino Commission on AIDS, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, mano a mano, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, New York State Black Gay Network, NYC Council Member Rosie Mendez, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, NYS Assembly Member Deborah Glick, NYS Assembly Member Sylvia Friedman, NYS Senator Tom Duane, People of Color in Crisis, Unity Fellowship Church of Christ, list in formation
Safety Tips
Please note that none of the following is a guarantee of safety, they're only tips that can be helpful:
1. Be aware of your surroundings
Who's around you?
What are they doing?
Are they paying attention to you?
2. Try not to travel alone:
Traveling in groups can sometimes (but by no means always) dissuade likely attackers. Hate violence perpetrators are cowards and there are almost always more of them than there are of you.
3. Don't let your guard down just because you're in a "queer" area:
About 25% of anti-LGTB incidents in the New York area happen in places that we think of as being "safe" for our community: in or around bars, nightclubs or LGTB institutions, streets in LGTB-identified areas of the city, and cruising areas.
4. What to do if you are the victim of an incident:
If you need immediate assistance, call 911
Report the incident to the Anti-Violence Project at: 212-714-1141; our counselors and volunteers are here to help you 24 hours a day. All services are free and confidential.
5. What to do if you witness an incident:
Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger.
Make it clear to 911 what the danger is; this may make the difference in getting a quicker response.
Call the Anti-Violence Project's 24-hour, bilingual hotline (212-714-1141) to let them know what you've seen.
If you speak with the victim(s), share the Anti-Violence Project's hotline number and encourage them to call the Anti-Violence Project. There are probably supports and services that can help them pay medical bills, get free support and other services.
Thanks, Sweetie. And I do feel very owlish of late 
Regarding the Phelps brigade, that Merlin has mentioned...
It is all too easy to dismiss these obsessive lunatics as inconsequential crackpots because they are obviously nutjobs. After all, they protested at the NYFD headquarters and at soldiers' funerals who died in Iraq because they claim both the Fire Dept. and the Army are run by "fags". However, they always seem to get media coverage-- especially by our friends at Fox-- and the core of their message does filter through. Therefore, our response needs to be bigger. So when they come to your town-- as they will eventually-- we need to get out there and show our displeasure in a bigger way. And this has been happening more and more all over the country.
Even if you cannot make the march on Saturday, do something:
The New York Anti-Violence Project is a very worthy organization that has been doing great work for over 25 years. And their office is centrally located in Midtown. Volunteer to work their hotline. Send them some cash. At the very least, bookmark their site, so you can keep yourself informed...
The NYC Anti-Violence Project
Although our hearts and minds are with our friend Kevin Aviance right now, there are quite a few similar cases in the courts right now, as well as a shocking number of unsolved hate crime-related murders in the New York area.
Tell your friends:
Cut and Paste the information for Saturday's march (available on AVP's site) and email it to your list. (Gorgeous and glamorous rabble rouser, Sweetie has already done this. Bless you, girl!) You might wanna remove everyone in this topic from that list first because, well we know already. Here's the press release:
AVP Press Release
Contact Your Elected Officials:
It's simple. It's easy. And it's effective. Even if our president cannot be bothered to read his email, our local officials do! Email your council person.
Email Your Council Person
While you are at it, email Rosie Mendez from District 2-- it was in her District that the Aviance attack occurred. She would definitely like to hear from you.
Councilperson Mendez
And the Mayor:
Email Mayor Bloomberg
Why not? He's got a big enough mouth when he wants to use it. He's already made one statement and needs to make more.
One note... when emailing these guys, be short, to the point and somewhat polite. Save the rude language and the diatribes for the live demos, where it's more appropriate. And tell them who you are-- that's very important!
Write To The Press:
OK, it takes a bit of work, but you are all riled up now, right? Write to your favorite paper or magazine (The Nation.) Or your least favorite (The NY Post.) There's a knack to doing it, and a million sites with suggestions to increase your chances of publication. Here's one:
Tips For Writing Letters To the Editor
Oh and always include your phone number. They don't publish anything they cannot confirm.
And finally, remember that when it comes to stopping the violence against us, silence does equal death... literally.

Regarding the Phelps brigade, that Merlin has mentioned...
It is all too easy to dismiss these obsessive lunatics as inconsequential crackpots because they are obviously nutjobs. After all, they protested at the NYFD headquarters and at soldiers' funerals who died in Iraq because they claim both the Fire Dept. and the Army are run by "fags". However, they always seem to get media coverage-- especially by our friends at Fox-- and the core of their message does filter through. Therefore, our response needs to be bigger. So when they come to your town-- as they will eventually-- we need to get out there and show our displeasure in a bigger way. And this has been happening more and more all over the country.
Even if you cannot make the march on Saturday, do something:
The New York Anti-Violence Project is a very worthy organization that has been doing great work for over 25 years. And their office is centrally located in Midtown. Volunteer to work their hotline. Send them some cash. At the very least, bookmark their site, so you can keep yourself informed...
The NYC Anti-Violence Project
Although our hearts and minds are with our friend Kevin Aviance right now, there are quite a few similar cases in the courts right now, as well as a shocking number of unsolved hate crime-related murders in the New York area.
Tell your friends:
Cut and Paste the information for Saturday's march (available on AVP's site) and email it to your list. (Gorgeous and glamorous rabble rouser, Sweetie has already done this. Bless you, girl!) You might wanna remove everyone in this topic from that list first because, well we know already. Here's the press release:
AVP Press Release
Contact Your Elected Officials:
It's simple. It's easy. And it's effective. Even if our president cannot be bothered to read his email, our local officials do! Email your council person.
Email Your Council Person
While you are at it, email Rosie Mendez from District 2-- it was in her District that the Aviance attack occurred. She would definitely like to hear from you.
Councilperson Mendez
And the Mayor:
Email Mayor Bloomberg
Why not? He's got a big enough mouth when he wants to use it. He's already made one statement and needs to make more.
One note... when emailing these guys, be short, to the point and somewhat polite. Save the rude language and the diatribes for the live demos, where it's more appropriate. And tell them who you are-- that's very important!
Write To The Press:
OK, it takes a bit of work, but you are all riled up now, right? Write to your favorite paper or magazine (The Nation.) Or your least favorite (The NY Post.) There's a knack to doing it, and a million sites with suggestions to increase your chances of publication. Here's one:
Tips For Writing Letters To the Editor
Oh and always include your phone number. They don't publish anything they cannot confirm.
And finally, remember that when it comes to stopping the violence against us, silence does equal death... literally.
Time to bring back Queer Nation? I've been thinking a lot about this in the past few days.
The QUEER Nation Manifesto
Queers Read This Don't Tread on Me
The QUEER Nation Manifesto is a powerful document. The first section, "Queers Read This," opens with these words.
"How can I tell you?
"How can I convince you, Brother, Sister, that your life is in danger?
"That every day you wake up alive, relatively happy, and a functioning human being,
you are committing a rebellious act.
"You as an alive and functioning Queer are a Revolutionary.
"There is nothing on this planet that validates,
protects or encourages your existence.
"It is a miracle you are reading these words.
"You should by all rights be dead."
Other sections include
An Army of Lovers Cannot Lose
I'm Angry
If You're Queer, Shout It
Where are You Sisters?
Why Queer?
No Sex Police
Rules of Conduct for Straight People
I Hate Straights
Let Yourself Be Angry
The Manifesto was originally distributed at Pride 1990 in New York City as a tabloid piece with bold graphics.
There is no call for violence in The Queer Nation Manifesto. There is a call for recognition, thought and action. There is a strong call for salvation of our souls, our bodies and ourselves--and we have to do it--for ourselves and our neighbors.
The QUEER Nation Manifesto
Queers Read This Don't Tread on Me
The QUEER Nation Manifesto is a powerful document. The first section, "Queers Read This," opens with these words.
"How can I tell you?
"How can I convince you, Brother, Sister, that your life is in danger?
"That every day you wake up alive, relatively happy, and a functioning human being,
you are committing a rebellious act.
"You as an alive and functioning Queer are a Revolutionary.
"There is nothing on this planet that validates,
protects or encourages your existence.
"It is a miracle you are reading these words.
"You should by all rights be dead."
Other sections include
An Army of Lovers Cannot Lose
I'm Angry
If You're Queer, Shout It
Where are You Sisters?
Why Queer?
No Sex Police
Rules of Conduct for Straight People
I Hate Straights
Let Yourself Be Angry
The Manifesto was originally distributed at Pride 1990 in New York City as a tabloid piece with bold graphics.
There is no call for violence in The Queer Nation Manifesto. There is a call for recognition, thought and action. There is a strong call for salvation of our souls, our bodies and ourselves--and we have to do it--for ourselves and our neighbors.
Great to see everyone at the protest march. I thought it was a decent turnout, but would have been better with even more people. I hope this builds some momentum for other activism. Although, could we please leave Michael Lucas out of the speakers category, yeesh. lol
I was very proud how many Motherboards people were there!
Half of that crowd (which I thought was pretty big) are Motherboard members.
Half of that crowd (which I thought was pretty big) are Motherboard members.
A true revolutionary.
Please sing 'Living in a Burned Out Basement' again.
not incognito.
Great seeing all of you today. I applaud everyone who turned out. I too hope that this builds some momentum and we are not regulated to side streets during the next demonstration. I thought today was a great first step in making the problem more public. I posted flyers up in my neighborhood earlier this evening. They simply say "queers of Hells Kitchen. Beware of Bigotry, Intolerance and Violence in the neighborhood."
Dear Sweetie I am very happy you helped hang posters. Do you want a medal for it? My work is my life. Kevin is a drag queen who was bashed; I am a proud drag queen who does not want to hide in the shadows. I walk to work in drag so I am very aware how dangerous it can be for a queen. I choose to march in drag because that is part of who I am. You could have easily come in drag to the event and shown a proud face. Instead you choose to attack people because of certain inadequacy's you are feeling about yourself.
My drag career started in activism in Queer Nation and ACT UP lip-synching on the street to raise money for various causes. So it is a very natural place for me to step back into this role and use the image of Hedda that was created through those amazing days of activism.
The march was a day when everyone, gay, lesbian and transgendered to come out and show there faces. You should not be the arbitrator of how one should appear in front of people. You come across as bitter and misguided. Look in the mirror and see who the boil is. Happy pride.
Hedda Lettuce
My drag career started in activism in Queer Nation and ACT UP lip-synching on the street to raise money for various causes. So it is a very natural place for me to step back into this role and use the image of Hedda that was created through those amazing days of activism.
The march was a day when everyone, gay, lesbian and transgendered to come out and show there faces. You should not be the arbitrator of how one should appear in front of people. You come across as bitter and misguided. Look in the mirror and see who the boil is. Happy pride.
Hedda Lettuce
While we are talking about being victims of hate and prejudice , I suggest we take a little time out to extend that to include how we treat each other. Be it gay, straight,bisexual or transgendered we need to be showing love and tolerence and patience towards all. EVERYONE can stand doing some work on themselves and benefit from it and I don't mean plastic surgery. I mean that the world is a big mess and the only way it will change is through each of us taking a good hard look at our own hatred. Start a change by making a change in ourselves. Don't hate anyone and don't spew negative energy out into the world to continue the hate. Love and patience are their own instant reward. Don't stand against violence, stand for love instead.
We can't change anyone else but we can change our own limited ways of thinking. On a more personal note: I have known both Sweetie and Hedda for many centuries now. I have shared amazing magical, fun, loving and enlightening moments with both of you. I have photos to prove it. In another couple of centuries we will be gone and forgotten and none of this mishagosh will be important. Learn to love and tolerate each other and make every moment count.
We can't change anyone else but we can change our own limited ways of thinking. On a more personal note: I have known both Sweetie and Hedda for many centuries now. I have shared amazing magical, fun, loving and enlightening moments with both of you. I have photos to prove it. In another couple of centuries we will be gone and forgotten and none of this mishagosh will be important. Learn to love and tolerate each other and make every moment count.
Now, now, girls! Let us not begin a flame war, as interesting as it might be to the rest of us 
I guess there's a lesson here somewhere: Don't dish another queen on the M'boards, even if you think she is not registered... she might very well be lurking!
And welcome Hedda, to our humble message boards!
(If it really is you. And if not, well, I've been PLOPPED before!)

I guess there's a lesson here somewhere: Don't dish another queen on the M'boards, even if you think she is not registered... she might very well be lurking!
And welcome Hedda, to our humble message boards!
(If it really is you. And if not, well, I've been PLOPPED before!)
Hedda, your post made absolute sense. We SHOULD be working together. My apologies for my harsh comments. It was thoughtless. This is no time for division, especially where this is concerned. I have taken the time to re-tract my comments. I bashed you with words, and for that I am truly apologetic. SWEETIE
Sweetie - this is why you are such a grand presence on these boards and in this town; I am humbled by your exemplary post in seeing the bigger picture here. Now, if we can take that and spread that out into the streets, then we're golden.
Hedda - Welcome to the Boards. As you can see, it is just the right place to safely let your wig fly from time to time.
Hedda - Welcome to the Boards. As you can see, it is just the right place to safely let your wig fly from time to time.
I was really gettin' in to this as you can imagine.
(You guys know how immature and infantile I am).
I was seeing this whole "When Bitches Battle" thing.
Oh well.
I agree with Mr. Joe, you're a true queen and Motherboards royalty.
Please post often and please, get as bitchy as you want. We love it here.
Well, I do anyway.
I was really gettin' in to this as you can imagine.
(You guys know how immature and infantile I am).
I was seeing this whole "When Bitches Battle" thing.
Oh well.
I agree with Mr. Joe, you're a true queen and Motherboards royalty.
Please post often and please, get as bitchy as you want. We love it here.
Well, I do anyway.
Yes Hedda, welcome to The Motherboards and I'll see you in front of the Art House peddling your wares soon.
it is really me!!!!! Thanks for having me here.
Some more......
more protesters.
yet another.....
one side....
then the other...
This protester was smart, he stopped by Kiehl's for skin block samplers before the march!
VLADA raided last night. At least 4 police cars plus a van WITH the sargeant leading the pack. It was closed due to over-crowding and too much activity on the sidewalk. MEANWHILE the STRAIGHT bar 2 doors down with JUST as many people is left completely alone. I have worked all over the city. Vlada has to be one of the most professional bars I have had the pleasure of working in. One of the owners, a straight Russian gentleman was such a hero. He confronted the sargeant about this being harrassment against gay people. They had all of their documentation, everything was in order. It was very strange. I urged all patrons on the microphone to wish each officer a HAPPY GAY PRIDE and to remember this moment at election time. Oddly enough, a huge name doctor in infectious disease was having a private party in the back. He was doing a silent auction to raise money for The Haiti Mission. He was flabbergasted as his high end guests were shuffled out like cattle.
Not that the NYPD isn't homophobic (and certainly lacking in brains following through on this on the one day when every single gay bar in the city is overcrowded and noisy,) but from my vast experience, this sounds like a common noise complaint response-- the four cars and the van with Sarge is an indication... What most likely happened is this: several weeks ago, someone in the neighborhood phoned in one or more noise complaints to 311. The person on the phone took the particulars, including the address and put the complaint on a list. If the complainant does not know the exact address, they ask for an estimated address. By the time the NYPD gets around to acting on it, it might be weeks or months (!) later, they come with a Sgt. and sometimes someone with a noise meter to take readings. Usually though, it is the higher officer who decides if there is a violation of the noise code by using his very own porcine ears. By then, they are there to act and usually give a summons and demand a certain amount of immediate compliance.
Once I worked at a club where that happened and ultimately it turned out that the complaint was really about another illegal club down the block and not our premises at all. It didn't matter one bit though. Unjust, huh?
Once I worked at a club where that happened and ultimately it turned out that the complaint was really about another illegal club down the block and not our premises at all. It didn't matter one bit though. Unjust, huh?
used to not like sharpton, then he helped the young kids that worked on my floor for ticket master get better working conditions and it changed my mind. he is a great force when he gets behind something. it gets noticed for sure.
are we drama free yet?
used to not like sharpton, then he helped the young kids that worked on my floor for ticket master get better working conditions and it changed my mind. he is a great force when he gets behind something. it gets noticed for sure.
are we drama free yet?
I agree.
I've had to change my mind about him as well.
When I first heard of him, during that stupid Tawanna Brawley thing I thought he was a complete buffoon who would do anything to get publicity.
He just looked like such a joke with that "fried-dyed-and-laid-to-the-side" hair-do.
Over the years he has been a fearless fighter for truth, justice and the American way.
He has taken on hideous creatures like Ann Coulter and won.
Now I think he's a great American hero who fights evil monsters like Bill O'Reilly.
I've had to change my mind about him as well.
When I first heard of him, during that stupid Tawanna Brawley thing I thought he was a complete buffoon who would do anything to get publicity.
He just looked like such a joke with that "fried-dyed-and-laid-to-the-side" hair-do.
Over the years he has been a fearless fighter for truth, justice and the American way.
He has taken on hideous creatures like Ann Coulter and won.
Now I think he's a great American hero who fights evil monsters like Bill O'Reilly.
His hairdo was a definite laugh, especially in the beginning. When Sharpton was unknown James Brown took him to a White House party and insisted Sharpton get his hair done just like Brown's -this is the story Sharpton tells. So he stuck with the do for a long time afterwards. The Brawley fiasco was a pathetic mis-judgement on Sharpton's part. And he has been behind loads of really bad 'causes' in the past which makes me think the switch came about from getting some kind of image advisor or PR firm to help him. He was great in the presidential primary debates some years ago. He has learned a huge amount just from being in the public eye. If he didn't learn I'm sure he would be in jail by now just for being nasty. For a long time when he was just a local 'social figure' he survived in a way only someone of his ilk could in NYC because in no other city in the US would he have been afforded any credibility at all. Don't forget he started out running a 'boys club' that was well known to be a money laundering scam for, supposedly, the mob!
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