I am so impressed with The Herrera Brothers, the graphics, video, Bromance,
homochic.comall of what they do.
Very clever and always well done.
When Sammy Jo aka Pickles first told me about them...
"Daddy, it's so
you" he said.
I was mildly interested but when he told me about the "Poppers Dance-Off Competition" I was hooked!
They would line up contestants and one by one make them sniff a big hit of poppers, put on some stupid song and watch them go crazy on stage.
that's what I call entertainment.
I'm sorry but I just have to say it.
San Francisco (and a lot of other cities) has it going on.
In New York thousands of queens line up like boring nelly lemmings to go into a big room with the sole intent of standing around, showing off their new fauxhawk haircuts and acting bored, complaining that New York isn't what it used to be.
With the glorious exceptions of the burlesque scene as in
!BadAss Burlesque! and
Mr. Black,
Daniel Nardicio's
D-List Parties,
Tingel Tangel in Brooklyn and a few other notable exceptions
(check out the
"Edge Of Night" forum)
New York is just "too many fauxhawks, and too little time".
Don't get me wrong.
I love New York and the weather in San Francisco would have me slitting my wrists in a month.
I don't want to move there but I really want to give props to the "lesser" cities like San Francisco, Portland Ore., Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans...
These cities have it going on!