Whether you prefer to be called a Transsexual, Transvestite, Drag Queen, Cross Dresser or one of the other numerous labels we may choose from. As a group of avererage thinking to more intellectual minds who sign on and read and post in this cyber community, I would really like to know if you feel we could FOSTER GENUINE SUPPORT for ANY PERSON has had been made to feel different or ashamed or scared about who they are in terms of gender. I am not an activist for TG rights and make no claims to be. I do know however, my best girlfriends encompass realms of genetic, pre-op, post-op, no -op, hetero- cross dressing, gay/fem experiences of "womanhood". I am constantly told however that we as a whole community DO NOT MIX. Are we as a band of sisters evolving away from this ignorant and alienating view of ourselves? I really don't know. I only know what my insulated core group of friends are, and I think a positive union is just around the corner. I would love to hear other gyrls points of view from all different aspects of"womanhood". THIS IS A DISCUSSION HOWEVER, NOT A TRIAL, NOR A WHIPPING POST.
[This message was edited by daddy on 06-05-02 at 03:48 PM.]
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