More photos of Dean...
Thanks for posting those, Alice. Beautiful photos!
pines queen: "you stay in cherry grove? that's for lesbians and wannabe's"
Dean: "But... what do they wannabe?"
Another by John G.
Dean: "But... what do they wannabe?"
Another by John G.
Dean could be such a queen!
quote:Originally posted by T-bone wabbit:
pines queen: "you stay in cherry grove? that's for lesbians and wannabe's"
Dean: "But... what do they wannabe?"
Another by John G.
Rocko you truly rock. I think I got it all now.
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea yea yea!
One day back in Thirty B.C.
A moment seized Mark Anthony
He led his legions down the Nile
To give Cleopatra a smile-
Cleo said: drop dead!
I would rather kiss that snake instead
She said: Go tell Mark I'm not in the mood
Cleopatra had an attitude.
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea yea yea!
She had Ceasar poppin', Nile stoppin' attitude.
Back in the eighteenth century
The peasants of France were tres hungry
They went to Versailles to see what they could get
From a big queen named Marie Antoinette-
Louie's Lady, she didn't care
She was wearing a seven-course dinner in her hair
When the peasants cried, "We want food!"
Marie said, "Let them eat attitude!"
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, oui oui oui!
She had charm, position and a bitchin' attitude
Back in nineteen-thirty-three
In the Weimar Republic of Germany
Times were tough and people needed cash
Along came an ex-con with a funny moustache
He was easy enough to ignore
But then he was elected chancellor-
Then a hundred million people died in World War Two!
Adolf Hitler had attitude.
A dishy, dishy, dishy dishy, Ja! Ja! Ja!
He had dirty Nazi holocaust-y attitude- Ouch!
Back nineteen-eighty I couldn't see
Much of a future for the Moral Majority
I giggled when the GOP went so far
As to nominate a movie star.
So when Reagan ran for president, I didn't care
Now the White House has matching silverware-
and the peasants still cry out for food
Because Ronald Reagan has attitude.
So don't be friendly, polite or fair
Keep your nose up in the air
Be nasty, rotten, vicious and rude-
Dish that attitude!
Dish that attitude!
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea, yea, yea!
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea yea yea!
One day back in Thirty B.C.
A moment seized Mark Anthony
He led his legions down the Nile
To give Cleopatra a smile-
Cleo said: drop dead!
I would rather kiss that snake instead
She said: Go tell Mark I'm not in the mood
Cleopatra had an attitude.
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea yea yea!
She had Ceasar poppin', Nile stoppin' attitude.
Back in the eighteenth century
The peasants of France were tres hungry
They went to Versailles to see what they could get
From a big queen named Marie Antoinette-
Louie's Lady, she didn't care
She was wearing a seven-course dinner in her hair
When the peasants cried, "We want food!"
Marie said, "Let them eat attitude!"
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, oui oui oui!
She had charm, position and a bitchin' attitude
Back in nineteen-thirty-three
In the Weimar Republic of Germany
Times were tough and people needed cash
Along came an ex-con with a funny moustache
He was easy enough to ignore
But then he was elected chancellor-
Then a hundred million people died in World War Two!
Adolf Hitler had attitude.
A dishy, dishy, dishy dishy, Ja! Ja! Ja!
He had dirty Nazi holocaust-y attitude- Ouch!
Back nineteen-eighty I couldn't see
Much of a future for the Moral Majority
I giggled when the GOP went so far
As to nominate a movie star.
So when Reagan ran for president, I didn't care
Now the White House has matching silverware-
and the peasants still cry out for food
Because Ronald Reagan has attitude.
So don't be friendly, polite or fair
Keep your nose up in the air
Be nasty, rotten, vicious and rude-
Dish that attitude!
Dish that attitude!
A dishy, dishy, dishy, dishy, yea, yea, yea!
Viva and Johnny at the memorial
This killed me... if you want to hear that cackle again... Thank you Lisa Jackson and ccfilm.
OMG Chi! This brought a tear where my tears had dried!
The first time I saw Dean was in a movie, MONDO NEW YORK that was played at an independent movie theater in Tokyo, 1988. Before Dean/Velvet Mafia, I have never seen anyone who said/sang "Fuck You" to such slow Jazzy music and that was just so cool. Since then, you have been quite an ispiration to me, Dean.
ive avoided reading these until now because i dont want to cry but, its really nice to hear how much everyone loved him and im fuckin thrilled with the language and headlines. he would have loved it so much.
He would have REALLY loved all the people having sex on his pictures at the Oktoberfist Party the other night. The whole Dean Johnson tribute wall was destroyed by the drunken fag orgy.
It was a beautiful sight.
It was a beautiful sight.
Not to worry, we put most of it back up, spooge stains & all 

So that's what I slipped and fell on.
I think its evident at this point in the 'topic' there needs to be a Dean monument. Something in galvanized rubber that can be hosed down.
I was gonna do myself off on Linda's clip above but caught myself thinking its not so easy to towel off a monitor.
I think its evident at this point in the 'topic' there needs to be a Dean monument. Something in galvanized rubber that can be hosed down.
I was gonna do myself off on Linda's clip above but caught myself thinking its not so easy to towel off a monitor.
There is an interesting article in the Southern Voice today:
shit, my eyes are all teary now.
shit, my eyes are all teary now.
Keep your eyes peeled for the Style Section of Sunday's Times, which will have a huge article on Dean.
The writer, Kara Buckley, is one of the paper's crime reporters (the story originally was originally fielded to the Crime Dept. and when they decided it shouldn't be run under "Crime" they moved it, and her, to the Style Section). She seems very bright, so it thankfully may not be the usual Style Section pap. We hope.
The writer, Kara Buckley, is one of the paper's crime reporters (the story originally was originally fielded to the Crime Dept. and when they decided it shouldn't be run under "Crime" they moved it, and her, to the Style Section). She seems very bright, so it thankfully may not be the usual Style Section pap. We hope.
Cara was at the R4F Tribute/Celebration on 10/3 and I get the sense that she has really embraced Dean as a subject. She has submitted 2,000 words- including an account of the full moon Wiccan prayer circle ceremonies on the beach led by Miss Viva. I truly hope that this account gets through the final edit- this aspect of Dean's spirituality has not come out in the reporting to date.
Dean was wearing one thing when he was found- his pentagram. Fabulously accessorized to the last- work!
Dean was wearing one thing when he was found- his pentagram. Fabulously accessorized to the last- work!
Yeah, she seems to really want to get it right.
I hadn't seen Stephan Saban's tribute to Dean on World of Wonder, with links to letters & music file:
We all knew this, but it became progressively a bigger part of his life , and this last year he was officially "wiccan". It started out years ago, we used to have these very punk rock, organic , unstructured improvised pagan rituals on the beach, all the time. I remember one time in p-town, he was getting oh so much playtime in those dunes, and i'd read, tan, and swim with the guys (tony dale martin ricky) while he took sex breaks- our intention that day for ritual was about money, prosperity. We all imagined the perfect money/career situation for each other over our seashell mandala circle. After we danced around the circle naked , singing Rhiannon (dean's idea) to seal the deal, Dean went out into the dunes, and about half an hour later came running back, so excited , telling all of us that we really did have magic powers. He had ended up meeting a music lawyer in the sex dunes , that agreed to rep him! Dean was hooked! We were giddy! It was proof. I believed it too, and kept watch for a chunk of money or good fortune to fall on me. I cant remember , it was years ago, but I'm sure it came. Thanks Dean!
The last time we had ritual was last summer on Fire Island. Dean had really gotten into the official Wicca , and bought a pretty wand with him, and I think a chalice? I cant remember exactly , but this time he led the ritual, and he was proud to show us the official witch stuff he had been studying. He told me that he had finally found a sprituality that worked for him, that made sense to him. I knew he was a witch all along, he didnt have to tell me that. Dean was transcendant throught the flesh. He celebrated everyone's sexuality, their life and creative force, I loved that about him. And when he wasnt fucking and sucking, he was surrounded by women so often, his band, his pals, his fam, even his spirituality was goddess based. Dean was a real feminist, and a uniter.
This last ritual we had was so startling emotional and important. We were naked, and looking up at the moon together, holding hands, imagining the moon as mirror bouncing the light from our hearts to the whole world. All of a sudden - a shooting star! A krazzzzy shooting star! Just for us! I think we all screamed, it was shocking , like someone out there talked back to us. We all made a wish.
When Alice told me that the only thing he had on him at the end was his pentagram, it made sense to me and made me happy. Oh Dean! If there was ever anyone that could communicate from beyond it would be you. So every weird thing that happens w music or whatever, I'm taking as a sign ,and I have felt comforted by these signs, I guess because I choose to be.
I still think yr behind alll those headlines. Har! I love you!
We all knew this, but it became progressively a bigger part of his life , and this last year he was officially "wiccan". It started out years ago, we used to have these very punk rock, organic , unstructured improvised pagan rituals on the beach, all the time. I remember one time in p-town, he was getting oh so much playtime in those dunes, and i'd read, tan, and swim with the guys (tony dale martin ricky) while he took sex breaks- our intention that day for ritual was about money, prosperity. We all imagined the perfect money/career situation for each other over our seashell mandala circle. After we danced around the circle naked , singing Rhiannon (dean's idea) to seal the deal, Dean went out into the dunes, and about half an hour later came running back, so excited , telling all of us that we really did have magic powers. He had ended up meeting a music lawyer in the sex dunes , that agreed to rep him! Dean was hooked! We were giddy! It was proof. I believed it too, and kept watch for a chunk of money or good fortune to fall on me. I cant remember , it was years ago, but I'm sure it came. Thanks Dean!
The last time we had ritual was last summer on Fire Island. Dean had really gotten into the official Wicca , and bought a pretty wand with him, and I think a chalice? I cant remember exactly , but this time he led the ritual, and he was proud to show us the official witch stuff he had been studying. He told me that he had finally found a sprituality that worked for him, that made sense to him. I knew he was a witch all along, he didnt have to tell me that. Dean was transcendant throught the flesh. He celebrated everyone's sexuality, their life and creative force, I loved that about him. And when he wasnt fucking and sucking, he was surrounded by women so often, his band, his pals, his fam, even his spirituality was goddess based. Dean was a real feminist, and a uniter.
This last ritual we had was so startling emotional and important. We were naked, and looking up at the moon together, holding hands, imagining the moon as mirror bouncing the light from our hearts to the whole world. All of a sudden - a shooting star! A krazzzzy shooting star! Just for us! I think we all screamed, it was shocking , like someone out there talked back to us. We all made a wish.
When Alice told me that the only thing he had on him at the end was his pentagram, it made sense to me and made me happy. Oh Dean! If there was ever anyone that could communicate from beyond it would be you. So every weird thing that happens w music or whatever, I'm taking as a sign ,and I have felt comforted by these signs, I guess because I choose to be.
I still think yr behind alll those headlines. Har! I love you!
Paul Duggan in the Washington Post did an excellent job of laying out the circumstances around Jordan and Dean's deaths, and providing context to the story. More so than many others, he gets the overall gist right.
Wow, that is definitely the best article yet.
It puts it all together.
It puts it all together.
Well, here is another good one in the New York Times. It's by Cara Buckley. She was at Dean's memorial and you can tell she took the time to really get it right.
Disquieting Death Stills the Nightlife
Disquieting Death Stills the Nightlife
Nope, I didn't know him personally. I was audience. Back in the day when Whispers at the Pyramid was something I thought would never disappear; it was a new home. Nope, no talent here, never got on stage or did a damn thing. But then Dean started Rock and Roll Fag bar, and us "audience" types - generic shy gay punk types - had a place to listen to the music we liked. Never knew when the next one would be held, or where. But Dean somehow managed to put together a night for those of us who tended to just show up one at a time, sort of looking around at each other with a scowl that might be cruising, or not. So thank you Dean. I made friends. Not those on stage, but with fellow audience. Yes, I worshipped at the altar of Dean, Ethyl, Bunny, and even got to know some of you a bit - Hapi Phace, Tabboo, Linda Simpson. And then the one who became family - Chrysis. Too many memories. The first night I ever saw Lily of the Valley - on stage at the Pyramid doing an Adams Family thing, as Wednesday ("and things fell out that should stay in...") Genius. Burned in my brain. Years later got the nerve up to even say hi to Lily and tell him how much I love "Hush". At RnR Fag Bar, seeing David Ilku ("Lovechild" back then) in his underwear, wearing a Sixteen Magazine tee shirt and combat boots, slam dancing to Petula Clark - I was in love. I know, this post is going nowhere, but just as a voice of "guy in the audience" - no, we probably never got a chance to tell you - but those of you still here - Hapi, Tabboo, Linda, Lily, Mistress Formika, Guy, JoJo, Connie, Daniel Cartier, and in memory - Chrysis, John Sex, Wendy Wild, Ethyl, Page - thank you. You were why we audience folk lived in NYC. And we had a blast. Dean, you pulled it all together. Schmidt, you carried the torch, and still do. Okay, to be honest - I wasn't cool enough to ever get into Mother. But that's fine; Crowbar and Cock worked for me - and they would never have been possible without the kind of inspiration Dean radiated. Just want to say thank you to those of you still here - your genius made the days bearable.
A beautiful post, Chris. Thank you.
What a great post!
Come and post more often.
That I find hard to believe.
You went on a Saturday (Click & Drag) and were not dressed for the strict fetish dress code.
(They never let me in either and I OWNED the place!)
Or if you went on a Friday (The Clit Club) and didn't have a pussy. That was a girls night.
Other than that, you just had to have a brain (which you obviously have) and possibly $5 to pay for the shows.
Come and post more often.
quote:I wasn't cool enough to ever get into Mother.
That I find hard to believe.
You went on a Saturday (Click & Drag) and were not dressed for the strict fetish dress code.
(They never let me in either and I OWNED the place!)
Or if you went on a Friday (The Clit Club) and didn't have a pussy. That was a girls night.
Other than that, you just had to have a brain (which you obviously have) and possibly $5 to pay for the shows.
Wow. I just found out about Dean. Shocked.
He hired me for erotic bodywork, and it was so intense, I made him cry. He told me no one had ever gotten so much pain out of him before.
We had sex afterward, then once more at his place, and that was the last I ever saw of him.
Singular is the best word I can use to describe him.
He hired me for erotic bodywork, and it was so intense, I made him cry. He told me no one had ever gotten so much pain out of him before.
We had sex afterward, then once more at his place, and that was the last I ever saw of him.
Singular is the best word I can use to describe him.
Chris C, / Beautiful writing and memories in your post. Thank you and welcome to the MotherBoards.
quote:But Dean somehow managed to put together a night for those of us who tended to just show up one at a time, sort of looking around at each other with a scowl that might be cruising, or not. So thank you Dean. I made friends. Not those on stage, but with fellow audience. Yes, I worshipped at the altar of Dean, Ethyl, Bunny, and even got to know some of you a bit - Hapi Phace, Tabboo, Linda Simpson. And then the one who became family - Chrysis. Too many memories. .... [But] just as a voice of "guy in the audience" - no, we probably never got a chance to tell you - but those of you still here - Hapi, Tabboo, Linda, Lily, Mistress Formika, Guy, JoJo, Connie, Daniel Cartier, and in memory - Chrysis, John Sex, Wendy Wild, Ethyl, Page - thank you. You were why we audience folk lived in NYC. And we had a blast. Dean, you pulled it all together....
Thanks, Chris C for that nice post that brought back so many memories for me. Gosh, I loved Chrysis. Who could ever forget her? "Let There Be Peace, and Let It Begin with Me." I'll never forget being backstage at Pyramid during Whispers one night and meeting the DelRubio Triplets to get my album autographed. There was Chrysis in all her lame' glory, in full-blown costume change, telling the DelRubio's: "Hey, triplets, meet the twins!" Great lady, a legend. I'll never forget "Night of a 1000 Dianas." I forgot who won but it went on forever, and every performance was dead on, capturing something (not quite sure what at times!) of Miss Ross' shall we say demanding persona! I even got into the "act" occasionally as my low-rent homage to Dusty Springfield--Dusty Stringcheese--I'll always remember how excited I was to mount that fabled stage with my backup "girl" Bobbi Jo!
Thanks, everyone. Reading these posts have brought back many happy memories for me, some of which I had nearly forgotten.
Nice piece on Dean in the Style section of the Times today. Allow me the honor of linking it here:
Sorry, couldn't get it to post but I'm sure someone else is already on the case.
Dean was layed to rest yesterday with our mother, in Maine. It was a day of tears,laughter and reliving Dean's many great adventures. I showed the Lisa Jackson interview which moved everyone, but also filled the house with Dean's laughter one more time.
Alright...I've been lurking and reading all the amazing and touching posts since I put up the montage of Dean photos (on the second page of this thread).
Thank you to all of you for your memories and photos, and especially to Lisa for her video of Dean laughing. It was always the laugh with Dean...the laugh and the lyrics. Thank you to Chi and Johnny for making this pace available to us. Johnny you were right in saying how incredible it is to see everyone from the old crew show up...and meet so many of the new crew who knew and grew to love Dean as well.
I've also been circulating the Youtube links to friends - we're so fortunate that we can remember a friend in this way - with visual aids!
Now here's the crazy part. I just had a birthday and got a reading with a medium as a gift. She was pretty amazing and I didn't tell her anything about myself. My boyfriend Pablo said I should ask her to contact Dean to inquire about his death, but I didn't say anything to her when about half way through the reading she said the following (as literal as I can remember):
"Was one of your friends from New York a really huge drag queen? I mean he's giant and very campy...very funny."
I told her yes - and that he had recently passed. She went on:
"He's very outrageous...he's posing for me like he was Marilyn Monroe or something but he's huge...was he very tall? (yes!) Well he said he's waited long enough to speak with you, but he didn't want to interrupt the other spirits who wanted to speak to you first...he's saying something like 'I'm not messing with that lady...let her go first!' Then he's telling me that there's some thought that he might have committed suicide or that there was some foul play? (yes!) Well he tells me it was totally an accident. He says he didn't realize how strong it he talking about drugs? (indeed!) was an accident.
He did say that life wasn't as easy as he would have liked it to be, but that he had no intention of ending it or letting someone else end it for that he's on the other side he's kind of like 'whooops! that was a big mistake!' He knows that he is missed and wishes he could be here to soak up all the attention in person. He's kind of enjoying it from there some kind of publicity or something around his death? (well...she hasn't missed yet...YES!)
Well he's enjoying it tremendously and he says he's feeling all the love from his friends and that he isn't done yet...he wants everyone to keep on talking about him...he wants someone to make a major motion picture about his life - every gory detail.
He says he appreciates your concern for him and that he's watching you from the other side, he says your life is very...(directly to Dean) Oh no...I won't say that!...OK...OK - (back to me) he was about to say your life was 'interesting' but then he interrupted himself and kind of yelled out "BORRRRRING!" He says you don't go out to clubs boring! But he's laughing about it. He's very amused by himself isn't he? (well...yes!)
Yes...he's a wonderful character...someone really should make his life story...he says he won't stop nudging people from the other side until it happens!"
Soooo....Dean speaks.
Don't know if any of you believe in this kind of thing...but I was completely taken aback by how on target she was in describing Dean, his manner, his humor, and his irreverence.
This happened on Tuesday.
Still reeling.
Still so hard to believe he's 'on the other side' now.
Still thinking of him every day.
Being nudged.
Biopic anyone?
David S.
Thank you to all of you for your memories and photos, and especially to Lisa for her video of Dean laughing. It was always the laugh with Dean...the laugh and the lyrics. Thank you to Chi and Johnny for making this pace available to us. Johnny you were right in saying how incredible it is to see everyone from the old crew show up...and meet so many of the new crew who knew and grew to love Dean as well.
I've also been circulating the Youtube links to friends - we're so fortunate that we can remember a friend in this way - with visual aids!
Now here's the crazy part. I just had a birthday and got a reading with a medium as a gift. She was pretty amazing and I didn't tell her anything about myself. My boyfriend Pablo said I should ask her to contact Dean to inquire about his death, but I didn't say anything to her when about half way through the reading she said the following (as literal as I can remember):
"Was one of your friends from New York a really huge drag queen? I mean he's giant and very campy...very funny."
I told her yes - and that he had recently passed. She went on:
"He's very outrageous...he's posing for me like he was Marilyn Monroe or something but he's huge...was he very tall? (yes!) Well he said he's waited long enough to speak with you, but he didn't want to interrupt the other spirits who wanted to speak to you first...he's saying something like 'I'm not messing with that lady...let her go first!' Then he's telling me that there's some thought that he might have committed suicide or that there was some foul play? (yes!) Well he tells me it was totally an accident. He says he didn't realize how strong it he talking about drugs? (indeed!) was an accident.
He did say that life wasn't as easy as he would have liked it to be, but that he had no intention of ending it or letting someone else end it for that he's on the other side he's kind of like 'whooops! that was a big mistake!' He knows that he is missed and wishes he could be here to soak up all the attention in person. He's kind of enjoying it from there some kind of publicity or something around his death? (well...she hasn't missed yet...YES!)
Well he's enjoying it tremendously and he says he's feeling all the love from his friends and that he isn't done yet...he wants everyone to keep on talking about him...he wants someone to make a major motion picture about his life - every gory detail.
He says he appreciates your concern for him and that he's watching you from the other side, he says your life is very...(directly to Dean) Oh no...I won't say that!...OK...OK - (back to me) he was about to say your life was 'interesting' but then he interrupted himself and kind of yelled out "BORRRRRING!" He says you don't go out to clubs boring! But he's laughing about it. He's very amused by himself isn't he? (well...yes!)
Yes...he's a wonderful character...someone really should make his life story...he says he won't stop nudging people from the other side until it happens!"
Soooo....Dean speaks.
Don't know if any of you believe in this kind of thing...but I was completely taken aback by how on target she was in describing Dean, his manner, his humor, and his irreverence.
This happened on Tuesday.
Still reeling.
Still so hard to believe he's 'on the other side' now.
Still thinking of him every day.
Being nudged.
Biopic anyone?
David S.

Of course Dean is alive in the ethers. He will always be with us, we need only think on him to draw him near. That is a great reading you got. How fortunate that you came upon that medium. It is great to know that he is fine and happy and enjoying all the attention. And a biopic about Dean would be great. But who would they get to play him?
The only one I can think of is Yul Brynner but that's not gonna happen.
tilda swinton, of course!
I am so loving all these posts... love the psychic reading!!
How wonderful a celebration of his life all of these posts!
Thanks to Johnny and Chi Chi for starting these here motherboards... don't know what this community would/could do without it!
How wonderful a celebration of his life all of these posts!
Thanks to Johnny and Chi Chi for starting these here motherboards... don't know what this community would/could do without it!
Dear Beth, Thank you for keeping everyone informed. My heart goes out to you and your father. Dean was an original and the stars shine less bright with his passing.
Ann Magnuson's Tribute to Dean:
Thank you so much david for that account of yr psychic reading- i had just today said to a friend that dean has really made me believe in spirits being around and communicating, and then i read that- thank you! and thank you beth, for letting us in. i heard about the dvd's, cmon dean! i hope you are staying well.
quote:Originally posted by Anna Nicole:
I am so loving all these posts... love the psychic reading!!
How wonderful a celebration of his life all of these posts!
Thanks to Johnny and Chi Chi for starting these here motherboards... don't know what this community would/could do without it!
I agree with Anna Nicole. I didn't know about Dean and others when I went to the clubs. I just knew them from their shows. But because of this forum, I got to know the people that I saw in the clubs but never talked to them. I am glad to read the posts on this forum, there is so much love and caring that pours from the hearts.
One of the many circle's of shell's we made and....
sing rhiannon while looking at it and I SWEAR you will be made rich, loved, and/or horny. and maybe, like me, you'll cry too....
sing rhiannon while looking at it and I SWEAR you will be made rich, loved, and/or horny. and maybe, like me, you'll cry too....
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